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Il Nuovo Cimento
A possible explanation of the problem of equidistance rule for the masses of the baryon resonances posed recently by 0akes and Yang is given. The same method is also applied to explain the discrepancy between the Okubo-Sakurai-value of the r angle and the value calculated by Kim Oneda and Pati.
Nuclear Physics B, 1983
We study the ½ + baryon octet within the ITEP sum rule approach. With only the input of one mixing angle for the interpolating baryon operator, the quark vacuum condensates and the strange quark mass, the best values for the masses are obtained for (gs)l/3 _-0.93(~u)1/3 and m s = 115 MeV. We also give results for the ~ + decuplet.
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento
It is surprising that there is no explanation for the recurrence of strongly interacting particles with identical quantum numbers (baryon number, strangeness, isotopic and ordinary spin, and parity). In this letter very simple symmetry assumptions are adopted; U1 as a symmetry group, SUI~ as a dynamical group. The resulting restrictions on the mass spectra are very strong and do not contradict experimental data. Let us assume that the particles can be classified by the addition of a single new quantum number k. The simplest corresponding assumption concerning the breaking of this symmetry is that the quantum of the breaking field is a single meson. A similar assumption was previously adopted (1) for the symmetry group SU~ resulting in ~he dynamical groups SUI. 3 and SU~. The analogy here is to regard this meson M as tile .2
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 1979
The narrow Y-resonances discovered in c+e -and proton-nucleus reactions (~) have been popularly interpreted as bound states of a fifth quark (b), ~alled ~beautiful ~), of mass m b ~ 5 GeV and its antiquark (2). A clean test of this idea will be the experimental observation of isodoublet of ~ beautiful, mesons B-(bu), B~ and their resonances B*-and B*. With the PETR~k in operation the observation of these states is perhaps round the corner. _is it has been emphasized in case of charmed mesons (3) the mass differences ~nB---~B o, and roB*--mB*o and m R. --m B will be crucial in determining the production ratios of various ~ beautiful ~ mesons in e+c -annihilation and their decay mechanisms. It should be mentioned here that these mass splittings have recently been calculated by Bo~ (~) and K~A~ (5), using the extension of Cottingham formula to SU5 and nonrelativistic quark model, respectively. It is interesting to note that the results of these two calculations are of some magnitude but of opposite sign. BOAL gets mR---taro = 2 MeV whereas Khare's estimate is m B---~nBo -----(--1.41 • MeV which is rather expected from the nature of K-splittings since ~ b ~> and ~ s ,~ quarks carry the same charge. This situation is to be contrasted with the fact that all the calculations of D*, D ~ mass difference in various formalism like bag model (~), Cottingham formulations (7) (l) S. ~vV.
The European Physical Journal A, 2008
Constituent quark models provide a reasonable description of the baryon mass spectra. However, even in the light-and strange-flavor sectors several intriguing shortcomings remain. Especially with regard to strong decays of baryon resonances no consistent picture has so far emerged, and the existing experimental data cannot be explained in a satisfactory manner. Recently first covariant calculations with modern constituent quark models have become available for all π, η, and K decay modes of the low-lying light and strange baryons. They generally produced a remarkable underestimation of the experimental data for partial decay widths. We summarize the main results and discuss their impact on the classification of baryon resonances into flavor multiplets. These findings are of particular relevance for future efforts in the experimental investigation of baryon resonances.
viXra, 2013
Considering the model in which the effective interaction between any two quarks of a baryon can be approximately described by a simple harmonic potential, and making use of the expression of the energy obtained in Cartesian coordinates for the above mentioned model, we find a general expression for the radii of baryons. We then apply the expression to some baryons and find very consistent values for the radii of baryons and an experimental confirmation for the ground state of − Ξ .
NSTAR 2004 - Proceedings of the Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons, 2004
Physics Letters B, 2004
We study J P = ( 3 2 ) − baryon resonances as generated by chiral coupled-channel dynamics in the χ−BS(3) approach. Parameter-free results are obtained in terms of the Weinberg-Tomozawa term predicting the leading s-wave interaction strength of Goldstone bosons with baryon-decuplet states. In the 'heavy' SU(3) limit with m π = m K ∼ 500 MeV the resonances turn into bound states forming a decuplet and octet representation of the SU(3) group. Using physical masses the mass splitting are remarkably close to the empirical pattern.
Physical Review D, 1997
The isospin symmetry breakings of qq are investigated in the QCD sum rule method. The electromagnetic effects are evaluated following the procedure requiring that the electromagnetic effects for charged meson be gauge invariant. We find that the electromagnetic effects are also dominant in the isospin violations of the ρ mesons, which have been shown to be the case in the mass splittings of pions. The numerical results for the differences of pion decay constants and the masses of ρ mesons are presented, which are consistent with the data.
Physical review, 1995
Baryon masses are calculated in chiral perturbation theory at the one-loop-O(p 3) level in the chiral expansion and to leading order in the heavy baryon expansion. Ultraviolet divergences occur requiring the introduction of counter-terms. Despite this neccessity, no knowledge of the counter terms is required to determine the violations to the Gell-Mann Okubo mass relation for the baryon octet or to the decuplet equal mass-spacing rule, as all divergences cancel exactly at this order. For the same reason all reference to an arbitrary scale µ is absent. Neither of these features continue to higher-powers in the chiral expansion. We also discuss critically the absolute neccessity of simultaneously going beyond the leading order heavy baryon expansion, if one goes beyond the one-loop-O(p 3) level. We point out that these corrections in 1/MB generate new divergences ∝ m 4 /M10. These divergences together with the divergences occuring in one-loop-O(p 4) graphs of chiral perturbation theory are taken care of by the same set of counter-terms. Because of these unknown counter-terms one cannot predict the baryon mass splittings at the one-loop-O(p 4) level. We point out another serious problem of going to the one-loop-O(p 4) level. When the decuplet is off its mass-shell there are additional πN ∆ and π∆∆ interaction terms. These interactions contribute not only to the divergent terms ∝ (m 4 /M10), but also to nonanalytic terms such as ∝ (m 4 /M10)ln(m/M10). Thus without a knowledge of the coupling constants appearing in these interactions one cannot carry out a consistent one-loop-O(p 4) level calculation.
