The concept of self (atman) in Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy


Nyaya, one of Hinduism's six orthodox schools of philosophy has been of interest to western philosophers largely because of its sophisticated analysis of logical and linguistic problems. In India, the purpose of the orthodox school (or dar'ana - "view") has been to lead the student toward liberation (moka). Hence Nyaya's preoccupation with logic should not in itself preclude a real concern with moka. The broad aim of my thesis therefore, is to determine how Nyya functions as a complete darana, to see if indeed the various aspects of the system stand together as a coherent mokamarga (way to release). Because Hindus conceive of salvation as the realization of a transcendental Self (tman), and because the nature of such a Self has been a prime focus for Indian philosophical debate, this thesis will concentrate on the Nyaya understanding of atman, and the logical arguments for its existence. Nyaya philosophers played a leading role in arguing against their Buddhist...