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2010, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
This research presents a SANISAND model enhanced with anisotropic elasticity to better capture the mechanical behavior of saturated granular soils. The study highlights the significance of both inherent and induced anisotropy in granular materials, establishing a theoretical framework that accounts for these effects in shear loading conditions. Comparisons with experimental data demonstrate the model's effectiveness and improvements over conventional approaches in accurately predicting soil behavior.
A critical state constitutive model for sand was previously developed with emphasis on capturing the main aspects of the behavior of loose liquefiable sands. The model, which was presented in details in previous publications, was formulated and verified for various drained and undrained monotonic and cyclic loadings of sands. However, since in-situ soils often exhibit strong inherent anisotropy, the model was extended to predicting the behavior of such soils. In this paper, it is shown that adding a new parameter similar to that proposed by Li and Dafalias enables the model to simulate the behavior of inherently anisotropic sands. Un état critique modèle constitutif pour le sable a été développé à l'accent étant mis sur la capture des principaux aspects du comportement des sables lâches liquéfiables. Le modèle, qui a été présenté en détails dans les publications antérieures, a été formulé et vérifiés pour diverses drainés et non drainés chargements monotone et cyclique des sables. Toutefois, depuis les sols in situ présentent souvent une forte anisotropie inhérente, le modèle a été étendu afin de lui permettre de prédire l'anisotropie telles. Dans cet article, il est démontré que l'ajout d'un nouveau paramètre similaire à celle proposée par Li et Dafalias permet au modèle pour simuler le comportement des sables nature anisotrope.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 1994
The paper presents a hypoplastic constitutive model for the three-dimensional non-linear stress-strain and dilatant volume change behaviour of sand. The model is developed without recourse to the concept in elastoplasticity theory such as yield surface, plastic potential and decomposition into elastic and plastic parts. Benefited from the non-linear tensorial functions available from the representation theorem the model possesses simple mathematical formulation and contains only four material parameters, which can be easily identified with triaxial compression tests. Comparison of the predictions with the experimental results shows that the model is capable of capturing the salient behaviour of sand under monotonic loading and is applicable to both drained and undrained conditions.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 1984
Most deposited sands exhibit anisotropic behaviour. A plasticity model has been proposed with the capacity for simulating such anisotropic behaviour. The proposed model contains a number of coefficients of anisotropy. Methodology for determination of the coefficients of anisotropy has been discussed. Using experimental data, the coefficients of anisotropy have been determined for a number of well-known sands. Stress-dilatancy has been modelled by using the 'normalized work' and it has been shown that the normalized work is independent of inherent anisotropy. Finally, some reasonably close comparisons between experimental results and model simulations have been reported.
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2016
Stiffness of soils at small strains expressed through the small-strain shear modulus is critical for the evaluation of deformations of geo-structures subjected to a variety of stress states. While most of the previous studies of small-strain shear modulus of sands have focused on the isotropic stress state, there exist innumerable situations in geotechnical engineering in which the soil is under an anisotropic stress state. In this study, the influence of stress anisotropy on the small-strain shear modulus (G max ) of sands is evaluated using the results of a comprehensive set of bender element tests conducted on saturated sand samples under isotropic and anisotropic loading conditions. It is shown that the small-strain shear moduli of sands under anisotropic loading conditions are greater in magnitude than those subjected to isotropic stress states at a given mean effective stress. It is also shown that the influence of stress anisotropy on the small-strain shear modulus of sands is more pronounced for sands with irregular in shape grains and wider grain size distribution in comparison to uniform sands of relatively rounded and spherical grains. Based on the experimental results, a new G max model is developed which incorporates the contribution of grain size characteristics and particle shape in the prediction of the small-strain shear modulus of sands subjected to stress anisotropy.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2021
Understanding the evolution of dynamic properties of sand subjected to induced anisotropy is indispensable for an accurate seismic analysis of geo-structures. In this study, several bender element and hollow cylinder experiments along various anisotropic stress paths are performed on two types of sands to evaluate the soil dynamic properties over a wide range of small to large strain levels. Accordingly, the influences of both the major principal stress direction (αdirection) and the intermediate principal stress, b=(σ2-σ3)/(σ1-σ3), are examined. The data suggested that α-direction affects both stiffness and damping ratio, especially at higher confining pressures. However, b-parameter has a little influence on stiffness and fairly negligible impact on damping ratio. Based on the experimental results, an empirical model published in the literature is extended by introducing correction factors so as to incorporate the significant contribution of induced anisotropy into the predictions of shear stiffness and damping ratio of sands.
Available online at: It has been revealed that both elastic and plastic components of the granular soils behavior are affected by the stress induced anisotropy as a result of the history of previous shear loadings. While the influence of fabric anisotropy on the plastic elements of the elasto-plastic constitutive models has been extensively studied in the literature, the anisotropic elastic response is usually neglected mainly because of avoiding complication. Herein, a simple anisotropic elasticity theory is proposed. To this aim, the fourth order elasticity tensor is related to a second order fabric-dilatancy tensor describing magnitude and direction of induced anisotropy. Proper constitutive equations for calibration of the proposed elasticity theory using data of triaxial and simple shear tests are presented. Then, the introduced elasticity theory is implemented within an advanced sand constitutive model. The model predictions are compared with the experimental data of independent research teams. It is shown that the modification of the basic platform by the proposed anisotropic elasticity theory leads to improvement of liquefaction predictions.
