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The study used quantitative content analysis to compare the international news content about Africa and the rest of the world in selected daily and weekly newspapers in Malawi and explored the extent to which economic factors, as represented by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), influence news flows about Africa into Malawi. The results showed dominance of the categories of war/international conflict and politics. International news agencies were the principal sources of news items for all the four papers. Though there were differences among the newspapers in the amount of space allocated to various categories such differences were minor. The study established that GDP is not a determinant of the amount of coverage a country receives. KEY TERMS Malawi newspapers, quantitative content analysis, NWICO, international news, news values, international media dependency, world system. 3.10.5 .10 Other This category included all news items that could not be placed into any of the categories identified above. The news items that were placed in this category in the current study were about religion and sports. 3.11 NUMBER OF NEWS ITEMS
Coverage of international news, represented in the newsworthiness determinants, news categories, and roles of the national, regional and international news agencies from a developing countries perspective, is an area that has not been thoroughly investigated. It was adopted wholly by the developing countries from the Western system with it's basic news standards. Hence, a need arose to undertake a study on international news coverage. The population was sampled by constructing weekly tables, which comprised of 1825 international news articles published between Jan 1st, 1996 and Dec 31st, 1998 by The Star (Malaysia) and The New Vision (Uganda) newspapers. Statistical procedures employing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in data analysis. Specifically, descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and chi-square were used. The finding indicate that the standard newsworthiness determinants were considered but at an alterable degree in determinin...
This research was conducted to assess the coverage of the developed versus the developing world in six selected local English language newspapers in Ethiopia. Six editions of each of these newspapers representing six weeks in March and April, 2006 were sampled, and all the foreign news appeared on the front and/or the inner pages of each newspaper were analyzed quantitatively. A qualitative analysis of a purposely selected news items was also made to identify the roles and representations the developed and the developing world had in the foreign news coverage of the six newspapers. In-depth interviews were also conducted with representative editors and editors-in-chief of the newspapers. The results of the study indicated that the developing world in general and Africa in particular had a wider coverage than the developed world, but the developed world had far more coverage than the developing world outside Africa. However, the individual newspapers showed significant variations to the extent that the coverage of these parts of the world in some of these newspapers contradicted the generalizations drawn above. These variations appeared to have been explained partly by the objectives of the newspapers, and the influence of the individual editors and editors-in-chief who were involved in the news selection processes. The use of sources in particular was found to be an important factor in determining the newspapers’ coverage of the different parts of the world. Ownership, however, seems to have been loosely related to these variations in the extent and types of coverage given to the different parts of the world by the six newspapers analyzed in the study.
Information is power and the most critically sought commodity in today’s world. Those that control the information are usually seemed to be the most powerful in our contemporary society. Therefore, for the past thirty years, there has been a controversy resulting from accusation and counter accusation of imbalance flow of information from the west to south. The purported victims which are the developing nations have been raging bitterly over the news coverage of events in their continent and have denounced western newspapers, journals, and television outlets for their alleged sensationalism and anti-development bias (Legum & Cornwell, 1978). Due to this controversy, on several accounts, developing nations have attempted to engage the western nations through different channels to address the issue of global information inequality. One that may readily come to mind is the UNESCO meetings in 1969 (Sean , Elie, Sergei , & Somavia, 1980), 1974 (Mowlana, 1985), 1976 (Bandopadhyay, 2006) and 1980 (Tokunbo, 2000) consecutively, where the UNESCO group of experts on mass communication and society noted in its disturbing but revealing report that: What has come to be known as the free flow of information at the present time is often in fact a one way rather than a true exchange of information. In retaliation, western world has equally charged the developing world of seeking to obstruct the free flow of information and insist to make no change in the information flow which they regard as a threat to the freedom to report, to print, and to broadcast news (Legum & Cornwell, 1978). This charge and counter-charge is far from abating and in fact is gathering momentum as it persists in many developing countries as they are well aware of the value of information in speeding material development and in maintaining power. In this paper however, the author will be discussing the developing world perception of new world information order, seeking to find what changes they expect from it. The essay will also attempt to identify the positions taken by these disputants by closely looking at the exchange of charges and counter-charges between those demanding balance in the news and those demanding journalistic freedom. And finally we will explore the issues underlying the dispute and attempt to proffer solutions where necessary.