We study electromagnetic mass splittings of charmed baryons. We point out discrepancies among theoretical predictions in non-relativistic potential models; none of these predictions seems supported by experimental data. A new calculation is presented.
Physical Review D, 1972
We present results for the helicity amplitudes of the lowest-lying hyperon resonances Y * , computed within the framework of the Bonn constituent-quark model, which is based on the Bethe-Salpeter approach 1,2,3. The seven parameters entering the model are fitted against the best known baryon masses 4. Accordingly, the results for the helicity amplitudes are genuine predictions. Some hyperon resonances are seen to couple more strongly to a virtual photon with finite Q 2 than to a real photon. Other Y * 's, such as the S 01 (1670) Λ resonance or the S 11 (1620) Σ resonance, have large electromagnetic decay widths and couple very strongly to real photons. The negatively-charged and neutral members of a Σ * triplet may couple only moderately to the Σ(1193), while the positively-charged member of the same Σ * triplet displays a relatively large coupling to the Σ + (1193) state. This illustrates the necessity of investigating all isospin channels in order to obtain a complete picture of the hyperon spectrum.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2009
The European Physical Journal A, 2005
We study the spin-and flavour-dependent SU (6) violations in the baryon spectrum by means of a Gürsey-Radicati mass formula. The average energy of each SU (6) multiplet is described using the SU (6)-invariant interaction given by a hypercentral potential containing a linear and a hyper-Coulomb term. We show that the nonstrange-and strange-baryon masses are, in general, fairly well reproduced and moreover that the Gürsey-Radicati formula holds in a satisfactory way also for the excited states up to 2 GeV.
Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2, 1977
In previous calculations of the masses of charmed baryons by 5akimow and Kalman (1,~) and by Kalman (s) the mass of each baryon was given by (1) where Co, C1, C2 and C3 are all constants. It was then assumed that since the masses of the u and d quarks are much smaller than those of the s and e quarks, the last two terms are expected to be small and could be ignored. In this paper these terms are explicitly calculated. The effect is to renormalize the masses of all the mesons without changing the results of the previous calculations and to split the isoplets. A calculation of isoplet mass splittings was made by Kalman (4) for charm-zero baryons. In that paper, in addition to the Coleman-Glashow relation, two mass sum rules were obtained for JP= 89 baryons consistent within 10% of the experimental values. Correspondingly, based on eq. ( ) one obtains the Coleman-Glashow relation and the mass relations for charmed baryons obtained by Franklin (s) and three other mass sum rules. However, one of these relations is not consistent with experimental values. This is not unexpected, since no interactions between the quarks is included in eq. ( ). Following LICHTEN-BERG (e,v) and ITOH, MINA~IKAWA, MIURA and WATANAB]~ (s) a Coulomb and magnetic (*)
Physics Letters B, 2005
Physical Review Letters, 1995
arXiv:nucl-th/9505001v1 4 May 1995 Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. FSU-SCRI-95-37 IU/NTC 95-05 nucl-th/9505001
Zeitschrift f�r Physik C Particles and Fields, 1984
We calculate explicitly the electromagnetic mass splittings induced within the ground state baryons by the mass difference between the u and d quarks. This is performed in the framework of the non-relativistic potential model with an accurate treatment of the three-body problem. We also discuss the charge radius of the neutron.
Physical Review D, 1997
In previous publications we have analyzed the strong and electromagnetic decays of heavy mesons and heavy baryons in a formalism which incorporates heavy-quark and chiral symmetries. There are two possible symmetry-breaking effects on the chiral dynamics of heavy hadrons: the finite-mass effects from light quarks and the 1/m Q corrections from heavy quarks. In the present paper, chiral-symmetry-breaking effects are studied and applications to various strong and radiative decays of heavy hadrons are illustrated. SU(3) violations induced by chiral loops in the radiative decays of charmed mesons and charmed baryons are compared with those predicted by the constituent quark model. In particular, available data for D * decays favor values of the parameters in chiral perturbation theory which give There are two strong motivations, among others, for promoting a systematic study of both the 1/m Q corrections and the effects of chiral symmetry breaking. First, we have calculated in paper II the decay rates of D * → Dγ. When combined with our prediction for the strong decays D * → Dπ given in paper I, we are able to predict the branching ratios for the D * decays. Agreement is excellent between theory and the most recent experiment of CLEO II . Nevertheless, our predicted total width for D * + is Γ tot (D * + ) = 150 keV, ⋆ which is to be compared with the upper limit Γ tot (D * + ) < 131 keV published by the ⋆ The difference between this number (see ) and the result 141 keV obtained in Ref.
Physics Letters B
The masses of the baryon octet and decuplet are reproduced with a (10-20)% accuracy by ratios of exponential moment QCD spectral sum rules, obeying the z (sum rule variable) stability criterion. The onset of the QCD continuum is determined by consistency with the lowest dimensional finite energy sum rule. The N-A mass splitting is mainly controlled by the size of the mixed (@aG~u) condensate. The observed masses of the strange baryons can only be reproduced if there is a large breaking of the chiral condensates (~V) and (~trG~,). This result is independent of the choice of the nucleon current.
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