Twisted equivariant

2014, Algebraic & Geometric Topology

We use a spectral sequence to compute twisted equivariant K-Theory groups for the classifying space of proper actions of discrete groups. We study a form of Poincaré Duality for twisted equivariant K-theory studied by Echterhoff, Emerson and Kim in the context of the Baum-Connes Conjecture with coefficients and verify it for the Group Sl 3 Z. In this work, we examine computational aspects relevant to the computation of twisted equivariant K-theory and K-homology groups for proper actions of discrete groups. Twisted K-theory was introduced by Donovan and Karoubi [DK70] assigning to a torsion element α ∈ H 3 (X, Z) abelian groups α K * (X) defined on a space by using finite dimensional matrix bundles. After the growing interest by physicists in the 1990s and 2000s, Atiyah and Segal [AS04] introduced a notion of twisted equivariant K-theory for actions of compact Lie Groups. In another direction, orbifold versions of twisted K-theory were introduced by Adem and Ruan [AR03], and progress was made to develop computational tools for Twisted Equivariant K-Theory with the construction of a spectral sequence in [BEUV13]. The paper [BEJU12] introduces Twisted equivariant K-theory for proper actions, allowing a more general class of twists, classified by the third integral Borel cohomology group H 3 (X × G EG, Z). We concentrate in the case of twistings given by discrete torsion, which is given by cocycles α ∈ Z 2 (G, S 1) representing classes in the image of the projection map H 2 (G, S 1) ∼ = → H 3 (BG, Z) → H 3 (X× G EG, Z). Under this assumption on the twist, a version of Bredon cohomology with coefficients in twisted representations can be used to approximate twisted equivariant K-Theory, by means of a spectral sequence studied in [BEUV13] and [Dwy08]. The Bredon (co)-homology groups relevant to the computation of twisted equivariant K-theory, and its homological version, twisted equivariant K-homology satisfy a Universal Coefficient Theorem, 1.13. We state it more generally for a pair of coefficient systems satisfying conditions 1.12. Theorem (Universal Coefficient Theorem). Let X be a proper, finite G-CW complex. Let M ? and M ? be a pair of functors satisfying Conditions 1.12. Then, there exists a short exact sequence of abelian groups 0 → Ext Z (H G n−1 (X, M ?), Z) → H n G (X, M ?) → Hom Z (H G n (X, M ?), Z) → 0