
Batu Village, Pitu Riase District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency is one of the villages that has experienced an increase in the prevalence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), due to low knowledge of the Aedes sp. Mosquito. And healthy behavior patterns and facilities for sanitation and hygiene for residents. Low knowledge reduces awareness about the dangers of dengue. This program is carried out as an effort to prevent DHF by carrying out an introspective movement of DHF in school-age children. The methods used were: (1) education about dengue, consisting of the characteristics and handling of dengue patients and prevention of dengue by implementing PHBS, (2) Demonstration of the 3M plus movement at school, making mosquito larvae larvae, and using abate Larvicide. This activity involved SDN 1 Batu students describing 25 participants and SDN 4 Batu describing 27 participants in the working area of the Barukku Health Center. The results of the activity showed an increase in the students' knowledge about dengue, prevention of dengue by using used goods to trap larvae and the safe and correct use of Larvicide chemicals.