Crime and Development: A Comparative Analysis



R ep ro d u ced with p erm ission o f the copyright ow ner. Further reproduction prohibited w ithout perm ission. List of Tables-Continued 25. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient of the Effects of the Percentage of the Population Employed in Industry and Different Crimes in the Middle East (1960-1984) and Actions Taken on the Null Hypothesis.

Key takeaways

  • Policy makers and criminal justice practitioners can learn from different societies and therefore increase their effectiveness in their own efforts to deal with crime.
  • The process of development has been shown to occur with rapid increase in all kinds of crime in many societies.
  • The classification of total crime includes behavior which may not be criminal in some societies at all but which may be in others.
  • He saw crime as normal in these societies.
  • In fact, some have observed that the process of development or modernization has occurred in some societies with decrease or no change in rates of crime.