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1972, American Journal of Sociology
This paper tests the relevance of two sociological theories—relative-deprivation theory and environmental-press theory—on the educational and professional aspirations of college students using a national sample. The study finds strong support for relative-deprivation theory, while the support for environmental-press theory is mixed, suggesting that a comprehensive theoretical model should incorporate both theories simultaneously. The research also emphasizes the importance of including students who may drop out of college, thus adding depth to the understanding of the aspirations related to academic performance.
The present paper is an attempt to discuss the research carried out with the aim to study educational and career aspirations of undergraduate students. The study was guided with the objectives asto study the level of educational and career aspirations of undergraduate students with respect to their courses (B.A, B.Com. and B.Sc.) and with respect to their gender (boys & girls). The hypotheses were formulated that there is no statistically significant relationship between the educational and career aspirations of undergraduate students and their courses (B.A, B.Com. and B.Sc.) as well as their gender (boys & girls). For the purpose of data collection two questionnaires were adapted and administered on randomly selected samples of 150 from the population of undergraduate students with equal distribution on the basis of courses and gender. The responses from the questionnaire items were coded and processed by using the SPSS.T-test and F-test were used in statistics and the result shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between the educational and career aspirations of undergraduate students and their courses as well as their gender.The paper comprises introduction, statement of the problem, background and rationale as well as need and significance of the study, research questions, hypotheses, aims and objectives and research methodology of the study.The paper also includes major findings, educational implications of the study and suggestions for further research in the field.
This study compares the educational aspirations of college freshmen students in public and private two-year colleges around the nation. Surveying a sample of over 13,000 first-time, full-time students from a national database elicited the following results: about half of students at public and private two year colleges aspired to obtain the baccalaureate degree; 24.7% of students at the public two-year colleges aspired toward the master's degree compared with 27.9% at private two-year colleges; and almost 10% of public and 14% of private two-year college students indicated that they aspire to obtain a doctorate. The study also examined the extent to which academic aspiration is influenced by factors such as background characteristics, high school experiences, and other affective measures. For each of the two groups, being female, father's education, mother's education, and parental income revealed positive associations with high aspirations for students at public and private two-year colleges. Additionally, younger students were more likely than older students to have higher academic aspirations. High school experiences such as years of mathematics, foreign language, and biological science, high self-ratings of academic ability, drive to achieve, and intellectual self-confidence were significant variables. (Contains 34 references.) (JA) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
Management:Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies
According to researchers it still remains unclear what motivation factors influence entrepreneurial versus managerial goals (Culbertson et al., 2011). Several studies and authors underline that the key role in the development of entrepreneurship is that of the entrepreneurial education of young people, developing their entrepreneurial skills (Marques & Albuquerque, 2012). In our educational practice the entrepreneurship spirit is not systematically encouraged and students are denied theoretical and practical knowledge in the domain. In the environment of this kind their motivation to start their own business after finishing faculty is questionable. 2.1. Theoretical Considerations: Goal-setting and Self-determination Theory The Locke`s goal setting theory predicts that people will channel their efforts towards accomplishing their goals and that there is a direct linear relationship between goal challenge, level of performance and effort involved. This relationship will stay positive as long as the person is committed to the goal, has the requisite ability to attain it and does not have conflicting goals (Locke & Latham, 2006).
This study investigates the impact of institutional variables on undergraduate students' career choices. The goal of the study paper was to find a link between career anchors and institutional characteristics. The survey included 410 college students pursuing Arts, Commerce, and Science classes in their last year of a bachelor's degree from 56 institutions in Meghalaya, a small state in northeastern part of India. The study discovered a substantial link between career anchors and institutional determinants. The study also found that the subdimensions of institutional variables, such as curriculum subjects, teaching quality, and college policies, have both positive and negative effects, as well as major and minor effects, on some of the dimensions of career anchors, such as technical, managerial competence, autonomy, security, entrepreneurship, service, pure challenge, and lifestyle.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Career aspirations have assumed a central place in our understanding of the process of social mobility, yet aspirations themselves have been subject to remarkably little scrutiny. We conduct an empirical analysis of the dynamics of aspirations in a cohort using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Men. Our results indicate that (1) occupational aspirations decline with age; (2) the overwhelming majority of young men have high aspirations at some point; (3) occupational aspirations, highly unstable among teenagers, become more stable with age; and (4) differences by race and social origin grow with age, reflecting growing race and social class differences in educational attainment.
