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This article intends to show how literature may be used in language classes to develop student's knowledge of English. First, we examine the evolution of literature in the language classroom, then we give account of some reasons that justify its use in language classes, of the role of reading in language development, and of the way poetry is treated in the ESL classroom. The Waste Land is a good work to be used as a tool to develop student's communicative competence in English. The article ends with a didactic proposal for ESL instruction based on the poem.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
Teachers in general and English teachers specifically, are always concerned with the kind of material they are going to present to their students. One of the most challenging kinds of material for English classes is literature. Although some scholars have pointed out to the shortcoming of literature use in practice, it is so vast and so practicable that instructors cannot stop using it. Language learning requires acquiring four skills of reading comprehension, writing, listening and speaking. Some sources provide materials that can meet some of these abilities, but literature has proved a good source that fulfills these four skills. Also, language learning deals with culture, and hence with social understanding. It is this feature of language that demands materi als dealing with culture. Literature is culture; that is, it is not to say that literature deals with culture, but it should be said that literature is the culture of the people using that language. Besides, it can be claimed that the use of literature in language classes encourages more thoughtful and purposeful language learning. In this respect, the learners are not only exposed to the real use of language, but also they become critical thinkers. As such, the present paper will debate the reasons behind using literature as a good source in teaching English language.
For many years, literature has been an important part of the culture of a country which, in a way, has served as an artistic instrument where readers can delight themselves with enriching stories, plays, novels, poems, etc. On the other hand, literature is a key piece in language teaching. However, many questions have arisen regarding why literature is taught, and why it is necessary for students to read and analyze works as part of the curriculum. To answer this, it is necessary to review more in-depth about the benefits and importance of literature, which goes beyond reading and learning a Shakespearean drama or sonnet, and to just simply discuss that Romeo and Juliet died due to forbidden affairs. To become aware of literature relevance, we must understand that when an author expresses his or her feelings, experiences, point of view, etc. he or she is broadening our possibility of experiencing through his or her perspective. So in the end it is not just understanding what the work is about, but also understanding what the author wants to convey by forging a connection with him or her and with the context. Hence, this paper aims to deeply analyze the benefits, problems, and possible solutions that have been raised by several authors regarding this matter.
SUB journal, 2019
Abstract: This article aims to show how literature may be used in language classes to increase students knowledge of English. Firstly, examine the progress of literature in the language classroom, then researcher gives account of some reasons that justifies its use in language classes, of the role of literature in language development, and of the way poetry is treated in the teaching language through literature classroom."The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is a remarkable work to be used as a device to increase students subjective and communicative competence in English. The article ends with some useful proposal for instruction, based on Lazer's ( 1993) reading circle of activities in the teaching language through Literature classroom.
Teaching literature through language calls for active involvement of both the teacher and the taught. Here, the focus is on teaching literature and medium is the language. The context and form of a literary work brings forth meaningful discussion and enjoyment. The paper will discuss the importance of teaching literature in the language teaching and learning process, the question of choosing an appropriate literary text and some strategies for teaching literature by creating an awareness of linguistic possibilities and sensibility I think aesthetic teaching is the highest of all teaching because it deals with life in its highest complexity.
Literature can be regarded as a rich source of 'authentic material' because it conveys two features in its written text: one is 'language in use,'i.e the employment of linguistics by those who have mastered it into a fashion intended for native speakers; the second is an aesthetic representation of the spoken language which is meant to recover or represent language within a certain cultural context. Teaching language through literature help teachers first to acquaint themselves with language use to develop their own competence and understand language as a social phenomenon, and not as an exclusive branch of learning. And another thing is that it transforms the classrooms as the stage in which there is real practice of communicative language. It also helps teachers to consider language as entailing social acceptability in other words; they can look to classroom language as carrying resemblance with the outside language. And As a result, this would raise communication ...
There are many reasons for reading a good book. There can be the curiosity for human drama, excitement about a good plot or thirst for gripping episodes. Others marvel at the deep thoughts and philosophies presented in good literature. All wonderfully worded by a skilful author who plays around with words and imagery. Not many people will read a good book because it enables them to learn a language. Not often are readers aware of the virtuous potential of reading for pleasure on the arduous task of language learning. But there are enormous benefits for schools, institutes and private learners: By reading the language skills are developed unconsciously and thus without much effort. In this contribution research into the effects of reading on language acquisition and the use this can have in education will be dealt with.
