The Impact of Metaphysical Pragmatism in the Contempory Society


The aim of the Paper is to show the impact of the metaphysical pragmatism in the contemporary society: an analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce’s theory. Pierce in his argument presents his theory showing that action gets prior over thought. In this matter pragmatism as the doctrine that truth is a practical efficiency of an idea. This theory has made a great contribution in such a way pragmatism theory is considered as tools to solve problems and the results are considered as they are correct and real until their effects are desirable and useful, otherwise the theory is incorrect. The paper presents theoretical framework based on Peirce’s upon whom the impacts of pragmatism in the contemporary society could have taken roots from. The pragmatism approach in the contemporary society has influenced various sectors and scholars in such a way they concluded to design a system to consider the specialized subjects and also provide the required techniques to the interested individuals in the ...