Computers and Geotechnics, 2009
This paper presents a two-surface plasticity constitutive model based on critical-state soil mechanics and describes a practical process for the determination of its parameters. Determination of the constitutive model parameters can be done in a hierarchical manner, starting with the model parameters that have the most bearing on sand behavior and that can be determined using routine experimental procedures. Most parameters can be determined through simple curve fitting through experimental data points. The constitutive model is calibrated against experimental data for Toyoura sand, clean Ottawa sand and mixtures of Ottawa sand with non-plastic silt. The model simulates closely the mechanical response of sands under various loading conditions and predicts both drained and undrained behavior of sands at small and large strains using the actual small-strain shear modulus, as measured in resonant column or bender elements tests, along with realistic values of Poisson's ratio. Performance of the model in simulating sand response is demonstrated for a variety of initial states and loading conditions.
… for Numerical and Analytical Methods in …, 2008
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014
Fabric and its evolution need to be fully considered for effective modeling of the anisotropic behavior of cohesionless granular sand. In this study, a three-dimensional anisotropic model for granular material is proposed based on the anisotropic critical state theory recently proposed by , in which the role of fabric evolution is highlighted. An explicit expression for the yield function is proposed in terms of the invariants and joint invariants of the normalized deviatoric stress ratio tensor and the deviatoric fabric tensor. A void-based fabric tensor that characterizes the average void size and its orientation of a granular assembly is employed in the model. Upon plastic loading, the material fabric is assumed to evolve continuously with its principal direction tending steadily towards the loading direction. A fabric evolution law is proposed to describe this behavior. With these considerations, a non-coaxial flow rule is naturally obtained. The model is shown to be capable of characterizing the complex anisotropic behavior of granular materials under monotonic loading conditions and meanwhile retains a relatively simple formulation for numerical implementation. The model predictions of typical behavior of both Toyoura sand and Fraser River sand compare well with experimental data.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2008
In this technical note, an evaluation of the robustness and predictive ability of a constitutive model for sands is performed. The model is shown to capture the main features of sand behavior under both drained and undrained monotonic loadings for a wide range of relative densities and stress paths. The main contribution of this technical note is to evaluate a robust, yet simple, constitutive framework based on a solid theoretical basis that fulfils the most fundamental requirement of any useful constitutive law: accurate predictions.
Computers and Geotechnics, 2012
Artificially cemented sand has been widely used in practical applications relevant to soil improvement and liquefaction mitigation. It has also been frequently used in laboratory tests to simulate the cementation and bonding formed in naturally structured sand. Known to be difficult to characterize, the behavior of artificially cemented sand is typically affected by its internal structure consisting of both bonding and fabric. In this study, a novel constitutive model is proposed to describe the effect of bonding and fabric anisotropy on the behavior of artificially cemented sand. We choose the triaxial tensile strength as a macroscopic representation of the inter-particle bonding, and a fabric tensor to characterize the fabric in sand. The yield function adopted in the model is an extension of a recently developed anisotropic failure criterion, with the frictional parameter therein being replaced by a proper hardening parameter. A debonding law is proposed by assuming the de-bonding process is driven by the development of plastic deformation. The soil fabric is kept constant in the study to account for inherent anisotropy. Relevant model parameters can be conveniently calibrated by conventional laboratory tests. The model is employed to predict the behavior of cemented Ottawa sand and multiple-sieving-pluviated Toyoura sand, and the predictions compare well with the experimental data.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2009
Experimental evidence shows that soil stiffness at very small strains is strongly anisotropic and depends on the stress level and void ratio. In particular, stiffness anisotropy varies considerably in sand when subjected to cyclic loading, following the stress cycles applied. To model this behaviour, an innovative hyperelastic formulation based on the elastoplastic coupling is incorporated in a new kinematic hardening elastoplastic model. The proposed hyperelastic-plastic model is the first to be capable of correctly simulating all aspects of the small-strain behaviour of granular materials subjected to monotonic and cyclic loads. This hyperelastic formulation is generally applicable to any elastoplastic model.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2020
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2008
The experimental evidence that cohesive and granular soils possess an elastic range in which the elasticity is both nonlinear and anisotropic-with stiffness and directional characteristics strongly dependent on stress and plastic strain (the so-called 'stress history')-is given a formulation based on hyperelasticity. This is accomplished within the framework of elastoplastic coupling, through a new proposal of elastic potentials and a combined use of a plastic-strain-dependent fabric tensor and nonlinear elasticity. When used within a simple elastoplastic framework, the proposed model is shown to yield very accurate simulations of the evolution of elastic properties from initial directional stiffening to final isotropic degradation. Within the proposed constitutive framework, it is shown that predictions of shear band formation and evolution become closer to the existing experimental results, when compared to modelling in which elasticity does not evolve.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical methods in Geomechanics, 1987
In this paper, liquefaction potential of a loose sand deposit subjected to an earthquake loading is evaluated. The analysis is performed by using a finite element technique incorporating the equations of dynamics of saturated porous elastoplastic media. The soil response is modelled by an anisotropic hardening rule, similar to that as proposed by Poorooshasb and Pietruszczak.' The concept is based on the theory of bounding surface plasticity incorporating a non-associated flow rule and the idea of reflected plastic potential. The present paper provides a modified formulation to that discussed in Reference 1. Modifications are aimed at simplifying the concept for numerical implementations.
