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1994, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
This paper describes computer-aided analysis of centrifugal compressors (CAACC), a micro-computer-based, interactive, and menu-driven software package for use as an educational tool by mechanical engineering students studying radial flow compressors. CAACC is written in the Pascal computer language and runs on IBM PC, or compatible, computers. In addition to solving for any unknown variables, the graphical utilities of the package allow the user to display a diagrammatic sketch of the compressor and to draw velocity diagrams at several locations. Furthermore, the program allows the investigation and plotting of the variation of any parameter versus any other parameter. Through this option, the package guides the student in learning the basics of centrifugal compressors by the various performance studies that can be undertaken and graphically displayed. The comprehensive example presented demonstrates the capabilities of the package as a teaching tool.
Centrifugal compressors are used widely in various range of aero-engine applications both small and medium-sized. And its performance affects the working state of the engine. So in this thesis I am going to briefly explain how the performance affects the working state using three different solutions. The first is the normal numerical solution using compal, in this solution, working conditions were added to get performance curves which I will discuss later in this thesis. The second solution is the blade to blade solution and the third solution is the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution. Computational Fluid Dynamics is usually used in centrifugal compressor design. Computational fluid dynamics provides extensive optimization chances for the compressor design instead of designing the centrifugal compressor. The design process is still an important part of the compressor developments. The wide range of design subjects represents a very not so easy design world for centrifugal compressor designers. So, a few basic information for centrifugal design is still quite important. The impeller is the most useful part of the centrifugal stage. Designing a very efficiency centrifugal impeller with a wide operation range can ensure overall design success. With these three solution how briefly explain how they affect the working state of the centrifugal compressor. Keywords: Centrifugal compressor; Mass flow; Pressure ratio; CFD; Overall performance. Blade to Blade; Compal solution.
In this paper, the tip clearance effects on flow field of a low speed centrifugal compressor without and with partial shroud (PS) fitted on to the rotor blade tip at three values of tip clearance, viz. = 2.2%, 5.1% and 7.9% of rotor blade height at the exit at three flow coefficients, namely, = 0.18, 0.28, and 0.34, was studied. Based on the theory of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), performance curves and parameter distributions of the compressor were obtained from the 3-D numerical simulation by using ANSYS CFX 15.0. The centrifugal compressor in aerodynamic requirement is that edge velocities along the impeller channel passage surfaces like hub, shroud, pressure and suction surfaces vary smoothly without sudden decelerations, which cause flow separation leading to losses. Using the periodic boundaries and defined flow conditions at inflow / exit flow and blade rotations, the turbulent viscous flow between blade channels are computed. The efficiency related parameters using average quantities, besides flow pattern in terms of velocities, streamlines and pressure distribution on blade surfaces are graphically interpreted. An attempt is also made to study the influence of pressure loads on structural deformations in the chosen blade profile. This paper highlights aero-mechanical features of centrifugal impeller obtained from several numerical simulations, which are expected to provide a sound basis for further investigations.
Both computational and experimental investigations were utilized to study the flow behavior inside the four-stage centrifugal compressor. Computational study was carried out by the commercial code “CFD-RC”. Experimental work was accomplished by the use of a data acquisition system, advanced sensors and “LabView” interface software. Comparisons between computational and experimental outputs were performed. The computational code was validated experimentally and numerically. Compressor map was drawn numerically and experimentally. Surge was unsteadily simulated. Surge predicted at mass flow equal to 0.0093 kg/s for 12,000 rpm with full-domain solution. Using the parallel computational technology, by “HPC” program, is recommended for future work.
The active control for centrifugal compressor systems consists in using, monitoring and managing the sensors to detect fluid disturbances, the actuators to introduce desired perturbations and a suitable controller to determine the optimal actuator actions using the sensor information. The object of an interesting centrifugal compressor design is to obtain the most air through a given diameter compressor, with a minimum number of stages while maintaining high efficiencies and aerodynamic stability over the operating range. The high efficiency of the axial compressor system decreases dramatically when used in small high-pressure applications, especially due to the large relative tip clearance. In addition, the high centrifugal force, dominating the pressure rise, results in a superior operability and the short axial length of the centrifugal compressor offers rotor-dynamic multiple advantages. These qualities allow the centrifugal compressor system to be used as the last stage of a high-pressure compressor of an aero engine as well as turbo pump assemblies used in liquid-propelled rocket engines.
