Principles of Systematic Lexicography



U p till qui te recent ly there has been a gap be tween lex icography and linguistic theory. Moreover , in some quarters lexicography was looked down upon as a purely practical enterprise unwor thy of scholarly interest . I am convinced, however , tha t sound lexicography can only be based on sound linguistic theory and that recent theoretical deve lopments are of pa ramoun t importance for practical dictionary making. There are five principles inherent in modern l inguist ic theory that are of immediate relevance to systematic lexicography and may help to bridge the gap between the two: 1) The reconstruction of the "na ive" (language) picture of the world, or the pattern of conceptual izat ions underlying lexical and grammatical meanings of the given language. 2) The unification of grammatical and lexicological studies within what may be called an integrated linguistic description, or a fully coordinated description of dictionary and grammar . Such a description requires ...