Kierkegaard-Derrida y la reconstrucción del sujeto



In Soren Kierkegaard´s Fear and Trembling , the author evokes the biblical figure of Abraham in order to illustrate his conception of the individual. Likewise, in The Gift of Death , Jacques Derrida takes up the Kierkegaardian text with the purpose of describing the sense of singular subjectivity and stressing his affinity to Kierkegaard ´s thought. There are many coincidences between both philosophers, among them the opposition to Hegel´s system and the reivindication of the singular existent as the core of reality and of philosophical reflection. The article intends to show Kierkegaard´s and Derrida´s effort in order to reconstruct a strong subject, after having deconstructed the impotence of an immediate or abstractly universal subjectivity.