Uniformity, Economy, and Simplicity in Minimalism


The researchers in the domain of language and linguistics have had great efforts in different aspects of principles and parameters which were the results of over thirty years of research in generative grammar (Boeckx, 2006). These efforts later resulted in the emergence of minimalism. The effect of this notion on language learning/acquisition has been a concern for years. As confirmed by Yang & Roeper (2010) Minimalist approach to the language faculty in a broad context of cognition and evolution has led to new conceptions of learning, which may provide a more complete explanation of child language acquisition. The simpler and the more uniform the syntactic rules of language, the easier it would be to learn or acquire. This paper focuses on the issues related to syntax which changes due to what minimalism brought about. It provides evidence to show how different factors like simplicity, uniformity, economy can facilitate language acquisition.