NUTA Journal, 2019
This paper seeks to examine the importance of literature in the English language classroom and looks at the effect of its use. Examples given will be mainly from personal experience gained from teaching Nepalese students. It is necessary to understand the importance of teaching English Language through literature in order to make language learning an enriching experience for students. The growing trend of learning English in Nepal has increased its significance as well. The uses of literature in the classroom explore the interesting uses of words, phrases and sounds in contexts. It, then, without human intervention increase students’ awareness of literary language and help them understand language better.
This paper aims at emphasizing the use of literature as a popular technique for teaching both basic language LSRW Skills, (i.e. listening, speaking, reading & writing) and language areas (i.e. vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation). Literary pieces especially stories are more attractive and fascinating than other teaching materials and allow group discussions and individual explorations. They offer real language use, which creates a feeling for the language in the students. In this study, tasks were designed for the students based on literary texts which provided ample opportunities for developing and practicing listening, speaking, reading & writing skills. Activities like role plays, group discussions and presentations reduced the level of anxiety in the students and they got involved into the language with enthusiasm and interest. It is suggested that selecting the texts properly and designing different sets of activities according to the needs of the learners can facilitate language teaching and learning. Literature and the different genres of literature benefit the teaching of language skills making it interesting.
Nepal Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Literature is a prolific expression of human feelings, emotions, thoughts, opinions, and so on. Language is a system of communication that consists of a set of sounds, words, and grammar rules that are used by a particular group of people. The relationship between language and literature is complex and multifaceted, with each influencing and enriching the other in a variety of ways. Literature can be an effective tool for improving language skills and deepening cultural understanding. The substantial objective of this article is to highlight the importance of incorporating literature in the language classroom. This article is based on the secondary qualitative data taken via books and journal articles regarding literature, language and the significance of literature for teaching language skills. Both teachers and students will be benefitted from this article as they will be encouraged and ignited to teach language in an innovative way through using literary texts. It will reflect ho...
Journal Article, 2021
The role and importance of English Language in today's globalized world is increasing every day. Second language learners of English Language, especially those form vernacular backgrounds find it tremendously difficult to cope up with the demands of a foreign tongue. The learning of English when it is imparted through the rote method of learning and only through grammar does not incite the curiosity and enthusiasm among the students. Whereas, when the teaching/learning of English language is done through the use of literature the entire process comes alive. The learning of English through the application of literature not only becomes interesting and easier, but more easily graspable and enjoyable. This paper tries to focus on the use of literature as a pedagogical tool for the fostering of English Language proficiency among the students.
This research aims to consider literature as a significant tool for teaching fundamental language skills including speaking, listening, reading and writing. Reasons for the use of literature in language classrooms and major factors for choosing appropriate kinds of literary texts in such classes should be highlighted in order to make readers aware of the primary reasons that why language instructors are suggested to use literary texts. Furthermore, teaching language skills through literature, advantages of various kinds of genres of literature to language teaching and some issues faced by language instructors in teaching language via literature are considered in the present study.
This research aims to consider literature as a significant tool for teaching fundamental language skills including speaking, listening, reading and writing. Reasons for the use of literature in language classrooms and major factors for choosing appropriate kinds of literary texts in such classes should be highlighted in order to make readers aware of the primary reasons that why language instructors are suggested to use literary texts. Furthermore, teaching language skills through literature, advantages of various kinds of genres of literature to language teaching and some issues faced by language instructors in teaching language via literature are considered in the present study.
Abstract: Literature in a language classroom provides enough space for the learners to comment, justify and mirror themselves. By using literary text the language class can turn out to be lively and motivating. Having formed part of traditional language teaching approaches, literature became less popular when language teaching and learning started to focus on the functional use of language. However, the role of literature in the ELT classroom has been re-assessed and many view literary texts as providing rich linguistic input, effective stimuli for students to express themselves in other languages and a potential source of learner motivation. This paper tries to analyze how literature can be used effectively for teaching English language and also tries to find out whether learning English Language is feasible through the use of Literature at all the stages of language learning. Key words: literature, traditional language, functional language, approaches, ELT.