Coverage of African countries in African media not only serves to inform readers what is happening on the continent but may also shape perspectives about the continent and countries therein. In order to explore the coverage of African countries as it appeared in African media and editors’ views on the coverage, Africa No Filter (ANF) commissioned this research. The research took a three-pronged approach: media was selected and reviewed from 15 countries and the editors of these publications surveyed for their opinions on how African countries cover other African countries. The publications were drawn from all regions: North, Southern, West, Central and East Africa. In total, 56 media were included in these components of the study – the most influential media in each country. These quantitative methods were complemented by focus groups with editors, journalists and foreign correspondents from Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda, The focus groups sought to help understand which African stories – negative and positive – are prioritised by editors, how story frames are used and what ideas could help shift narratives. In total, 25 people participated in focus groups. The review found that coverage of African countries was poor in terms of overall numbers. A closer look reveals some countries’ media include great amounts of stories and others almost none. In addition, there were also variances in terms of the levels of detailed, contextualised coverage. Coverage also tended to be of a small number of countries, and many countries did not feature at all in the media of other African countries. What coverage there was tended to evolve around a few events rather than exploring issues in depth. Stories covering Africa as a whole was the most common scope of a story, with coverage of trade and economics, agreements and events. In covering African countries, conflicts and disputes under topics such as elections, politics, crime, conflicts and protests not only predominate, but are also considered more newsworthy by editors. In the study, coverage of some countries were mostly or all related to events, such as elections in Guinea and Tanzania and protests in Nigeria. In contrast, stories about South Africa and Egypt were more diverse in their focus. Editors and journalists interviewed in groups and surveyed acknowledged that there were stereotypes in their own and other African media’s coverage. They cited scarce resources as the biggest challenge to cover Africa more extensively (92%of the editors surveyed). There is a desire among the editors to cover African countries (87% of the editors surveyed said it was important or very important to cover African stories). Editors and journalists in response to the survey and during focus group discussions also recognised the need for more nuanced coverage, but the available funding dictated that they use stories by western agencies, which often are in line with the expectations of western audiences, to cover stories from Africa. In fact, agencies account for almost half (43%) of the stories about African countries in the media review. Only 19% of the agency stories in the sample size were from agencies based in Africa. This means that it is often non-Africans who set the agenda or offer perspectives on African affairs and events. Solutions suggested by the research findings from the three sources include creating more awareness of the poor coverage and the need for commitment to better stories. In order to address the lack of resources, investment would need to be made into diverse, nuanced coverage. Furthermore, networks of editors and journalists could function to pool stories and multimedia for use in different publications, in this way, more countries would be covered.
The specific role of mass communication and the mass media In the development dynamics is still quite controvertible. So is the status of development communication as a theoretical construct, as the multiplicity of its definitions suggests. These issues have become more critical In the light of recent world-wide political changes and of the many Instances of debilitating ethnic conflicts. It is in this context that this paper investigated the Incidence of development-oriented content In two Nigerian dailies, hypothesizing that, despite the claims that Nigerian newspapers have been excessively political, their contents are significantly more development-oriented than not and that this orientation is topically diversified and consistent over time. The results of the content-analysis study showed that the papers were more non-developmental in their orientation than developmental. Other aspects of the findings suggest, however, that sustained development requires a communication and gov...
Africa and Africans have for centuries faced the issue of negative representation in international news media and particularly in the western news media. News reports in these foreign media connote Africa as a backward continent with barbaric people and unchanging culture. These negative representations are "historical baggage" carried from colonial rulers and have lived on to define Africa and its people. The "single story" of Africa being a crisis-stricken continent with a people in need of civilization is one that Africa and Africans have long fought to overturn. The desire to "own the African story" prompted the establishment of the Pan-African News Agency (PANA) by the Organization of African Unity (OAU). With its core mandate of correcting the distorted image of Africa and contributing to global news flow, the Pan-African News Agency was poised to offer a more positive reporting of Africa to counter persistent negative narratives. This study analyzes the successes and failures of PANA in achieving its core mandate, focusing on developments through the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Although PANA exists today, it is now a private enterprise and not very active or effective. Therefore, this study seeks to learn lessons from PANA's past experiences to inform future measures to revamp the Pan-African News Agency achieve its core mandate of balancing global news flow.
