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In this article, the author explores what the ET’s are and why we do not already have a mass contact scenario. It is the author’s view that there may exist many ET civilizations, which are manifest in 'Cities of monopolar light energy' and where this 'light energy' represents a dedensified energy structure of 'Light in Stasis', meaning that the Invariance of the Electromagnetic Radiation or EMR, say as manifested in the Gaian Resistance Field as the Light from the Stars is circularized in a higher dimensional densification of the Bosonic Self state Quantum and as a Pairing of the Fermionic Self state of the say atomic structure common in the terrestrial physics. All 'Human Recallers' would be required to claim their cosmic inheritances as Sons and Daughters of their Father Creator and their Mother Gaia. In doing so, their old humanity would graduate to a Starhuman Remembrance and all such acolytes would become enabled to process their own Shadows in t...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
A new solution to the Fermi Paradox is presented: probes or visits from putative alien civilizations have very low probability until a civilization reaches a certain age (called the Contact Era) after the onset of radio communications. If biotic planets are common, putative advanced civilizations may preferentially send probes to planets with technosignatures, such as radio broadcastings. The contact probability is defined as the chance to find a nearby civilization located close enough, so that it could have detected the earliest radio emissions (the "radiosphere") and sent a probe that would reach the Solar System at present. It is found that the current contact probability for Earth is very low, unless civilizations are extremely abundant. Since the radiosphere expands with time, so does the contact probability. The "Contact Era" is defined as the time (since the onset of radio transmissions) at which the contact probability becomes of order unity. At that time alien probes (or messages) become more likely. Unless civilizations are highly abundant, the Contact Era is shown to be of the order of a few hundred to a few thousand years and may be applied not only to physical probes but also to transmissions (i.e. SETI). Consequently, it is shown that civilizations are unlikely to be able to inter-communicate, unless their communicative lifetime is at least a few thousand years.
In this set you will find four lengthy articles from the 793-page book Flying Saucer Fantasia Issue#3 , which was first published in February of 2005. The four articles are : 1) A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races - A Typology of the most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with humanity. By author Michael E. Salla , Ph.D ; printed pages 29 - 78 2) A Theory of Densities , PART II , by Hermes Wren ; pp.79-106 3) The Many ETs , Part III ; by Aeolus Varuna ; 107-375 4) The Wanderes , by Telph Eduin ; pp. 376-426
In this article we reflect on the motives underlying the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life (SETI) with a view to show that far from turning away from Humanity it is profoundly rooted in human aspirations. We suggest that those motives derive their driving force from the fact that they combine two powerful aspirations of Humanity. On the one hand, there is the transcendental motive that drives history of science, the human enterprise that claims to escape any communitarian closure of horizon and brings our humanity to transcend itself toward the other, which was formerly referred to under the title Universal Reason. On the other hand, there is the anthropological motive by virtue of which the human being tends to project on the other and even in inanimate nature a double of himself. The mixture of both motives is deemed responsible for a remarkable bias in the current understanding of the SETI program. Despite the fact that such a program might well be aimed at any biological formation which could be arbitrarily different from all known forms, it is focused instead on a very special kind of being: beings that possess both the natural property of the type of mentality we identify with: intelligence, and the ideal one of being possible co-subjects for a Science of Nature. 1. Mixed motives for a scientific program One may have legitimate grounds for puzzlement about SETI. SETI is the acronym of a research program to detect optical or radio signals as a communication with intelligent beings inhabiting the planets of stars other than our Sun. That research has been unsuccessful to date despite the progress already made in two areas. On one hand, progress has been made in the astronomical identification of exoplanets located in the habitable zone of their stars. The observatory satellite Kepler dedicated to the hunt for exoplanets has allowed identification of over a thousand candidates for the status of telluric exoplanets awaiting confirmation from telescopic observation on Earth. On the other hand, progress has been made in the detection of trace physicochemical components of life in space (biosignatures). The analysis of the light spectrum of exoplanets orbiting their star (so far only uninhabitable planets more like a hot gaseous Jupiter than like Earth) has made possible the determination of the chemical composition of the atmosphere of a few of those exoplanets, revealing the
When SETI Succeeds: The Impact of High-Information Contact, 2000
The purpose of this essay is twofold: The first purpose is the introduction of restrictions to some of the original hypotheses about the technological characteristics and intentions of the extraterrestrial civilizations. The second is the construction of different communication scenarios, based on the inclusion of ethical and artistic universal principles. To do that, we will analyze the proposed characteristics of the extraterrestrial supercivilizations that would have the hypothetical capability to send interstellar messages with high-information content. We will present a series of arguments to reject the concept of advanced civilizations transmitting omnidirectional signals in a full-time mode. In this way, we will place a limit on the detectability of these high information messages. Then we will comment on the life expectancy of our contemporary terrestrial civilization, with special emphasis on the consequences generated during the last 50 years of the nuclear era. The present state of the planet Earth and the long violent human history create an urgent need for a deep and strong ethical, societal mutation. Otherwise, our species will become extinct.
