Wearable Devices and their Implementation in Various Domains

2019, Wearable Devices - the Big Wave of Innovation


Wearable technologies are networked devices that collect data, track activities and customize experiences to users' needs and desires. They are equipped, with microchips sensors and wireless communications. All are mounted into consumer electronics, accessories and clothes. They use sensors to measure temperature, humidity, motion, heartbeat and more. Wearables are embedded in various domains, such as healthcare, sports, agriculture and navigation systems. Each wearable device is equipped with sensors, network ports, data processor, camera and more. To allow monitoring and synchronizing multiple parameters, typical wearables have multi-sensor capabilities and are configurable for the application purpose. For the wearer's convenience, wearables are lightweight, modest shape and multifunctional. Wearables perform the following tasks: sense, analyze, store, transmit and apply. The processing may occur on the wearer or at a remote location. For example, if dangerous gases are detected, the data are processed, and an alert is issued. It may be transmitted to a remote location for testing and the results can be communicated in real-time to the user. Each scenario requires personalized mobile information processing, which transforms the sensory data to information and then to knowledge that will be of value to the individual responding to the situation.