Art History and Archaeology



L01 Art-Arch 106 First-Year Seminar: Van Gogh and the Avant-Garde This first-year seminar focuses on the art and career of Vincent Van Gogh and his relationship to artists of the 1880s in France. We explore his art in connection with the movements of Immpressionism, Japonism and Symbolism. We examine the avant-garde world of Paris as well as Van Gogh's relationship to such figures as Gauguin, Bernard, and Toulouse-Lautrec. The larger current of fin-de-siecle nostalgia for the countryside informs our study of Van Gogh's work in the south of France. Van Gogh's life and the critical reception of his art offer an excellent opportunity to study how the legends of modern art are formed. Visits to the Saint Louis Art Museum will complement our study. Readings include the artist's letters, critical studies, and biographies of Van Gogh and key figures in his circle. There are no prerequisites for this course, but completion of L01 113 or co-enrollment in L01 215 is recommende...