O patrimônio agrário no território do Contestado


The objective of this article is to present studies carried out in the territory of the Autonomous Community of La Mancha (Spain), at the postdoctoral level, in or-der to investigate the implementation of development strategies based on the concept of agrarian patrimony, and subsequently , to prospect agrarian properties that may be present in the micro-region of Canoinhas (Brazil), capable of providing patrimonialisation processes, with a view to the elaboration of similar territorial development strategies. The methodological approach considered the examination of the development plans of the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha, based on fieldwork con-ducted in several provinces of that Spanish territory and relied on the literature review available on the conceptual category of agrarian patrimony. Among the main results, the following stand out: obtaining data and information about the agrarian goods pre-sent in the Spanish territory, in particular, the winemaking activity...