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The combination of several telescopes is appealing from the scientific standpoint due to the more efficient sampling of the spatial frequency plane. Among other basic requirements, the beams are to be brought and retained into a fixed phase relation, against atmospheric piston. The necessary phase measurements (and corrections) are basically linear with the number of telescopes. This suggests the possibility of a convenient modular approach based on current technology. Besides, fringe tracking may benefit from efficient beam combination schemes and technological innovations in detector and optical components for astronomy. "Technology roadmap for future interferometric facilities"; JENAM 2005, held in Liège (Belgium)
LINC-NIRVANA is the NIR homothetic imaging camera for the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). Its Fringe and Flexure Tracking System (FFTS) is mandatory for an effcient interferometric operation of LINC-NIRVANA: the task of this cophasing system is to assure a time-stable interference pattern in the focal plane of the camera. A testbed interferometer, set up as laboratory experiment, is used to develop the FFTS control loop and to test the robustness of the fringe tracking concept. The geometry of the resulting interferometric intensity distribution in the focal plane of the implemented CCD corresponds to that of the LBT PSF. The setup allows to produce monochromatic (He-Ne laser) and polychromatic (halogen lamp) PSFs and allows to actively introduce well defined low-order phase perturbations, namely OPD and differential tip/tilt. Furthermore, all components that are required in a fringe tracking servo loop are included: a sensor for fringe acquisition and an actuator to counteract measured OPD. With this setup it is intended to determine the performance with which a fringe tracking control loop is able to compensate defined OPD sequences, to test different control algorithms, and to optimize the control parameters of an existing servo system. In this contribution we present the design and the realization of the testbed interferometer. Key parameters describing the white light testbed interferometer, such as fringe contrast and thermal sensitivity are discussed. The effects of all controllable phase perturbations are demonstrated.
Applied Optics, 1996
A new fringe tracker based on photon counting detectors and real time image processing has been implemented on the "Grand Interféromètre à 2 Télescopes" (GI2T) at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur. Fringe visibilities have been recorded on P Cygni and other stars across the Hα emission line with optical path differences stabilized to between 4 and 7 µm rms (1% of the coherence length). This paper presents the first results and describes the principle, implementation and performance of the fringe tracker.
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UL 30 Xiaolei Zhang (202) 404-2389 We describe the motivations for and the conceptual design of the second-generation back-end beam combiner and fringe tracker for the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer. The new back end is expected to result in much-improved data quality and sensitivity compared to the existing back end. It will also enable the observations of geostationary satellites in the visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry II, 2010
In a few years, the second generation instruments of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) will routinely provide observations with 4 to 6 telescopes simultaneously. To reach their ultimate performance, they will need a fringe sensor capable to measure in real time the randomly varying optical paths differences. A collaboration between LAOG (PI institute), IAGL, OCA and GIPSA-Lab has proposed the Planar Optics Phase Sensor concept to ESO for the 2 nd Generation Fringe Tracker. This concept is based on the integrated optics technologies, enabling the conception of extremely compact interferometric instruments naturally providing single-mode spatial filtering. It allows operations with 4 and 6 telescopes by measuring the fringes position thanks to a spectrally dispersed ABCD method. We present here the main analysis which led to the current concept as well as the expected on-sky performance and the proposed design.
Eso Astrophysics Symposia, 2008
The performance of interferometric instruments is strongly linked to the quality of piston stabilization. Next generation VLTI instruments plan to use 4 to 8 beams simultaneously. In the current VLTI implementation, the maximum number of beams that can be phased using FINITO and PRIMA/FSU simultaneously is 5. Therefore, a new fringe sensor is required for the VLTI.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
The spectacular results provided by the second-generationVLTI instruments GRAVITY and MATISSE on active galactic nuclei (AGN) trigger and justify a strong increase in the sensitivity limit of optical interferometers. A key component of such an upgrade is off-axis fringe tracking. To evaluate its potential and limitations, we describe and analyse its error budget including fringe sensing precision and temporal, angular and chromatic perturbations of the piston. The global tracking error is computed using standard seeing parameters for different sites, seeing conditions and telescope sizes for the current GRAVITY Fringe Tracker (GFT) and a new concept of Hierarchical Fringe Tracker. Then, it is combined with a large catalogue of guide star candidates from Gaia to produce sky coverage maps that give the probability to find a usable off-axis guide star in any part of the observable sky. These maps can be used to set the specifications of the system, check its sensitivity to seeing condi...