Acta Geotechnica, 2010
A constitutive model for sands in monotonic shear is presented. The model is designed to simulate the behavior of sands in the whole stress and strain range of engineering interest with enough accuracy for practical usage. Material parameters were chosen to be state independent and easy to calibrate using conventional testing procedures. The formulation is based on effective stresses, pressure-dependent hyperelasticity, non-associative elastoplasticity, an isotropic hardening law and Rowe's stress-dilatancy theory. The implementation of Rowe's stress-dilatancy theory within the framework of elastoplasticity theory is discussed. It is found that Rowe's theory produces a volumetric plastic strain rate function that has a discontinuity in its first derivative w.r.t. stress, and a smoothed form is proposed instead. Finally, some experimental tests are simulated and the results are briefly discussed.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010
The inherent anisotropy more or less exists in sand when preparing samples in laboratory or taking from field. The purpose of this paper is to model cyclic behaviour of sand by means of a micromechanical approach considering inherent anisotropy. The micromechanical stress-strain model developed in an earlier study by is enhanced to account for the stress reversal on a contact plane and the density state-dependent dilatancy. The enhanced model is first examined by simulating typical drained and undrained cyclic tests in conventional triaxial conditions. The model is then used to simulate drained cyclic triaxial tests under constant p 0 on Toyoura sand with different initial void ratios and different levels of p 0 , and undrained triaxial tests on dense and loose Nevada sand. The applicability of the present model is evaluated through comparisons between the predicted and the measured results. The evolution of local stresses and local strains at inter-particle planes due to externally applied load are discussed. All simulations have demonstrated that the proposed micromechanical approach is capable of modelling the cyclic behaviour of sand with inherent and induced anisotropy.
Indian Geotechnical Journal, 2018
In this article, an existing constitutive model for sands is extended to account for the fabric effect arising from the sample preparation method. The ISA constitutive model, proposed by Fuentes and Triantafyllidis (Int J Geomech 39:1235-1254, 2015), serves as reference model to be extended. The proposed extension modifies the formulation of the characteristic void ratios, namely the maximum and critical void ratios. It features the conservation of a unique critical state line under large deviator strain amplitudes in order to be consistent with other works. The model performance is evaluated with some element test simulations of samples with different preparation methods. It also includes the simulation of a scaled foundation test on a sand deposited by aerial discharge. The simulations showed that many effects related with the material fabric are captured with the proposed formulation.
Soils and Foundations, 2007
A comprehensive series of triaxial compression (TC) tests have been performed on two air-dried poorly gradedˆne sands (Hostun and Toyoura sands) and on a moist mixture of sand and clay (Hostun sand-Kaolin clay). Tests were conducted by means of two high precision devices: a hollow cylinder apparatus (HCA,``T4C StaDy'') and a triaxial apparatus (TA,``Triaxial StaDy''). The elastic properties of these granular materials were systemically and carefully measured at diŠerent stress levels by both static and dynamic methods, i.e., by small cyclic loadings for strain levels below 0.001z and by shear (S) and compression (P) wave propagations using piezoelectric elements. It is found that the elastic properties measured by static and dynamic methods become very consistent if the stress-induced anisotropy is properly taken into account. For this, two diŠerent assumptions were considered in the back analysis of the dynamic test interpretation: an isotropic elastic behaviour and a cross-anisotropic (or transverse isotropic) elastic behaviour. The resulting diŠerences in the determination of each of the elastic parameters are quantiˆed and discussed. An hypoelastic model (DBGS model), taking into account stress-induced anisotropy (including rotation of stress principal axes) is found to be relevant in the prediction of both static and dynamic measurements. This model was otherwise used to consider the cross-anisotropic elastic assumption.
Available online at: It has been revealed that both elastic and plastic components of the granular soils behavior are affected by the stress induced anisotropy as a result of the history of previous shear loadings. While the influence of fabric anisotropy on the plastic elements of the elasto-plastic constitutive models has been extensively studied in the literature, the anisotropic elastic response is usually neglected mainly because of avoiding complication. Herein, a simple anisotropic elasticity theory is proposed. To this aim, the fourth order elasticity tensor is related to a second order fabric-dilatancy tensor describing magnitude and direction of induced anisotropy. Proper constitutive equations for calibration of the proposed elasticity theory using data of triaxial and simple shear tests are presented. Then, the introduced elasticity theory is implemented within an advanced sand constitutive model. The model predictions are compared with the experimental data of independent research teams. It is shown that the modification of the basic platform by the proposed anisotropic elasticity theory leads to improvement of liquefaction predictions.
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