Cultural Theory and History: The Change and Everyday Life



According to J. H. Arnold "in the true story there is a necessary tension: history is 'true' because it must be compatible with the evidence and facts which it refers to but it also has to show that given facts are wrong and they require renewed compilation. At the same time it is 'a story' because it interprets facts placing them in a wider context or including it in the course of narration. " J. H. Arnold, Historia, transl. J. Jaworska, Prószyński i S-ka, Warsaw 2001, p. 25. According to Hayden White this term contains contradictio in adiecto. He thinks that there is nothing like "true stories. " "Stories are told or written, but not found. When it comes to the notion of a 'true' story, it is a contradiction in terms. All stories are fictional. It means that they can be 'true' but only in a metaphorical sense or in the same way as a rhetorical figure is true. " H. White, Proza historyczna, ed. E. Domańska, Universitas, Cracow 2009, p. 34. 2 One of the definitions of the "historical past" is proposed by H. White, after M. Oake shott. He understands it as "a construction and highly selective version of the past approached as a whole comprising all events and beings, which occurred in the past and mostly left the evidence of their existence. Therefore, historians are always forced to specify the subject of history (a state, a nation, a class, a place, an institution etc.) which could be described by a story based on facts (contrary to an invented one). In other words, the historical past should be distinguished from the past as a constantly changing whole of which the former is merely a small section. " H. White, Proza historyczna, p. 15. 3 J. H. Arnold, Historia, p. 15. It involves a mythopoeic element because it reminds one of a process of updating of a mythical event described by Mircea Eliade in Sacrum, myth, history. 4 The work by Jean Antoine Nicolas de Condorcet Outlines of a historical view of the progress of the human mind illustrates this trend.