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This paper aims to analyze the citation practices within academic research, exploring how citations influence scholarly communication and knowledge dissemination. It delves into the importance of accurate citation for the credibility of research findings and the roles of various citation styles in different disciplines.
Thin target yields of 99m Tc radionuclide produced on accelerator by means of the reactions nat Mo(p,x) from threshold up to 18 MeV are given. The experimental data have been measured employing the stacked foil activation technique. To the best of our knowledge the theoretical analysis of the excitation functions based on the EMPIRE-II code, used for the first time, gave good agree the theoretical and experimental data. This code could be used to predict the cross sections of the isomeric states for the 100 Mo(p,x) 99m Tc. Effects of various free parameters used in the calculations are also discussed. A significant contribution of pre-equilibrium CN component has been observed at these energies. Methods of cyclotron production of 99m Tc are considered.
Article in Applied radiation and isotopes: including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine · We examine changes in the detector efficiency depended on source diameter and source detector separation. The concept of a double point detector model approach (DPDM) was used. Used the efficiency transfer factor for cases of sources with different geometry, transfer from a point source to a disc source. The dependence of the count rates on the efficiency estimate.
The cross-section ratios for the 59 Co(n,a) 56 Mn and 59 Co(n,2n) 58 Co reactions as well as for the 90 Zr(n,2n) 89m+g Zr and 93 Nb(n,2n) 92m Nb reactions are usually used by the activation method for the purpose of neutron spectrometry around 14 MeV in a neutron generator having TiT target at fixed acceleration voltage 150 keV. The results are compared with the theoretically calculated values. Comparing the superiority of both the "Zr/Nbratio" method, and the " Cor 6 Mn-ratio" method is discussed.
The Nubian sandstone aquifer's hydrogeophysical and natural radioactivity parameters at the Northwestern part of El Ain village, Sharq El Oweinat, Southwestern desert, Egypt are resolved using geophysical well logging and natural radioactivity techniques. The study aims to monitor the phenomenon of appearing an unusual high gamma-ray at a zone of high resistivity record. A nest of well logs is collected to assess how the phenomenon is widespread. Results of correlated well logs are clarified that this phenomenon at zone between 80 and 100 m and zone of 200 and 230m depth is noticed. The petro-physical properties are estimated from the recorded well logs. The results showed that the percentage of the average of effective porosity % varies between 20 and 28.2%, while average vary from 2 to 12.5 %, which indicates that the aquifer of Nubian Sandstone is classified as a clean aquifer. The natural radioactivities of the studied area in the rock samples were evaluated using high-puri...
In this work an alternative root of producing 99Tc, either directly or through the generator 99Mo (99mTc) using cyclotrons, is introduced and discussed. The excitation functions for the different proton-induced nuclear reactions on natMo target are measured and compared with some previously measured data. This study aims to release some contradictions between the existing data, and to give a reliable data set for the production of 99mTc and some other isotopes of importance in nuclear medicine beside some impurities. Theoretical code calculations using TALYS code are performed and show a good consistency with the measured cross section values. Furthermore, the integral or thick target yields are estimated based on the measured excitation functions for all the investigated reactions.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2014
Cross section study for proton induced reaction on natural Gadolinium targets were performed. Excitation functions for the reactions nat Gd(p,x) 152m+g,154m,154g Tb from threshold up to E p = 18 MeV have been measured employing the stacked foil activation technique, and using high resolution HPGe gamma spectrometry. Utilizing the simultaneous measurement of the excitation function of nat Cu(p,x) 62 Zn, nat Cu(p,x) 63 Zn, and nat Cu(p,x) 65 Zn as monitor reactions. The theoretical analysis of the excitation functions has been done employing both ALICE-91 and EMPIRE-II codes. In general, theoretical calculations agree well with the experimental data. A significant contribution of pre-equilibrium component has been observed at these energies.
Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2011
Introduction: The cyclotron-based 100 Mo(p,2n) 99m Tc transformation has been proposed as a viable alternative to the reactor based 235 U(n,f) 99 Mo→ 99m Tc strategy for production of 99m Tc. Despite efforts to theoretically model the amount of ground-state 99g Tc present at end of bombardment for the (p,2n) reaction, experimental validation has yet to be performed. The co-production of 99g Tc may have important implications in both the subsequent radiopharmaceutical chemistry and patient dosimetry upon injection. Methods: To determine the extent of 99g Tc co-production, we have experimentally measured the 100 Mo(p,x) 99 Mo, 99m Tc, and 99g Tc excitation functions in the 8-18 MeV range using a combination of natural abundance and 97.42% enriched 100 Mo foils along with γ-ray spectrometry and ICP-MS. Although the excitation functions for production of 99 Mo and 99m Tc have been presented previously in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, this work presents the first experimental evaluation of the 100 Mo(p,2n) 99g Tc excitation function. Results: From the experimental cross-section measurements, the 99m Tc production yields and 99m Tc/ 99m+g Tc nuclei ratio were calculated for various thick target irradiation conditions. Results suggest that TBq quantities of 99m Tc can be achieved with a 99m Tc/ 99m+g Tc nuclei ratio that is on par with the current 99 Mo/ 99m Tc generator standard eluted at a 24-h frequency. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the cyclotron production of 99m Tc may be a feasible alternative to the current reactor-based production strategy.
Manganese targets were performed. Excitation functions for the nat In(p,x) 113 Sn , 114m, 115m In, nat Mn(p,x) 55 Fe, 54 Mn and 51 Cr from thresholds up to 17.4 MeV. Protons have been measured experimentally by the stacked-foil technique. High resolution HPGe gamma spectrometry have been used. Two stacks were irradiated by proton beams with energies 14.7 and 18 MeV for both Mn and In targets using the MGC-20 cyclotron at Nuclear Research Center (NRC), AEA, Egypt. The integral yields for 55 Fe, 54 Mn, 113 Sn, 114m In and 115m In at 16.5 MeV were found to be 0.28 , 0.17, 1.0, 0.02 and 10.0 MBq/A·h, respectively. The theoretical analysis of the excitation functions has been done employing both ALICE-IPPE and EMPIRE-2.19 codes. Theoretical calculations with the experimental data as well as the previously reported measurements are presented.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2014
Journal of Taibah University for Science, 2015
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2014
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2004
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2010
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2012
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2011
International Journal of Low Radiation, 2015
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2013
Radiochimica Acta, 2015
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, 2007
Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine, 2014
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2011
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2013
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2012