Language Teaching, 1996
World Journal of English Language, 2012
In view of the conflicting views about the traditional literature based vs. authentic materials in teaching English as a second and foreign language as well as English for academic and specific purposes, a brief survey about the benefits of the materials reveals that the literature based materials can capture the attention of the learners by connecting the content to the real time situations more impressively and artistically than authentic materials and can make the learning more meaningful. The information required has been collected in the form of questionnaires and oral interviews and an analysis of the data has been presented in the narrative form in combination with the accounts of analyses of the review of similar literature.
International Journal of Social Sciences and Educational Studies, 2023
When it comes to the field of literature the first thing which comes to mind is reading different literary works from the different genres; however, literature means the development of communication between individuals of different cultures and societies; this is against the past knowledge that linguistics was regarded as a tool to teach languages. Through the study of language, imagination can hardly be developed, and vocabulary development would be something so difficult to accomplish; in contrast, literary works will help learners of any language to adapt to the real world through language competence and knowledge since language and literature have an intimate role. The paper aims at improving the English language and understanding the cultural background of the language through literature. Another objective will be the improvement of personal imagination and emotion and provide the opportunity to use the language through the words that will be learned in different literary works effectively. Furthermore, further ideas will be given to utilize critical thinking.
This paper aims at emphasizing the use of literature as a popular technique for teaching both basic language skills (i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking) and language areas (i.e. vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation) in our times. Reasons for using literary texts in foreign language classroom and main criteria for selecting suitable literary texts in foreign language classes are stressed so as to make the reader familiar with the underlying reasons and criteria for language teachers' using and selecting literary texts. Moreover, literature and the teaching of language skills, benefits of different genres of literature (i.e. poetry, short fiction, drama and novel) to language teaching and some problems encountered by language teachers within the area of teaching English through literature (i.e. lack of preparation in the area of literature teaching in TESL / TEFL programs, absence of clear-cut objectives defining the role of literature in ESL / EFL, language teachers' not having the background and training in literature, lack of pedagogically-designed appropriate materials that can be used by language teachers in a classroom context) are taken into account. Özet Bu makale günümüzde hem temel dil becerilerinin (okuma, yazma, dinleme ve konuşma) hem de dil alanlarının (sözcükbilgisi, dilbilgisi ve telaffuz) öğretiminde sevilen bir teknik olarak edebiyatın kullanımını vurgulamayı amaçlamaktadır. Dil öğretmenlerinin edebi metinleri kullanmalarının ve seçmelerinin temelini oluşturan sebepleri ve ölçütleri okuyucuya tanıtmak amacıyla, yabancı dil sınıfında edebi metinler kullanmanın sebepleri ve yabancı dil sınıflarında uygun edebi metinler seçmenin temel ölçütleri vurgulanmaktadır. Üstelik, edebiyat ve dil becerileri öğretimi, farklı edebiyat türlerinin (şiir, kısa öykü, drama ve roman) dil öğretimine yararları ve edebiyat ile İngilizce öğretimi alanında dil öğretmenleri tarafından karşılaşılan bazı sorunlar (TESL / TEFL programlarındaki edebiyat öğretimi alanındaki hazırlığın yetersizliği, ESL / EFL programlarında edebiyatın rolünü tanımlayan açık amaçların yokluğu, dil öğretmenlerinin edebiyat temeline ve eğitimine sahip olmayışı, dil öğretmenleri tarafından sınıf bağlamında kullanılabilecek eğitsel olarak tasarlanmış uygun materyallerin yokluğu) ele alınıyor.
11th ELT Conference Absract Book, 2020
In this paper I will emphasize and explore some of those underlying issues and concerns relevant to using literature in ELT classroom. It is undeniable fact, that while language is used to compose literature, the works of literature provide sources for linguistic development or linguistic accuracy that show the applications of language. Moreover, literature as an art of words can help the learners to become more sensitive to language-both their own and other people’s. The valuable experience for students that literature offers is to leap over the wall of self and look through another’s eyes, to see the world from another person’s point of view. Communicative approach that considers being the pioneering and effective approach in language learning is implemented largely in language classrooms to teach not only language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking, but also language areas such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Understanding of those approaches is crucial for language instructors to determine the best way to bring in class the resources provided by literary texts with the purpose of improving language curriculum.
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