This study examined the image of Africa as portrayed in the international news columns of Nigerian newspapers in order to determine how African media represent the continent. Content analysis was adopted and five newspapers: The Guardian, Vanguard, Nigerian Tribune, This Day and the Punch were purposively selected. A total of 3,064 editions of the newspapers, between 2001 and 2005 were content-analysed. Two hypotheses were formulated and data were analysed using chi-square and t-test. Findings revealed that the image of Africa in the selected Nigerian newspapers is that of a politically unstable, conflict-ridden and economically backward continent. There was a significant association between the newspapers' sources of international news and the direction of African news (x 2 = 405.77, df 12, p<.05). Africa is under-reported in Nigerian newspapers as the newspapers significantly reported more news about other continents than African news (t=-22.413, df = 3062, p<.05). Such image of Africa in the newspapers which depicts it as a politically unstable, conflict-ridden and economically backward continent challenges popular assumptions about its portrayal in African newspapers. This has pedagogical and curricular implications for journalism education in Africa. This study therefore reinforces the arguments for an overhaul of the curriculum of African communication schools.
This book chapter explores how the international news coverage of Africa has changed over the past two decades. It presents the results of a content analysis comparing international news content from the 1990s and the 2010s. The results find that the news coverage of Africa has become significantly more positive in tone. In addition, there has been a decrease in stories that focus exclusively on humanitarian disaster, and an increase in stories about business and sport. These results suggest that we may finally be moving beyond a reductive and negative “single story” dominating the international news coverage of the continent. This chapter is from the book, Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century: From the "Heart of Darkness" to 'Africa Rising" edited by Mel Bunce, Suzanne Franks and Chris Paterson (Routledge: 2016)
Media Asia, 2006
Mass media play an essential role in the broadcasting process of significant information about events. The objectivity of public opinion depends on the authenticity of the information provided by mass media. The same events and phenomena can be covered differently by countries' mass media, taking completely contrary attitudes. With the ongoing
News in our contemporary newspapers has come to be associated more and more with what the elites do and say. Both their deeds and misdeeds are treated as newsworthy events and in the process they become newsmakers, both actors and sources of news. Even when they are not directly involved in news events they are sought out by journalists to validate those events and to interpret the social reality to the readers as news sources. This study is about the selection of news sources in the Daily Nation, a contemporary, independent newspaper based in Nairobi, Kenya. In this study, I set out to unravel the complex processes that underlie newsmaking and source selection. This study is informed by the theory of news values and the paradigm of the role of media in democracy. Based on qualitative interviews, observations and content analysis of the front-page stories, it investigates the process of news and source selection in front-page stories. Through these approaches, I established that new...
This study examined an analysis of selected newspapers coverage of development news in Nigeria. While discussions and findings regarding media role have been mixed and inconclusive, recent study has characterized the press in Nigeria as ineffective in news dissemination and analysis, and described its relationship with governments as controversial and antagonistic. Thus, newspapers when properly conceived can be more than reporting mere events to becoming an instigator of development. The objectives was to ascertain the volume of coverage given to development issues in Nigeria by selected newspapers from January to August 2020, to determine the level of significance attached to development news in Nigeria by the selected newspapers from January to August 2020 and to examine the type of report that received more attention by the selected newspapers in their coverage of development issues in Nigeria. Agenda Setting theory and Media Development theory was adopted for this study. Strati...
The Image of Africa in Ghana’s Press is a comprehensive and highly analytical study of the impact of foreign news organisations on the creation of an image of Africa in its own press. Identifying a problematic focus on the Western media in previous studies of the African media image, Serwornoo uses the Ghanaian press as a case study to explore the effects of centuries of Afro-pessimistic discourse in the foreign press on the continent’s self-description.