SPIE Proceedings, 2008
The ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) offers access to the four 8 m Unit Telescopes (UT) and the four 1.8 m Auxiliary Telescopes (AT) of the Paranal Observatory located in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. The fourth AT has been delivered to operation in December 2006, increasing the flexibility and simultaneous baselines access of the VLTI. Regular science operations are now carried on with the two VLTI instruments, AMBER and MIDI. The FINITO fringe tracker is now used for both visitor and service observations with ATs and will be offered on UTs in October 2008, bringing thus the fringe tracking facility to VLTI instruments. In parallel to science observations, technical periods are also dedicated to the characterization of the VLTI environment, upgrades of the existing systems, and development of new facilities. We will describe the current status of the VLTI and prospects on future evolution.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009
Context. The fringe sensor unit (FSU) is the central element of the phase referenced imaging and micro-arcsecond astrometry (PRIMA) dual-feed facility and provides fringe sensing for all observation modes, comprising off-axis fringe tracking, phase referenced imaging, and high-accuracy narrow-angle astrometry. It is installed at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) and successfully served the fringe-tracking loop during the initial commissioning phase. Aims. To maximise sensitivity, speed, and robustness, the FSU is designed to operate in the infrared K-band and to include spatial filtering after beam combination and a very-low-resolution spectrometer without photometric channels. It consists of two identical fringe sensors for dual-star operation in PRIMA astrometric mode. Methods. Unique among interferometric beam combiners, the FSU uses spatial phase modulation in bulk optics to retrieve real-time estimates of fringe phase after spatial filtering. The beam combination design accommodates a laser metrology for pathlength monitoring. An R = 20 spectrometer across the K-band makes the retrieval of the group delay signal possible. The calibration procedure uses the artificial light source of the VLTI laboratory and is based on Fourier transform spectroscopy to remove instrumental effects. Results. The FSU was integrated and aligned at the VLTI in July and August 2008. It yields phase and group delay measurements at sampling rates up to 2 kHz, which are used to drive the fringe-tracking control loop. During the first commissioning runs, the FSU was used to track the fringes of stars with K-band magnitudes as faint as m K = 9.0, using two VLTI auxiliary telescopes (AT) and baselines of up to 96 m. Fringe tracking using two Very Large Telescope (VLT) unit telescopes was demonstrated. Conclusions. The concept of spatial phase-modulation for fringe sensing and tracking in stellar interferometry is demonstrated for the first time with the FSU. During initial commissioning and combining stellar light with two ATs, the FSU showed its ability to improve the VLTI sensitivity in K-band by more than one magnitude towards fainter objects, which is fundamental for achieving the scientific objectives of PRIMA.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011
Context. With the arrival of the next generation of ground-based imaging interferometers combining from 4 to possibly 6 telescopes simultaneously, there is also a strong need for a new generation of fringe trackers able to cophase such arrays. These instruments have to be very sensitive and to provide robust operations in quickly varying observational conditions. Aims. We aim at defining the optimal characteristics of fringe sensor concepts operating with 4 or 6 telescopes. The current detector limitations impose us to consider solutions based on co-axial pairwise combination schemes. Methods. We independently study several aspects of the fringe sensing process: 1) how to measure the phase and the group delay, and 2) how to combine the telescopes in order to ensure a precise and robust fringe tracking in real conditions. Thanks to analytical developments and numerical simulations, we define the optimal fringe-sensor concepts and compute the expected performance of the 4-telescope one with our dedicated end-to-end simulation tool sim2GFT. Results. We first show that measuring the phase and the group delay by obtaining the data in several steps (i.e. by temporally modulating the optical path difference) is extremely sensitive to atmospheric turbulence and therefore conclude that it is better to obtain the fringe position with a set of data obtained simultaneously. Subsequently, we show that among all co-axial pairwise schemes, moderately redundant concepts increase the sensitivity as well as the robustness in various atmospheric or observing conditions. Merging all these results, end-to-end simulations show that our 4-telescope fringe sensor concept is able to track fringes at least 90% of the time up to limiting magnitudes of 7.5 and 9.5 for the 1.8-and 8.2-meter VLTI telescopes respectively.
