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When I was five years old, I was sexually abused by a friend of my mother's, the abuse continued for about a year. The day my sixteen year old brother heard what had been happening he confronted the perpetrator. During their argument my brother was brutally murdered. I have always felt a sense of guilt for his death.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 2007
Psychological Bulletin, 1993
A review of 45 studies clearly demonstrated that sexually abused children had more symptoms than nonabused children, with abuse accounting for 15-45% of the variance. Fears, posttraumatic stress disorder, behavior problems, sexualized behaviors, and poor self-esteem occurred most frequently among a long list of symptoms noted, but no one symptom characterized a majority of sexually abused children. Some symptoms were specific to certain ages, and approximately one third of victims had no symptoms. Penetration, the duration and frequency of the abuse, force, the relationship of the perpetrator to the child, and maternal support affected the degree of symptomatology. About two thirds of the victimized children showed recovery during the first 12-18 months. The findings suggest the absence of any specific syndrome in children who have been sexually abused and no single traumatizing process.
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 2018
The current descriptive analysis sought to identify the emotional and psychosocial problems experienced by children who have been sexually abused. Of 518 children with a history of sexual abuse who applied to the Child Protection Center, 443 were included in the study. Approximately 71.6% of children were subject to sexual abuse entailing penetration, whereas 69% were subject to sexual abuse not entailing penetration. After-effects reported included despair (46.5%), fear of reoccurrence of the incident (52.8%), distrust of others (36.8%), difficulty sleeping (32.7%), negative expectations about the future (32.1%), and self-blame (31.1%). Nurses have crucial roles and functions in the protection, improvement, treatment, and rehabilitation of the health of children who have been sexually abused.
The future of children, 1994
Research conducted over the past decade indicates that a wide range of psychological and interpersonal problems are more prevalent among those who have been sexually abused than among individuals with no such experiences. Although a definitive causal relationship between such difficulties and sexual abuse cannot be established using current retrospective research methodologies, the aggregate of consistent findings in this literature has led many to conclude that childhood sexual abuse is a major risk factor for a variety of problems. This article summarizes what is currently known about these potential impacts of child sexual abuse. The various problems and symptoms described in the literature on child sexual abuse are reviewed in a series of broad categories including posttraumatic stress, cognitive distortions, emotional pain, avoidance, an impaired sense of self, and interpersonal difficulties. Research has demonstrated that the extent to which a given individual manifests abuse-related distress is a function of an undetermined number of abuse-specific variables, as well as individual and environmental factors that existed prior to, or occurred subsequent to, the incidents of sexual abuse.
Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 2018
Objective: Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a public health problem with negative effects on the mental health and development of children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to identify the psychiatric outcomes of child sexual abuse and the trauma-related behavioural and emotional problems in adolescents. Methods: Retrospective archive study included patient who were referred to child psychiatry clinic dates between 1 December 2010 and 31 December 2013. 136 CSA victims and non-CSA clincal referred group had reached. Diagnostic evaluation of the CSA victims was applied with the criteria of the DSM-IV-TR by child and adolescent psychiatrists and behavioral and emotional problems were were assessed by self-reports. Results: CSA victims are 86.0% were female and %30.1 expereinced multiple sexual abuse events. %72.1 of CSA victims has psychiatric diagnosis on Axis 1. Compared to age-matched controls Internalizing problems (p<0.001), Anxiety/depression (p<0.001), Withdrawn (p<0.001), and Rule breaking behaviour (p=0.002) scores are higher in the CSA group. Conclusions: Specific problems following a traumatic event may be important in respect of treatment and a formulation to understand the psychopathology. There is a need for longitudinal childhood studies to investigate the mediators of the psychopathology and to understand the emotional and behavioural problems of CSA victims.
Journal of Loss and Trauma, 2004
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Journal of Personality Assessment, 2006
We present a case example of a 9-year-old, biracial girl and her mother. We integrate data collected from rating scales (e.g., Child Behavior Checklist; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001), a free response measure (Thematic Apperception Test;, and a direct observation measure (Parent-Child Interaction Assessment-II; Holigrocki, ) and reveal how a child sexual abuse victim's internal representations and symptoms manifest in both an interpersonal context and in the realm of play. We discuss assessment findings regarding how they provide for an idiographic understanding of the child.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 1999
Objective: How children manifest psychological distress following the discovery of sexual abuse requires a better understanding of individual differences in developmental capacities and vulnerabilities. This study examined how age at the time of the abuse discovery and gender of victim are related to psychological distress. Method: One hundred and sixty-nine participants (96 children, 73 adolescents) were interviewed within 8 weeks of discovery of the abuse. Multivariate analyses were used to examine how age at discovery, and gender, with abuse characteristics as covariates, were related to shame, attribution style, depression, self-esteem, and traumatic events sequelae. Results: Adolescents compared to children report a higher level of depressive symptoms, negative reactions by others, and lower levels of self-esteem, social support, and sexual anxiety. Girls compared to boys report higher levels of intrusive thoughts, hyperarousal, sexual anxiety, personal vulnerability, and perceiving the world as a dangerous place and lower levels of eroticism. Conclusions: These findings suggest the importance of considering individual differences in age and gender for understanding patterns of symptom expression. Treatment strategies need to reflect these individual differences in adjustment, such as targeting issues of sexual anxiety for girls and self-esteem for adolescents.