This report basically discusses the research and the work done on the project entitles A Study on Centrifugal Compressor Performance and Developing Compressor Performance Analysis Software. The objective of this project is to study centrifugal compressor behavior and analyze factors that affect the performance of compressor. Compressors have a limited operational range that operator will take into seriously. If exceeded will cause damage to the compressor. Moreover, centrifugal compressors are costly processing equipment and also consume a lot of energy. Thus, it is crucial to monitor and controlled compressor performance. Polytropic head are plotted to trend real time performance monitoring for centrifugal compressors as it consider changes in gas characteristics during compression. By using Microsoft Excel 2008, the author can automatically get the outputs by inserting all the data into a calculation sheet after put in required formulas as a function in Excel. From the compressor performance map one can analyze the behavior of compressor in real time operation. By trending necessary variables against time, operator can do a planning on troubleshoot and also composition analysis. All the theory can be validate by analyzing the results. The author also manage to construct an interface to determine compressibility factor, Z and polytropic head using Visual Basic Application. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This final year project would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study. First and foremost, my utmost gratitude to my supervisor Mr Mohd Faizairi Bin Mohd Nor for the continuous support of my final year project, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this final report. I could not have imagined having a better supervisor and mentor for my final year project. Besides my supervisor, I would like to thank Mr Syarizan Ishak for his assistance and guidance on completing this project and providing necessary information. Engineering students who in one way or another were helps in giving assistance to understand the physics part of my project. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family: especially my parents Abdul Halim Harun and Zainab Abdullah, for giving birth to me at the first place and supporting me spiritually throughout my life and the one above all of us Allah for answering my prayers and giving me the strength to complete my final year project. iv
International Journal of Engine Research, 2020
Developments in materials, manufacturing and computing methods have catalysed the generation of efficient compressor designs with higher specific power outputs. Centrifugal compressors have become pervasive in environments demanding a combination of higher power with smaller sizes such as unmanned aerial vehicles, micro gas turbines and turbochargers. These compressors are expected to perform optimally in a range of operational speeds and mass flow states with low acoustic emissions. The impact of operating speed on the flow and acoustic characteristics of a ported shroud compressor has been explored in this work. The operation of the open and blocked configurations of the compressor at the design and near surge points each of a lower and a higher speedline was numerically and experimentally investigated. Comparing the results, the model was shown to predict the operation of the compressor for both configurations at the investigated operating points satisfactorily in terms of both p...
Centrifugal compressors are used in process industries today especially in gas service industries. Pro-E software and Ansys as a tool can be used for simulation of the flow field characteristics inside turbo machinery. Numerical simulation makes it possible to visualise the flow condition inside a centrifugal compressor and provides the valuable hydraulic design information of the centrifugal compressor. Present work is aimed to analyze the stress and velocity distribution inside the compressor passage using the Pro-E and Ansys softwares. Computer program code in C++ has been developed to calculate the dimensions of the compressor components.
Journal of Power Sources, 2006
A dynamic model of a centrifugal compressor capable of system simulation in the virtual test bed (VTB) computational environment is presented. The model is based on first principles, i.e. the dynamic performance including the losses is determined from the compressor geometry and not from the experimentally determined characteristic performance curves. In this study, the compressor losses, such as incidence and friction losses, etc., are mathematically modeled for developing compressor characteristics. For easy implementation in the VTB platform, the non-linear governing equations are discretized in resistive companion (RC) form. The developed simulation model can be applied to virtually any centrifugal compressor. By interfacing with a composite system, such as a Brayton cycle gas turbine, or a fuel cell, the compressor dynamic performance can be evaluated. The surge line for the compressor can also be determined from the simulation results. Furthermore, the model presented here provides a valuable tool for evaluating the system performance as a function of various operating parameters.
In this paper a three dimensional viscous flow field in a Centrifugal Impeller with backswept and lean has been numerically analyzed using a commercial code (FLUENT) to understand the physics of complex real flow phenomena. The study was taken to investigate the flow interaction13; between impeller and vane diffuser for three different setting angles. It was shown at design point the13; flow at the exit of the impeller is uniform and the classical jet wake pattern is absent. At the intermediate13; plane between impeller inlet and exit and within vane diffuser channel the flow behaves like a potential13; flow. The stage analysis carried out using mixing plane formulation for three diffuser settings provided13; the optimum diffuser setting angle for maximum stage efficiency.