SPIE Proceedings, 2014
The so-called "phase delay tracking" attempts to estimate the effects of the turbulence on the phase of the interferograms in order to numerically cophase the measured complex visibilities and to coherently integrate them. This is implemented by the "coherent fringe analysis" of MIDI instrument 1 but has only been used for high SNR data. In this paper, we investigate whether the sensitivity of this technique can be pushed to its theoretical limits and thus applied to fainter sources. In the general framework of the maximum likelihood and exploiting the chromatic behavior of the turbulence effects, we propose a global optimization strategy to compute various estimators of the differential pistons between two data frames. The most efficient estimators appear to be the ones based on the phasors, even though they do not yet reach the theoretical limits.
POPS (Planar Optical Phase Sensor) is a second-generation fringe tracker for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), intended to simultaneously measure the cophasing and coherencing errors of up to six Unit Telescopes (UT) or Auxiliary Telescopes (AT) in real time. The most promising concepts are probably based on the utilization of Integrated Optics (IO) components, and were the scope of a Phase A study led by Observatoire de Grenoble (LAOG). Herein is described a tentative design built around a multi-axial IO chip whose fringes are dispersed downstream on a detector array, and a Chromatic Phase Diversity algorithm presented in another paper of this conference 1 . We depict the foreseen opto-mechanical, detection and software implementations, and provide numerical results from a realistic simulation model in terms of group and phase delay measurement accuracy and limiting magnitudes in the K band. The ultimate performance of the method is discussed and compared with the original 2 nd generation VLTI fringe tracker requirements.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, 2014
The limiting magnitude is a key issue for optical interferometry. Pairwise fringe trackers based on the integrated optics concepts used for example in GRAVITY seem limited to about K=10.5 with the 8m Unit Telescopes of the VLTI, and there is a general "common sense" statement that the efficiency of fringe tracking, and hence the sensitivity of optical interferometry, must decrease as the number of apertures increases, at least in the near infrared where we are still limited by detector readout noise. Here we present a Hierarchical Fringe Tracking (HFT) concept with sensitivity at least equal to this of a two apertures fringe trackers. HFT is based of the combination of the apertures in pairs, then in pairs of pairs then in pairs of groups… The key HFT module is a device that behaves like a spatial filter for two telescopes (2TSF) and transmits all or most of the flux of a cophased pair in a single mode beam. We give an example of such an achromatic 2TSF, based on very broadband dispersed fringes analyzed by grids, and show that it allows piston measures from very broadband fringes with only 3 to 5 pixels per fringe tracker. We show the results of numerical simulation indicating that our device is a good achromatic spatial filter and allowing a first evaluation of its coupling efficiency, which is similar to this of a single mode fiber on a single aperture. Our very preliminary results indicate that HFT has a good chance to be a serious candidate for the most sensitive fringe tracking with the VLTI and also interferometers with much larger number of apertures. On the VLTI the first rough estimate of the magnitude gain with regard to the GRAVITY internal FT is between 2.5 and 3.5 magnitudes in K, with a decisive impact on the VLTI science program for AGNs, Young stars and planet forming disks.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
The NOVA Fringe Tracker (NFT) is a proposed solution to the call by ESO for a second generation fringe tracking facility. This instrument at the VLTI will enable the cophasing of up to 6 telescopes simultaneously. Using broad band optics with detection from 1.2 to 2.4 microns, a unique configuration is employed that eliminates so-called “photometric crosstalk.” This refers to imbalance in the beam combiner which results in fluctuations of the incoming wavefronts and the proportion of power accepted by a spatial filter masquerading as a visibility, a common problem afflicting previous interferometric instruments and fringe trackers. Also proposed for use in “science instruments” (for the measurement of visibility), the “Polarization-Based Collimated Beam Combiner,” with its achievement of photometric symmetry in hardware, is particularly suited for combined use of the smaller AT (1.8 meter) telescopes with the UT (8 meter) telescopes involving a 20:1 intensity ratio of the interferin...
