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Sebuah komputer moderen/digital dengan program yang tersimpan di dalamnya merupakan sebuah system yang memanipulasi dan memproses informasi menurut kumpulan instruksi yang diberikan. Sistem tersebut dirancang dari modul-modul hardware seperti : 1. Register 2. Elemen aritmatika dan logika 3. Unit pengendali 4. Unit memori 5. Unit masukan/keluaran (I/O) Komputer dapat dibagi menjadi 3 bagian utama, yaitu : 1. Unit pengolahan pusat (CPU) 2. Unit masukan/keluaran (I/O) 3. Unit memori
Organisasi merupakan suatu perkumpulan orang yang memilki tujuan bersama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Perilaku organisasi merupakan pembelajaran tentang suatu sifat/karakteristik individu yang tercipta di lingkungan suatu organisasi. Karena manusia berbeda -beda karakteristik, maka perilaku organisasi berguna untuk mengetahui sifat -sifat individu dalam berkinerja suatu organisasi. Pembelajaran perilaku organisasi akan mengetahui tentang cara -cara mengatasi masalah -masalah yang ada di lingkungan organisasi.
Abstrack The existence of madrasas and pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) cannot be separated from the history of the development of Islam on this archipelago. In the earliest phase, the existence of pesantren and madrasa were established by the Muslim community as a response in carrying out Islamic mission through the teaching and cultivation of knowledge, values and Islamic competencies (read the Qur'an, fiqih, etc.) in order to produce generation or Muslim cadres who believe and fear Allah SWT. Besides the existence of both (madrasas and pesantren) cannot be separated from the existence of external threats, especially with the emergence of public school models that have first adopted a modern system. Madrasas are a metamorphosis of a process of transforming the education system. Gradually pesantren also adapt, accommodation and concessions to later find patterns that they consider appropriate enough to deal with modernization that has broad impact. The modernization of pesantren, both related to the education system and its social programs, is basically driven by the desire to respond to the needs of the community. Madrasas are said to be an organization, because madrasas have a formal structure with clear system boundaries so that they appear as a system that interacts with the environment, but it is absolutely necessary that an open organizational culture is conducive to the development of freedom of expression as well as sociological approaches and effective strategies for help respond to changes. Whereas Pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) as an organization in education in Indonesia shows Indigenius (authenticity) in the historical model of education in Indonesia which was founded on religious grounds, while the madrasa is an embryo produced from pesantren education that has changed its pattern in order to provide skills and knowledge to be treated and equality of legal rights (formal) so that the output can continue to the level of higher education or the world of work. A. Pendahuluan Organisasi jika diartikan secara umum memiliki dua arti, yakni organisasi sebagai struktur dan pembagian tugas. Stephen P.Robbins mendefinisikan organisasi sebagai berikut, "Organization is a consciously coordinated social units, composed of two or more people, that function on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals" 1 Pandangan yang lain datang dari Gibson. Menurutnya, "Organisasi pada dasarnya merupakan suatu 1 Faruq Tri Fauzi, M anajemen Organisasi Pondok Pesantren. Artikel Edukasi, Volum e 01, No mor 01, Ju ni 201 3: 0 75-091
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