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The design and off-design performance characteristics of single stage centrifugal compressor consisting of 12 vanes impeller interfacing with 11 vanes diffuser have been studied experimentally and numerically. The impeller has been designed and developed with radial exit, 30o inlet blade angle (with tangent), 77 mm diameter and the discharge volute considering constant mean flow velocity. The performance of the compressor at varying capacity (60 to 120 % of design) by controlling the discharge valve and with the variation of rotating speed (15000 to 35000 rpm) by regulating speed of the coupled gas turbine has been conducted at the recently developed test rig. The numerical simulation has been done by adopting viscous Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with and without Coriolis Force & Centrifugal Force in rotating reference frame (impeller) and stationary reference frame (casing) respectively utilizing CFD software Fluent 14. The flow around a single vane of impeller interfacing with single vane of diffuser, the rotational periodicity and sliding mesh at the interfacing zone between rotating impeller and stationery diffuser are considered. Non dimensional performance curves derived from experimental and numerical results are presented and compared. The numerical results are found to match very closely with the experimented data near the design point and deviation is observed at the both side of the designed operating point. Non-uniform pressure profiles towards the impeller exit and strong cross flow from blade to blade are detected at low flow operating conditions. Total pressure, static pressure and velocity distributions at design and off design operation obtained from the CFD results are analysed and presented here.
The present computational investigation deals with performance improvement of a low speed centrifugal compressor by inexpensive partial shroud near the rotor blade tip. Computational study of centrifugal compressor is carried out with finite volume method upwind scheme using ANSYS CFX-15.0 software are carried for four flow coefficients φ=0.12,0.18,0.28 and 0.34 at three values of tip clearance, viz. τ = 2.2%, 5.1% and 7.9% of rotor blade height at the exit. Performance tests are carried out for a total of two configurations. From these measurements, partial shroud is found give best performance. The improvement in the compressor performance may be due to the reduction of tip leakage flows by the small extension of partial shroud (2 mm on the pressure surface side). The axial distribution of static and total pressure coefficient at rotor exit for the four flow coefficients, clearly indicate increase in total pressure in the rotor tip region for the configuration with PS compared to that for the basic configuration (without PS). Similar increase is observed in the static pressure distribution at the rotor exit for the higher values of clearance. The mass averaged total and static pressures at the rotor exit for both configurations at the three values of tip clearances clearly show that partial shrouds are beneficial in improving the pressure rise of the compressor. Notation:-C u = Tangential velocity m = Non-dimensional meridional distance P S = Static pressure P atm = Atmospheric pressure P O = Total pressure R = Non-dimensional radius u 2 = Rotor tip speed = (d 2 N/60) (m/s), x = Non-dimensional axial distance = Flow coefficient ρ = Density of air (kg/m 3) τ = Tip clearance o = Total pressure coefficient= 2P o / U2 2 s = Static pressure coefficient= 2P s / U2 2 = Power coefficient
Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 2022
This paper is concerned the flow simulation and performance analysis of the Centrifugal Compressor Using CFD-Tool. The complex internal flow of centrifugal compressor can be well analyzed, and the unique design system needs to be developed. It should be early to use the interface and also flexible for input and output. A 3-D flow simulation of turbulent-fluid flow is presented to visualize the flow pattern in-terms of velocity, streamline and pressure distribution on the blade surface are graphically interpreted. The standard K-e turbulence model and the simple model algorithm were chosen for turbulence model and pressure distribution well determined. The simulation was steady Heat transfer and moving reference frame was used to consider the impeller interaction under high resolution. Furthermore, A computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 3-D simulation is done to analyze the impeller head and efficiency required of centrifugal compressor. The impeller is rotated for a constant revolution and mass flow rate, in this study initially the geometry of centrifugal compressor impeller is created by an ANSYS Vista CCD, and the Blade modeller done by Bladegen, Finally, CFD analysis was performed in ANSYS CFX using the ANSYS Turbo grid meshing tool. According to the analysis, as the number of impeller blades increases, so does the value of the head and power imparted, as well as the impeller's efficiency.
