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110 pages
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Editorial foreword CurrEnt IssuEs In MEtaphysICs Gábor bács-János Tőzsér, Works of art from the Innocent point of View thoMas M. CrIsp, temporal passage: a shape-Dynamic account Ferenc HuoranszkI, powers, Dispositions, and Counterfactual Conditionals hoWarD robInson, "are there any Fs?": how We should understand this Question pEtEr Van InWagEn, "Who sees not that all the Dispute is about a Word?": some thoughts on bennett's "proxy 'actualism'" zsóFia zvolenszky, against sainsbury's Irrealism about
The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY, 2008
The latest book signed by Stefan Afloroaei, Metafizica noastra de toate zilele / Our Metaphysics of All Days, published by Humanitas Publishing House in 2008, brings into discussion a problematic that seemed long forgotten. The very title of the book announces its main idea, namely that metaphysics is as natural and present "frame of mind" of ours as possibly conceivable, a "form of sensitivity", an "experience," as the author himself calls it.
Schriften aus der Fakultät Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2013
This collection of essays originated in the Summer School 'Metaphysics or Modernity?', which was held at the University of Bamberg in August 2012. Designed as a forum for graduate students in philosophy, the Summer School brought together a highly diverse group of young academics who-more often than not-came from utterly different schools and traditions of thought. This pluralism is reflected in the pages of this book. While the volume is roughly divided into two halves-one with a more historical focus, the other with a more systematic focus-the reader will find an unusually wide array of topics and questions treated here. Since the aforementioned pluralism was one of the main strengths of our Summer School, this is something in which we take much pride. Neither this collection of essays nor the Summer School itself would have been possible without the generous support of both the Philosophy Department at the University of Bamberg and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In particular, Christian Schäfer and Christian Illies have spent numerous hours discussing our project with us, navigating administrative difficulties and giving valuable advice or encouragement. To them-as well as to all our colleagues who were willing to publish their work in this collection-we owe heartfelt thanks.
Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin., 2020
En las últimas décadas, hemos visto un renacimiento de las discusiones sobre la metafísica en la filosofía analítica. Actualmente, los filósofos de esta tradición han iniciado un movimiento de refundación, en que intentan establecer el concepto y la posibilidad de ella. En cuanto al concepto, ellos la identifican con la ontología, cuyo objetivo sería esbozar la estructura fundamental de la realidad. Creen retomar el proyecto aristotélico de buscar el ser en cuanto ser, y al rechazar el idealismo kantiano, creen fundar la posibilidad de una metafísica trascendente. En este artículo, tenemos tres objetivos. En primer lugar, planteamos algunas preguntas que surgen con respecto a este concepto de la metafísica. En segundo, criticamos los argumentos sobre la posibilidad de ella. En último, presentamos nuestra posición sobre su naturaleza y posibilidad, en diálogo con la discusión de Paul Gilbert, en el artículo «Permanência da metafísica». Gilbert defiende que la metafísica sigue viva en el sentido del término griego «meta», no contemplado por la perspectiva técnica y científica de aquella ontología. Acordando su concepción, añadimos que la metafísica se constituye de problemas trascendentes, que son la razón de las reflexiones de este campo y responsables del esfuerzo de superación de lo empírico hacia lo metafísico.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2011
Neoaristotelian Perspectives in Metaphysics (Routledge), 2014
This volume re-examines some of the major themes at the intersection of traditional and contemporary metaphysics. The book uses as a point of departure Francisco Suárez’s Metaphysical Disputations published in 1597. Minimalist metaphysics in empiricist/pragmatist clothing have today become mainstream in analytic philosophy. Independently of this development, the progress of scholarship in ancient and medieval philosophy makes clear that traditional forms of metaphysics have affinities with some of the streams in contemporary analytic metaphysics. The book brings together leading contemporary metaphysicians to investigate the viability of a neo-Aristotelian metaphysics.
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Modern Metaphysics, 2007
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between possibility and actuality. Reviewing these papers will set the scene for a REVIEW of the very popular KANTISM of Today. Metaphysics is the science of being and ask the question “What really exists?” The answer to this question has been sought for by mankind since the beginning of recorded time. In the past 2500 years there have been many answers to this question and these answers dominate our view of how physics is done. Examples of questions which were originally metaphysical are the shape of the earth, the motion of the earth, the existence of atoms, the relativity of space and time, the uncertainty principle, the renormalization of field theory and the existence of quarks and strings. we should explore our changing conception of what constitutes reality by examining the views of Aristotle, Ptolemy, St. Thomas Aquinas, Copernicus, Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, Newton, Leibnitz, Compte, Einstein, Bohr, Feynman, Schwinger, Yang, Gell-Mann, Wilson and Witten ET AL IE IS THE INTERNATIONAL DEBT SIMPLY A FIGMENT OF ALL OUR IMAGINATION? IT MAY NEVER BE REPAID IN FULL HENCE IT MAY FOLLOW THAT IN FACT IT DOES NOT EXIST THEREFORE: ""WHY WORRY?"" Metaphysics Peter van Inwagen Meghan Sullivan SEE PDF
Contemporary Readings in the Foundations of Metaphysics, edited by Stephen Lawrence and Cynthia McDonald, , 1998
Review of Laurence and MacDonald (1998)
Metaphysica, 2013
This book is concerned with the history of metaphysics since Descartes. Taking as its defi nition of metaphysics 'the most general attempt to make sense of things', it charts the evolution of this enterprise through various competing conceptions of its possibility, scope, and limits. The book is divided into three parts, dealing respectively with the early modern period, the late modern period in the analytic tradition, and the late modern period in various non-analytic traditions. In its unusually wide range, A. W. Moore's study refutes the still prevalent clich é that there is some unbridgeable gulf between analytic philosophy and philosophy of other kinds. It also advances its own distinctive and compelling conception of what metaphysics is and why it matters. Moore explores how metaphysics can help us to cope with continually changing demands on our humanity by making sense of things in ways that are radically new.
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Das neue Bedürfnis nach Metaphysik / The New Desire for Metaphysics, 2015
Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed: A Critical Guide, 2021
Philosophy of Being, Cognition and Values, 2012
Mind, 2015
Argumenta - Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 2020
Third Pisa Colloquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology. Essays in Honour of Mauro Mariani and Carlo Marletti. ANALITICA, p. 191-204, PISA:ETS, ISBN: 9788846755193, 2019
Metaphysics: Problems, Paradoxes, and Puzzles, Solved?, 2016
Scientia - The International Journal on the Liberal Arts