House prices, bank balance sheets, and bank credit supply



Credit booms and housing bubbles tend to go hand in hand. The causal effect between the two events, however, is not clear. This paper estimates the impact of house prices on bank credit extension by using housing supply elasticity as a potential source of exogenous variation in house price cycles during the period of 1996 to 2006. It shows that house price appreciation causes banks to extend not only more real estate loans but also more commercial & industrial loans, which are largely financed by a rapid growth in non-core liabilities such as brokered deposits. To further investigate whether the housing-driven credit growth is due to the bank-lending channel or credit-demand channel, we rely on bank origination of small business loans at the county level and decompose the growth in small business loans into supply shocks and demand shocks. We find that house prices have a significantly positive impact on bank supply of small business loans. Finally, we show that bank supply of small...