his paper investigates the development of a preliminary design method for centrifugal compressors. The design process starts with the aerodynamic analysis of the preliminary design and its reliance on empirical rules limiting the main design parameters. The procedure is applied to compressors for pressure ratios of 1.5, 3 and 5 as an example for developing an initial non-dimensional skeleton design. The skeleton diagrams are presented for different exit blade angles ranging from 0° to-60°. The design procedure was carried out for three cases: without prewhirl and with high positive prewhirl of 15° and 30°. Design considerations of mechanical stress for the impeller and minimum inlet relative Mach number are taken into consideration. Diffusion factor limitations have also been considered. Selected design parameters according to economical considerations have been presented for each pressure ratio.
This paper presents the experimental and numerical investigation of an outward volute of rectangular cross section. The investigation is carried out at the level of- stage performance,- volute performance and- detailed flow field study at selected peripheral positions for various operating points.The objective of the investigation was to gain further knowledge about the flow structure and loss mechanism in the volute. Simultaneously with the experimental investigation, a numerical simulation of the flow in the volute was carried out.A 3D Euler-code was used in which a wall friction term and a tuned artificial dissipation term account for viscous effects. A reasonable agreement between the experimental and numerical results is observed. As a result a good and detailed knowledge about the pressure recovery and loss mechanism in the volute is obtained.Copyright © 1999 by ASME
An attempt is made in the present study to investigate the superior turbulence model for simulating three dimensional flows in centrifugal compressor. The strong channelled curvature and intensive rotations prevalent in centrifugal compressor resulting high swirling and secondary flow nictitates choosing appropriate turbulence model for accurate performance predictions. The various turbulence models offered in FLUENT viz Spalart Allmaras (curvature correction), Transition SST (curvature correction), Scaled Adaptive Simulations (Curvature correction with compressibility effect), Reynolds stress model (compressibility effect) were investigated presently for Eckardt Impeller. Reynolds stress model though involves higher computational time was found to be the superior model. It is essential to investigate the onset of surge and choke for completely understanding the performance of a centrifugal compressor. Choking phenomena was observed when the speed reached 16000 rpm with relative Mach number reaching unity in the impeller region. The maximum flow rate at 16000 rpm was 0.4 kg/s per blade and remained constant then 16500 rpm. Surging was founded to initiate when the back pressure has to reach 1.8 bar resulting in zero discharge.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
The study presents the simulation results of the viscid gas flow in low flow coefficient centrifugal compressor stages. The problem is solved in a stationary formulation using the Ansys CFX software package. The numerical simulation is carried out on three ultrahigh-pressure model stages; two stages have blades of the classical type impeller and one stage is of the bodily type. The value of the conditional flow coefficient is 0.0063 to 0.015. As part of the study, block-structured design meshes are used for all gas channel elements, with their total number being equaled as 13–15 million. During the calculations a numerical characteristic was validated with the results of tests carried out at the Department of Compressor, Vacuum and Refrigeration Engineering of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. With an increase of inlet pressure as a result of a numerical study, it was found that for a given mathematical model the disk friction and leakage coefficient (1 + βfr + ...
Detailed measurements of the swirling flow in a centrifugal compressor volute with elliptical cross section are presented. They show important variations of the swirl- and through-flow velocity, total and static pressure distribution at the different volute cross sections and at the diffuser exit. The basic mechanisms defining the complex 3D flow structure are clarified. The different sources of pressure losses have been investigated and used to improve the prediction capability of one dimensional mean streamline analysis correlations. The tangential flow loss model, under decelerating flow conditions, and friction loss model are confirmed. New empirical loss coefficients are proposed for the exit cone loss model and the tangential flow loss model for the case of accelerating flow in the volute.
International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 2003
The performance of different low-Reynolds number turbulence models applied to the simulation of a flow in the NASA low-speed compressor is described. The flow solver utilizes a structured multiblock grid with Cartesian velocity components in a rotating coordinate system. The inviscid fluxes are calculated using Roe's scheme. An implicit solution method is applied and a multigrid cycling is used in order to accelerate the convergence. In this study the Baldwin-Lomax model, Chien's k-ε model and a full Reynolds-stress closure by Speziale et al. are applied. A detailed comparison between the experimental and computational velocity fields and pressure distributions is made.
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