An Archive of Pasture Plots from Ur-IIIĜirsu

2021, CDLJ 2021/2

§0. Introduction §0.1 The present contribution 1 seeks to analyze different tablets from Ur-IIIĜirsu belonging to a single archive, many of which share the characteristic of having a lenticular shape. 2 These texts record accounts (nig 2-ka 9 aka) concerning the number of sheep, which have grazed in a given field within a given year, and mention the individuals who were responsible for, or somehow connected to them. All the tablets are already been published, yet their information has been dispersed in the tangled network of information from the thousands of Ur-III documents; by treating them as a unit, we can appreciate the consistent insight they offer us (in their own way). §1.0. The tablets (cited according to primary publication) §1.0.1. Lenticular tablets