Political history of Malawi can essentially be categorised in three phases:
International Communication Gazette, 2003
Informed by the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) debate on the need for a two-way information flow in international relations, this paper posits that an efficient African online newspaper could provide an alternate slant to African news in a global arena. A content analysis of the homepages of four African newspaper websites (Al Ahram, Independent Online, Vanguard, and the Daily Nation) was conducted to determine to what extent they incorporate the following attributes necessary for an efficient webpage: (a) Speed (b) Structure (c) Content, (d) Navigation, and (e) Customer focus. Also, these websites were reviewed to determine how they integrate social media networks, specifically, Twitter and Facebook. Results
This study investigated the political role of the Weekend Nation newspaper in the democratisation of Malawi between 2002 and 2012 within the context of its foundational and ownership structures by a politician. Bearing in mind that the newspaper was founded by a politician belonging to the first democratically elected ruling party, the United Democratic Front (UDF), this research sought to examine the impact of media ownership on the political role of the Weekend Nation's journalistic practices in Malawi's democratisation. Between 2002 and 2012, Malawi was governed by three presidents-Bakili Muluzi of the UDF from 1994 to 2004, Bingu wa Mutharika of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) from 2004 to 2012, and Joyce Banda of the People's Party (PP) from 2012 to 2014-all of whom were hostile to the Weekend Nation. Taking into cognisance the ownership of the Weekend Nation by a politician, the critical political economy theory of the media was deemed to be the most appropriate theoretical framework for this study. In media research, the critical political economy theory asserts that owners are able to regulate the output of the media institution either by intervening in the day-today operations, or by establishing general goals and understandings and appointing managerial and editorial staff to implement them within the constraints set by the overall allocation of resources. The study employed a qualitative research methodology, in particular in-depth interviews and qualitative content analysis. Research findings indicate that overall, the political ownership of the newspaper had no direct bearing on the journalists' political role in the enhancement of democracy and good governance in Malawi. It established that despite the ownership of the Weekend Nation belonging to a prominent and influential politician, the editorial independence was not compromised. Contrary to general expectations, this study established that the Weekend Nation in Malawi, was critical to the political elite in an indiscriminate manner. Although it was not the focus of this study, the research also showed that market forces, in line with the stance taken by the critical political economy theory, had some impact on the Weekend Nation's editorial independence. The quest for more advertising revenue, to an extent, undermined the struggle for complete editorial independence. I give thanks to God Almighty, all the angels and saints for the grace and enrichment in my career. Words fail me to express sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Simphiwe Sesanti, whose scholarly guidance, motivation and leadership enabled me to travel through the academic journey with a vision. I also wish to thank most sincerely Professor Lizette Rabe and Dr. Gabriël Botma of the Stellenbosch University's Journalism Department, from whose insights I benefited greatly. I would also like to thank Mrs. Elizabeth Newman and Mrs. Lijuan Daniels who made my stay in the department very pleasant. For Elizabeth in particular, I am also grateful for the consolidation of our spiritual beliefs through the Stellenbosch Roman Catholic Parish, which was an important aspect during my research and beyond. My research would not have been possible without the financial support of the University of Stellenbosch's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences' Graduate School which awarded me a full-time scholarship to pursue my dream and for that I am greatly indebted. I also thank the University of Malawi's Chancellor College for the gesture of a fully-paid leave throughout my studies. A special thanks to the Nation Publications Limited (NPL) management: CEO Mbumba Achuthan, Deputy CEO Alfred Mtonga, and former Managing Editor, late Edward Chitsulo for granting me access to their organisation, including all the former and present Weekend Nation journalists who took part in this study. The NPL library team was marvellous during the months I and my research assistant, Francis "Fra" Xavier Mpanga, spent there. "Fra", your contribution deserves special recognition. For staff of the Society of Malawi library in Blantyre, Chancellor College library and the National Archives in Zomba, Malawi, I express my sincere thanks for your support. I am also grateful to the Stellenbosch Journalism departmental colleagues in research, Adrian Stewart, Mphatisi Ndhlovu, Sibongile Mpofu, Irene Wamae, Marenet Jordaan and Nabila Hatimy as well as John Bosco Isunju from the Faculty of Science for their friendship and scholarly support. Finally, my profound gratitude goes to my family, specifically my mother for her tireless motherly and grandmotherly love and care. I also thank my wife Prisca, my children Sipho and Brianna who had to endure three years of my absence, my siblings Mwayi, Mtisunge, Chikondi, Khuma and Mwatitha as well as the Gunde and Mpanga clans for their moral support and words of encouragement in the course of my studies.
Free and independent information media are fundamental for both the economic and democratic development of countries (Sanjukta, 2014). In Africa, and particularly in conflict zones, international donors and non-profit organisations mainly support media development. They provide initial investments to help stabilise countries and support their transition towards democracy or out of war. After a certain level of success is perceived, donors and organisations either lower their support or withdraw completely. The sustainability of media in the long run is therefore one of the biggest problems for developing democracies to solve (Cook, 2016). Furthermore, donor interventions have emphasised training, but much less so the development of strategies and the creation of institutionalised structures for educating journalists, media business managers, and audience researchers over the long term (Fojo, 2012; Kariithi, 2002; Susman-Pena, 2012). Among the five objectives that according to the In...
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