Children Australia, 1990
In the last fifteen years a great deal of material has been published on child sexual abuse. All violence within the home retains a significant element of secrecy, but child sexual abuse has remained a shadowy secret longer than other forms of intra-familial assault. The battle to draw attention to physical abuse of children within the family was hard fought but controversy over child sexual abuse retains its intensity.There are disagreements over the scale of the problem (Glaser and Frosh, 1988; Search. 1988) and the research findings concerning the effects of child sexual abuse vary ‘wildly’ (O'Hagan, 1989:53). Some myths about the problem however, have been successfully challenged. The stranger is no longer seen as the main danger and it is recognised that most perpetrators are members of the victim's immediate or extended family or known to the victim (Goddard, 1988).
Journal of …, 2009
AB: Abstract Childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic life event that may cause psychiatric disorders such as PTSD and depression. During 2003During -2004 sexually abused children were referred to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic of Ege University in Izmir, Turkey. Two years later, the psychological adjustment of these children (M age = 9.4 years, SD = 3.63 years, range = 5 to 16 years) is evaluated. Semistructured interviews, a form for the sociodemographic characteristics, are used for evaluations by a child psychiatrist who is blind to the first evaluation. It is determined that sexually abused children have more psychiatric disorders within the first year than 2 years later. However, some behavior problems occur at both short-term and long-term follow-ups. Abstract This study examined clinical characteristics and laboratory-measured impulsive behavior of adolescents engaging in either non-suicidal self-injury with (NSSI+SA; n = 25) or without (NSSI-Only; n = 31) suicide attempts. We hypothesized that adolescent with NSSI+SA would exhibit more severe clinical symptoms and higher levels of behavioral impulsivity compared to adolescents with NSSI-Only. Adolescents were recruited from an inpatient psychiatric hospital unit and the 2 groups were compared on demographic characteristics, psychopathology, self-reported clinical ratings, methods of non-suicidal self-injury, and 2 laboratory impulsivity measures. Primary evaluations were conducted during psychiatric hospitalization, and a subset of those tested during hospitalization was retested 4-6 weeks after discharge.
Journal of Adolescence, 1998
In this study data from a large representative community sample of adolescents were analysed to investigate the relationship between a history of sexual abuse and adolescent functioning. Emotional problems, behavioural problems, suicidal thoughts and behaviour of boys and girls with a history of sexual abuse were compared to those in a matched control group of boys and girls without such a history. Both sexually abused boys and girls reported significantly more emotional problems, behavioural problems, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts than their non-abused counterparts. The results also indicated that the experience of sexual abuse carried far more consequences for boys than for girls regarding the use of alcohol, aggressive/criminal behaviour, use of drugs, and the amount of truancy, as well as regarding suicidal thoughts and behaviour. For example, whereas 2•6% of the non-abused boys reported a former suicide attempt, this percentage was 13 times higher for the sexually abused boys (26•5%). The results of this paper lend support to the call for further research investigating gender differences in response to sexual abuse.
International journal of …, 2011
ABSTRACT. By means of a meta-analytic review, the current study investigated the efficacy of the psychological treatment of children and adolescents that have suffered sexual abuse. Thirty-three articles met our selection criteria and, using the group as the analysis unit, the ...
Child Abuse & Neglect, 2016
Child sexual abuse (CSA) continues to be a significant problem with significant short and long term consequences. However, extant literature is limited by the reliance on retrospective recall of adult samples, single-time assessments, and lack of longitudinal data during the childhood and adolescent years. The purpose of this study was to compare internalizing and externalizing behavior problems of those with a history of sexual abuse to those with a history of maltreatment, but not sexual abuse. We examined whether gender moderated problems over time. Data were drawn from the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN) at ages 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 (N = 977). The Child Behavior Checklist was used to assess internalizing and externalizing problems. Maltreatment history and types were obtained from official Child Protective Services (CPS) records. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) were used to assess behavior problems over time by maltreatment group. Findings indicated significantly more problems in the CSA group than the maltreated group without CSA over time. Internalizing problems were higher for sexually abused boys compared to girls. For sexually abused girls internalizing problems, but not externalizing problems increased with age relative to boys. This pattern was similar among maltreated but not sexually abused youth. Further efforts are needed to examine the psychological effects of maltreatment, particularly CSA longitudinally as well as better understand possible gender differences in order to best guide treatment efforts.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (and The Campbell Library), 2012
Child Abuse & Neglect, 1987
Thirty-seven girls and twelve boys who had been sexually abused at an average of 2.6 years previously were traced and reviewed. The nonoffending parents participated in a structured interview and the children were assessed using the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale and the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. Each child was matched with a child not known to have been sexually abused and these control children underwent a similar psychological assessment. Interviews with the nonoffending parents found that 76% of the children were thought to be less confident than before, 30% had fewer friends, and 20% were more aggressive. Increased sexual awareness was noted in 24%. School teachers reported that 28% still had behavior problems, 17% had repeated a year at school, and a further 17% had deteriorated in their school work. The sexually abused girls had significantly lower self-esteem than the control girls. There was no difference in self-esteem between the control and the sexually abused boys. There was a higher incidence of stranger assault in the boys compared with the girls. The Child Behavior Checklist completed by the parents, the Teacher Report Form, and the Youth Self-Report of the Child Behavior Checklist showed that a highly significant proportion of sexually abused children fell into the clinical range. Sexual abuse appears to have long-term adverse consequences for many of the victims. This may have implications for their ability ttr relate to others, for the adult friendships they will make, and eventually for the way they will relate to their own children.
