Physiology is derived from the Physis = natural, logos = science seeking explanations about the natural world. Plant physiology is a branch of biology that studies the metabolic processes that occur in plants that causes these plants to survive. One of the material covered in plant physiology is the process of respiration in plants. Respiration in biology is the process of mobilization of energy the body living through solving high-energy compounds (SET) to be used in running out the functions of life. In a general sense respiration can be likened to breathing. Factors affecting respiration are: substrate, temperature, oxygen, age and tissue type, salinity, and wound stimuli. Of these factors are some things that we often see in nature that can affect respiration include: The leaves are hidden from the sun have low respiration, leaf rocked shows repirasi increase, but the repeated reaction will decrease, wound in one part of a plants that cause an respiration increase in these place.