Pietro I di Russia e la tentazione del Protestantesimo

2018, Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale

SOMMARIO: 1. L’infanzia di Pietro - 2. Il rione degli stranieri - 3. La Grande Ambasciata - 4. L’inizio delle riforme - 5. Pietro e il monachesimo - 6. Il manifesto sulla tolleranza religiosa - 7. Pietro e la religione - 8. La subordinazione della Chiesa - 9. Feofan Prokopovyc e il suo ruolo determinante - 10. L’abolizione del Patriarcato - 11. Il Santo Sinodo governante e la paralisi della Chiesa. The Protestant Influence on the Church Reform of Peter the Great ABSTRACT: Peter the Great first comes into contact with the outside world through long familiarity with the German Quarter, a fluctuating Muscovite community of foreigners with its Lutheran and Calvinist churches, and with subsequent and extensive travel in the Protestant Lands (1697-1698), where he has ample time to appraise the role of sovereign as head of the church. The relationship of the tsar to his church is paradoxical; on the one hand, it emanates laws contrary to the principles sanctioned by the Church's Counci...