European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2023
According to the literature, career choice is a decision process influenced by value orientation, motivation and inclination, based on a rational consideration of available resources and the perceived realities of the family and the student. Students' aspirations for further education are a well-researched area. Searching for moratorium, following intergenerational patterns, and the drivers of knowledge and relationship orientation are the focus of empirical studies. The aim of this paper is to explore the recruitment base of higher educational fields with different earnings promises and the impact of expected earnings on higher educational careers. We conducted our analysis using the PERSIST 2019 quantitative research database among students in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, and Serbia (N = 2199). We used the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program. Based on expected earnings, we divided respondents into three terciles (below average, average, above average), along which we examined their social and educational background. Our results show that social status and secondary school attainment are associated with students' career choices but that the role of these background factors seems to weaken throughout the higher educational career due to different selection mechanisms in the educational fields. Our findings complement research that interprets commitment to study completion as a complex phenomenon. Keywords: higher education, career choice, moratorium orientation, persistence
Social Problems, 2006
This article tracks changes in high school seniors' educational and occupational plans over a twenty-five year period and assesses whether these plans have become increasingly unrealistic. Comparisons of seniors' career plans with the contemporaneous achievements of high school graduates confirms that high school seniors' ambitions outpace what they are likely to achieve, a gap that is growing over time. Teenagers' increasingly expect that community college will serve as an avenue for higher degrees and professional jobs. Together with the declining influence of grades and curricular track on students' educational and occupational plans, this provides additional evidence that teenagers have become too ambitious. Finally, longitudinal analyses of three cohorts of high school seniors confirm that the positive association between educational plans and attainments is on the decline.
The questions that I sought to answer with this case study concerned the reasons why each of the four subjects chose the career field or course of study they did, their satisfaction with their choice, and the influences and opinions regarding their career choice and personal life. Their responses were analyzed within the context of the career options that each individual believed was available to them, and why these options were not explored. I undertook this with an understanding that, “Even within contemporary American society, gender structures vary by community, social class, ethnicity and race.” Overall, choice among these individuals proved to be mainly an illusion as circumstances, religious beliefs, culture and deeply embedded gender role norms all served to shape the career options and limit the life choices available to these seemingly free individuals with apparent limitless options.
Marketing campaigns maintain consistency among advertisements, promoting a unified brand message across all platforms. This consistency helps create a strong brand identity and voice. The examination decided the degree of the senior high school understudies' impression on the variables influencing their career decision as to personal factors, peer factors, family factors, and school factors. There are 200 respondents from the Senior High department using stratified random technique. Frequency and simple percentage, Weighted Mean, Chi-Square Test of Independence, were used to analyzed and interpret the data accumulated. The study revealed that personal factors, peer factors, and school factors are the most common perception in career decision making. At the same time, BSED in English, Accountancy, and Nursing are the most preferred courses. The study further revealed a statistically significant relationship between academic track and the students' perception on the factors th...
Work and Occupations, 1981
In contrast to previous work, our study considers both meaning and mediation factors in the achievement-aspiration relationship. In a sample of graduate students ("academic-career aspirants"), we examine sex differences in the achievement- aspiration relationship as they vary with type of academic achievement and professional aspirations, and as it is mediated by individuals' perceptions of their professional roles and their faculty's support. We find: (1) Women's achievement-aspiration conversion is different from, but not necessarily lower than, men's. Rather, the strength and direction of the relationship vary with aspiration type (traditional versus alternative) and, to some extent, with specific types of academic achievement (e.g., paper publication and GPA). (2) The mediators of the achievement-aspiration relationship also vary by sex and aspiration type. Notably, women's aspirations for traditional career rewards are largely a function of their p...
Sex Roles, 1978
A 300-item questionnaire designed to assess the relationship and relative importance of several factors for women's career aspirations was answered by 169 female college juniors and seniors. Regression analyses showed that women with high career aspirations were satisfied with their lives, confident of their career plans," willing to postpone marriage; nontraditional in their values and behaviors; generally external in orientation, believing that discrimination is responsible for many of women's failures and that organized pressure rather than individual action is necessary to combat this discrimination; certain that women's demands for equality are justified and that most men agree with them; likely to have had a working mother who was perceived as being dissatisfied with her own life; and if planning to marry soon, endorsing dual role compatability. When all variables were considered simultaneously, attitudinal factors were found to best predict career aspirations, while socialization variables were relatively unimportant.
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology INFAD Revista de Psicología, No2, 2010. ISSN: 0214-9877. pp:591-598 591 ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between the perspectives of higher education (study aspirations) and variables of a social nature (nationality, level of family education), and also to study the relationship between fulfilment (educational and personal) and professional aspirations throughout adolescence. The sample comprised 487 subjects from different school years (7th, 9th and 11th years), from schools of Greater Lisbon and inland Portugal. School performance was assessed through school grades in essential subjects, and personal fulfilment through the Children’s Rights Scale Tool; the pupils were also asked about the profession they would like to have and the education level they would like to attain. Analysis of the results enabled the observation of significant differences in the variables of both school and pers...
