A New Error Correction Code



There are some design procedures that simplify fault diagnosis or detection in which faults can be automatically detected and/or corrected by use of coded inputs. In general, codes are commonly classified in terms of their ability to detect or correct classes of errors that affect some fixed number of bits in a word. Many codes have been developed that can be used in the design of self-checking circuits. Type of codes may vary depending on the type of circuits. For data-transmission busses, a parity-check code may be adequate, for other types of functions, however, we may wish to use a code by which the check bits of the result can be determined from the check bits of the operands. In this study, we developed a new Error Detection and Correction Code (ED/CC), called “Persec code”, which proved mathematically to be better in compare with other candidates and also adaptive to changing environments. Theoretically, this code is able to detect several errors, and correct more than one er...