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
A Fizeau interferometer combines the light of several telescopes to obtain panoramic images with an angular resolution equivalent to the longest edge-to-edge separation in the system. The overall performance of a Fizeau interferometer depends critically on the performance of the (MC)AO system and the efficiency of atmospheric piston correction, but also on other effects like alignment accuracies, filter bandwidths, tracking errors, atmospheric dispersion and field rotation. Due to the mutual dependence, Strehl ratio or fringe contrast like in conventional Adaptive Optics systems or pupil plane interferometers are not sufficient for a consice assessment of the performance of such an instrument. As a measure for the actual performance, we propose to use the ratio R23, which is the actual high-spatial frequency information in the images, divided by what could be measured in principal with a 23 m telescope (as the LBT). We present the theoretical concept of this method and show the results of various simulations of the abovementioned effects as an application to LINC-NIRVANA, a Fizeau interferometer currently being built for the LBT.
Proceedings of SPIE, 2004
Keck Interferometer is a NASA-funded project to combine the two 10 m Keck telescopes for high sensitivity nearinfrared fringe visibility measurements, nulling interferometry at 10 µm to measure the quantity of exozodiacal emission around nearby stars, and differential-phase measurements to detect "hot-Jupiters" by their direct emission. It is being developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the W. M. Keck Observatory, and the Michelson Science Center. Recent activity has included formal visibility mode commissioning, as well as science observations, and we briefly review some of the significant technical aspects and updates to the system. We have also completed laboratory development of the nuller. The nuller uses two modified Mach-Zehnder input nullers, a Michelson cross combiner, and a 10 µm array camera to produce background-limited null measurements. To provide required temporal stability for the nuller, the system incorporates end-to-end laser metrology with phase referencing from two 2.2 µm fringe trackers. The nuller recently completed its pre-ship review and is being installed on the summit. After nuller integration and test, the differential phase mode will be deployed, which will use a 2-5 µm fringe detector in combination with a precision path length modulator and a vacuum delay line for dispersion control.
Physical Review Letters, 2016
The Astronomical Light Optical Hybrid Analysis (ALOHA) project investigates the combined use of a telescope array interferometer and nonlinear optics to propose a new generation of instruments dedicated to high resolution imaging for infrared astronomy. The nonlinear process of optical frequency conversion transfers the astronomical light to a shorter wavelength domain. Here, we report on the first fringes obtained on the sky with the prototype operated at 1.55 µm in the astronomical H band and implemented on the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) telescope array. This seminal result allows us to foresee a future extension to the challenging mid-infrared spectral domain.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry, 2008
Fringe tracking in interferometers is typically analyzed with the implicit assumption that there is a single phase associated with each telescope in the array. If the telescopes have apertures significantly larger than r 0 and only partial adaptive optics correction, then the phase measured by a fringe sensor may differ significantly from the "piston" component of the aperture phase. In some cases, speckle noise will cause "branch points" in the measured phase as a function of time, causing large and sudden jumps in the phase. We present simulations showing these effects in order to understand their implications for the design of fringe tracking algorithms.
Applied Optics, 1994
We implement a digital fringe-counting technique to measure in real time the relative mirror displacement of a suspended Michelson interferometer with modulated optical path length for oscillations much larger than the laser wavelength (). This provides the proper error signal for a servo mechanism that reduces the relative displacement within X/2. The implemented technique does not require extra optics or polarizers and thus can be used for interferometric gravitational wave detectors as a starting procedure to get the system locked.
Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII
Hierarchical Fringe Tracking (HFT) is a fringe tracking concept optimizing the sensitivity in optical long baseline by reducing to an absolute minimum the number of measurements used to correct the OPD fluctuations. By nature, the performances of an HFT do not decreases with the number of apertures of the interferometer and are set only by the flux delivered by the individual telescopes. This a critical feature for future interferometers with large number of apertures both for homodyne and heterodyne operation. Here we report the design and first optical bench tests of integrated optics HFT chips for a 4 telescopes interferometer such as the VLTI. These tests validate the HFT concept and confirm previous estimates that we could track accurately fringes on the VLTI up to nearly K~15.9 with the UTs and K~12.2 with the ATs with a J+H+K fringe tracker with one HFT chip per band. This is typically 2.5 magnitudes fainter than the best potential performance of the current ABCD fringe tracker in the K band. An active longitudinal and transverse chromatic dispersion correction allows the optimization of broad band fiber injections and instrumental contrast. We also present a preliminary evaluation of the potential of such a gain of sensitivity for the observations of AGNs with the VLTI.
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