The population studied is the group of 2,329 students who entered SUNY/Buffalo as full-time freshmen in the fall of 1974; 89 percent are represented in the study. Data are reported on: major distribution, by both sex and total numbers; certainty of major choice; factors influencing choice of major; academic degree expectations, by program (equal opportunity versus regular admission), sex, and discipline; career choice; certainty of career choice; and reasons for career choice. (MSE) Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials nct available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best cpy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDES is not * respotsible fcr the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDES are the best that can be made from the original.
Using the Weidman (1989) Undergraduate Socialization model, the present study attempts to examine the distinction between educational and career aspirations in public and private university freshman of Semarang, Indonesia. The correlation between the four dimensions of independent variables, student characteristics, parental socialization, significant others, and collegiate experiences, and four dependent variables, educational aspirations, expecting a position as a government employee, expecting a position as a private employee, and career aspirations were analyzed. Data were collected through a survey distributed to 379 freshmen students from two public and two private universities, using a stratified sampling method to analyze data from each university. Data were analyzed using zero order correlations and multiple regressions analysis. For both public and private university students, almost all student characteristic variables that correlate with educational and career aspirations showed a significant positive effect, and the degree of its correlation for the public sample is greater than for the private counterpart. For both public and private university students, almost all parental socioeconomic status indicated a positive significance for educational and career aspirations. For private students, there were some significant negative effects of parental encouragement, but, on the other hand, no significant negative effects appear on educational and career aspirations. All variable significant other for public university showed a positive effect on career aspirations and some negative effects on three other dependent variables, while for the private
Between the fall of 2009 and 2019, total postsecondary ins tu on enrollment in the United States decreased by 5%, and for those students who do enroll in college, many who lack clear career objec ves drop out, making the U.S. the na on with the highest college dropout rate in the industrialized world. Students’ academic aspira ons and career certainty have been shown to impact college outcomes. However, the impact of career uncertainty and academic aspira ons on students’ college outcomes has not been studied na onally. Using binomial regression analyses and a na onally representa ve sample (N = 23,503) of high school students, we inves gated the impact of high school students’ career uncertainty and academic aspira ons on their college outcomes. Findings indicate that academic aspira ons were a significant predictor of students’ college applica on, enrollment, a endance, and major decision status. Career uncertainty was a significant predictor of students’ college enrollment status. We discuss implica ons for prac ce and future research.
Journal of Career Development, 1996
Black Americans lag behind White Americans in their educational and vocational attainments (Karweit, 1977; Leonard, 1985). They are more likely than White Americans to be unemployed, underemployed, and limited to occupations at lower socioeconomic levels. The causes and possible solutions to this problem are complex and include a variety of discriminatory factors. One approach to correct this problem may be to enhance the career motivation of Black Americans so that they may strive for higher achievement despite environmental barriers. Educational and career aspirations are two important career motivation variables (Farmer, 1985). Because educational and career aspirations have been generally found to be predictive of later achievement levels (Hotchkiss & Borow, 1984), these two variables have been frequently targeted for intervention. The purpose of this study was to identify significant predictors of Black college freshmen's educational and career aspirations. Identification of significant predictors may have implications for designing interventions that will enhance the career motivation of Black college students, which may result in their higher achievement in the future.
European Journal of Engineering Education, 2006
This paper analyses the influence of external factors that affect the decision-making process in the selection of telecommunications engineering studies. Particularly, we have studied the influence of factors related to the generation of expectations about the studies. A survey was conducted on a sample of 701 male and female telecommunications engineering students. The results show the existence of a direct relationship between the choice of telecommunications studies in non-vocationally oriented students and their expectations of finding a job more easily, getting higher salaries and more prestige. On the other hand, non-vocationally oriented students show similar academic performance to that of vocationally oriented students.
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2002
The Big Five personality dimensions were estimated from the ACL using John's (1990) method. The authors predicted that each of these domains would make independent contributions to explaining level of educational aspirations (1 = bachelor's, 2 = master's, and 3 = doctorate). Sequentially, following Lent, Brown, and Hackett's (1994) social cognitive career theory, blocks of the Big Five, six General Conference Themes, and six GOTs were entered into a hierarchical regression predicting educational level. With the addition of each block, R 2 rose from .10, to .26, to .29 for the total sample; similar incremental predictions were obtained separately for women (.13, .29, and .32) and men (.13, .30, and .37). C 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)
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