International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, 2024
For children to develop in a healthy manner, they must have positive and healthy experiences. On the other hand, some children have gone through traumatic events as a result of early sexual abuse. X, a sixteen-year-old girl, was sexually abused by her own brothers from the age of six until fifteen. She was sexually abused and assaulted by her two brothers more than 20 times, and she has suffered from traumatic experiences up until this point. X experiences a range of symptoms, including behavior, emotion, physiology, spiritual, irrational beliefs and maladaptive coping. X acknowledges that the traumatic experience she went through is still plaguing her and that she needs assistance to deal with all the fallout. In order to support victims of child sexual abuse like X in her future development, it is hoped that the findings of this study will aid future researchers in creating and establishing a helping model.
Sexual abuse is a phenomenon that affects different spheres of a person's life, especially in the emotional field. It is observed that society is organized through social roles, which establish expectations about the behavior of individuals. The objective of the study was to understand the emotional repercussions of sexual abuse on children and adolescents, analyzing the influence of gender roles on this event. The research was framed as a narrative literature review, of an exploratory nature, the data collection took place in the following databases: PUBMED, LILACS, CAPES, SCIELO and PEPSIC. The descriptors used to search for data were “sexual abuse”, “children” and “emotional”. The present study found that the consequences produced by sexual abuse are related to the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of nosological conditions. It is understood that these behaviors come in an intensified way and cause harm in several aspects required for the development of these subjects. The other outcomes suggest that children and adolescents who are victims of abuse exhibit behavioral changes, and these changes are presented as difficulty understanding aspects about sexuality, concerns about body image and inability to interact with the changes generated by development, evocation of behaviors non-suicidal and suicidal self-harm and experiences of negative affect. It is concluded that a tiny amount of research that met the criteria analyzed the behavioral and emotional repercussions in light of gender roles. The consequences entailed, for the most part, are perceived as generalizable to boys and girls.
El presente estudio consistió en determinar la presencia del maltrato infantil y abuso sexual en el hogar en adolescentes escolarizados con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 16 años, matriculados a 2010 en colegios públicos de la de la ciudad de Santa Marta. Los participantes fueron 229 jóvenes. Las variables medidas fueron la edad, el tipo de maltrato y el género. Los resultados indican que la tendencia al maltrato psicológico fue de 29.3%, de maltrato físico 13.3% y de abuso sexual de 32.3%. Con relación al género se halló que las mujeres han sido objeto en mayor porcentaje de maltrato físico y abuso sexual que los hombres y éstos han sido objeto de mayor maltrato psicológico que las mujeres; respecto a la edad los jóvenes de 14 años presentaron mayor porcentaje de maltrato y abuso que en los otros rangos etarios. Se concluye que tres (3) de cada 10 estudiantes ha sido objeto de abuso sexual, tres ha sido objeto de maltrato psicológico y uno de maltrato físico. (DUAZARY 2011 No. 2, 262 - 269)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2014
Background: There is an established relationship between childhood maltreatment and later psychopathology, but most studies have used self-reports and only consider a small number of experiences. The main aim of this study was to examine predictors of psychopathology by comparing two sources (official records vs. selfreports) of ten different childhood adversities among youths who were identified by Child Protective Services (CPS). We also used a comparison group that was not identified by CPS. This study also compared, in terms of psychopathology, three groups of respondents (under-report; agreement; and over-report) based on the discrepancy between the two sources of childhood adversity. Method: The sample included 136 youths, ages 14-23 years, identified by CPS prior to age 12 as being maltreated and who lived with their family for at least 5 years. The comparison group included 80 youths. Results: The identified youths were not different from the comparison group in global psychopathology. Psychopathology was associated only with the total amount of self-reported adverse experiences, with depressive symptoms being predicted by both documented and selfreported sexual abuse. Females reported and had more documented adversities, presenting an increased risk for psychopathology. The under-report group had a higher mean of documented experiences and a lower mean in psychopathology. Conclusions: Despite the limitations of a self-report methodology, our findings attest to its contribution in predicting health outcomes. Professionals from CPS need to be thorough when assessing and documenting the multiple experiences that may co-occur in a household, paying particular attention when young girls are involved, as the experience of sexual abuse has been shown to be independently associated with later risk of developing depressive symptoms. This process may increase the appropriateness of the chosen interventions.
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