The Irish Revenue System: Government and Administration, 1689-1702


This dissertation is an examination of the Irish revenue system in the reign of William III, concentrating on the extent to which the period witnessed the development of a modem, professional system, and the forces that shaped that change. The work is divided into an introduction, nine chapters, a conclusion, and five appendices. Chapter one focuses on the establishment of a Williamite revenue administration during the Irish war, 1689-91, and the extent to which that administration maintained or altered the existing Jacobite administration. Chapter two details the different revenue branches in Ireland, their origins and legislative foundations, and the comparisons with the English revenue branches. Chapter three examines revenue yield and expenditure, and the extent to which the increased costs of government in the aftermath of the war necessitated an expansion of the revenue sources. Chapter four provides an assessment of the role of the English government in the Irish revenue esta...