This book consists of three papers, two dealing with extraterrestrials and UFO’s, and one a theory for reality that plays a role in the papers about extraterrestrials and UFO’s.
arXiv: Popular Physics, 2016
If a civilization wants to maximize computation it appears rational to aestivate until the far future in order to exploit the low temperature environment: this can produce a $10^{30}$ multiplier of achievable computation. We hence suggest the "aestivation hypothesis": the reason we are not observing manifestations of alien civilizations is that they are currently (mostly) inactive, patiently waiting for future cosmic eras. This paper analyzes the assumptions going into the hypothesis and how physical law and observational evidence constrain the motivations of aliens compatible with the hypothesis.
The emerging science of evolutionary developmental (“evo devo”) biology can aid us in thinking about our universe as both an evolutionary system, where most processes are unpredictable and creative, and a developmental system, where a special few processes are predictable and constrained to produce far-future-specific emergent order, just as we see in the common developmental processes in two stars of an identical population type, or in two genetically identical twins in biology. The transcension hypothesis proposes that a universal process of evolutionary development guides all sufficiently advanced civilizations into what may be called "inner space," a computationally optimal domain of increasingly dense, productive, miniaturized, and efficient scales of space, time, energy, and matter, and eventually, to a black-hole-like destination. Transcension as a developmental destiny might also contribute to the solution to the Fermi paradox, the question of why we haven't seen evidence of or received beacons from intelligent civilizations. A few potential evolutionary, developmental, and information theoretic reasons, mechanisms, and models for constrained transcension of advanced intelligence are briefly considered. In particular, we introduce arguments that black holes may be a developmental destiny and standard attractor for all higher intelligence, as they appear to some to be ideal computing, learning, forward time travel, energy harvesting, civilization merger, natural selection, and universe replication devices. In the transcension hypothesis, simpler civilizations that succeed in resisting transcension by staying in outer (normal) space would be developmental failures, which are statistically very rare late in the life cycle of any biological developing system. If transcension is a developmental process, we may expect brief broadcasts or subtle forms of galactic engineering to occur in small portions of a few galaxies, the handiwork of young and immature civilizations, but constrained transcension should be by far the norm for all mature civilizations. The transcension hypothesis has significant and testable implications for our current and future METI and SETI agendas. If all universal intelligence eventually transcends to black-hole-like environments, after which some form of merger and selection occurs, and if two-way messaging is severely limited by the great distances between neighboring and rapidly transcending civilizations, then communication with feedback may be very rare, an event restricted to nearest-neighbor stars for a very brief period prior to transcension. The only kind of communication that might be common enough to be easily detectable by us would be the sending of one-way METI or probes throughout the galaxy. But simple one-way messaging or probes may be not worth the cost to send, and advanced messaging or probes may provably reduce the evolutionary diversity in all civilizations receiving them, as they would condemn the receiver to transcending in a manner similar to that of the sender. If each civilization in our universe is quite limited in what they can learn given their finite computational resources, and if many civilizations evolve in parallel and in isolation in our universe for this reason, then a powerful ethical injunction against one-way messaging or probes might emerge in the morality and sustainability systems of all sufficiently advanced civilizations, an argument known as the Zoo hypothesis in Fermi paradox literature. In any such environment, the evolutionary value of sending any interstellar message or probe may simply not be worth the cost, if transcension and post-transcension merger are elements of an inevitable, accelerative, and testable developmental process, one that eventually will be discovered and quantitatively described by future physics. Fortunately, transcension processes may be measurable today even without good physical theory, and radio and optical SETI may each provide empirical tests. If transcension is a universal developmental constraint, then without exception all early and low-power electromagnetic leakage signals (radar, radio, television), and later, optical evidence of the exoplanets and their atmospheres should reliably cease as each civilization enters their own technological singularities (emergence of postbiological intelligence and life forms) and recognizes they are on an optimal and accelerating path to a black-hole-like environment. Furthermore, optical SETI may soon allow us to map an expanding area of the galactic habitable zone we may call the galactic transcension zone, an inner ring that contains older transcended civilizations, and a missing planets problem as we discover that planets with life signatures occur at a much lower frequencies in this inner ring than in the remainder of the habitable zone.
Basing on the new physical approach in description of the characteristics of live matter, the author obtained a numerical values for mass of living matter in the Universe, quantity of biospheres in the Universe (N bio ~3.3·10 18), quantity of biospheres in the Galaxy (N~5·10 7). The calculated average distance between biospheres in the Galaxy is l ≤ 40 light years. However, the probability of disclosure of an extra-terrestrial civilization, analogous to Earth one, is too small, P~10 -5 . It is shown, that a paradigm of the expansive and extensive development of the modern technological civilization in the bounds of SETI is useless principally, as for planetary civilization exist demographic, power, destructive and genetic-adaptive natural barriers, and limits of continuous growth and cosmic expansion. A strategy of intensive growth of civilization using the low-energy quantum technologies is more realistic. In that case, the radiation of civilization becomes low and it is very diffi...
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Acta Biotheoretica, 2007
Conference Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2004., 2004
Judgment Day - On the Cosmology and Nature of a Soul as a Monopolar Electromagnetic Field of Information, 2024
"The Journey of Light and the Universe" , 2023