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Islamic Banking : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah
14 pages
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Makna Kesejahteraan dalam ekonomi syariah bertujuan mencapai kesejahteraan manusia secara menyeluruh, yaitu kesejahteraan material, kesejahteraan spiritual dan moral. Konsep kesejahteraan ekonomi syariah bukan saja berdasarkan manifestasi nilai ekonomi, tetapi juga nilai spiritual dan moral. Konsepsi kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan (falah) mengacu pada tujuan syariat Islam dengan terjaganya 5 prinsip dalam maqashid syari’ah, yakni terjanganya agama (ad-ddin), terjanganya jiwa (an-nafs), terjanganya akal (al-aql), terjanganya keturunan (an-nasl) dan terjanganya harta (al-mal). Secara terperinci, tujuan ekonomi Islam dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1). Kesejahteraan ekonomi mencakup kesejahteraan individu, masyarakat dan negara, 2). Tercukupinya kebutuhan dasar manusia, meliputi makan, minum, pakaian, tempat tinggal, kesehatan, pendidikan, keamanan dan sistem negara yang menjamin terlaksananya kecukupan kebutuhan dasar secara adil, 3). Penggunaan berdaya secara optimal, efisien, efek...
Islamic Economics Journal, 2015
The concept of welfare as a goal in the conventional economy turns a terminology that is controversial, because it can be defined by a lot of understandings. One of them is purely materialist understanding completely deny the spiritual connection, or perhaps with a slight allusion to the spiritual aspect. If welfare is defined by the materialistic and hedonistic concept, then the economics provide a portion of excellence in the fulfillment of self-interest and maximize wealth, physical pleasure, and satisfaction of lust. Islamic economic view of the overall well-being is based on Islamic teachings about life. This concept is very different from the concept of well-being in the conventional economy, because it is a holistic concept. Welfare are essential within the framework of the Shari'ah is not always realized by concentrating on efforts to maximize wealth and consumption; it requires both material and spiritual fulfillment of human needs that are closely intertwined, fight for a balance between individual and social interests, and actualize Maqasid ash-Shariah. Islamic social welfare function is a concept rooted in socioeconomic thought of Al-Ghazali. He identified all problems, whether in the form masalih (utilities, benefits) and mafasid (disutility, damage) in improving social welfare. He also explained in more detail that sharia objectives is to improve the welfare of all human beings, which lies in the protection of the faith (al-din), soul (al-nafs), intellect (alaql), descent (al-nasl), and wealth (al-mal). Anything that ensure the protection of this fifth guarantee the public interest and is desirable.
The Islamic economic sistem is not detached from the entire sistem of Islamic teachings in an integral and comprehensive. Thus, the basic principles of Islamic economics refer to the Islamic teachings. Conformity of the sistem with the human Fitrah is not left this alignment so that there is no collision in its implementation, the freedom of controlled economy into the character and principles of the Islamic economic sistem, freedom has Production elements in running the economy wheels are an important part of not harming collective interests. The interests of individuals are opened wide, the absence of income restrictions for a person encourages human beings to actively work with all its potential, the human tendency to continuously meet his or her own infinite needs in Control with the obligation of every individual to its community, the balance between individual and collective interests is this is a driving force for the wheels of the economy without damaging the existing social...
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran pemahaman tentang kegagalan sistem ekonomi kapitalis dalam menyejahterakan umat manusia dan memberikan gambaran bagaimana sistem ekonomi islam mampu mewujudkan kesejahteraan umat manusia. Makalah ini disusun dengan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan Critical Theory. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan kegagalan sistem ekonomi kapitalis dalam menyejahterakan umat manusia disebabkan karena kesalahan yang mendasar dari sistem tersebut yaitu, pandangan tentang konsep kelangkaan (scarcity) barang dan jasa, pandangan tentang konsep nilai (value) suatu barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan serta pandangan tentang konsep harga dan peranannya dalam produksi, konsumsi, dan distribusi. Politik Ekonomi Islam melalui mekanisme langsung dan tidak langsung mampu memberikan jaminan kesejahteraan kepada umat manusia dan zakat maupun pajak dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam bukan merupakan sumber utama pemasukan negara.
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan, 2017
Muslims required to work through legal means, but as human beings sometimes lust to dominate oneself so a man would prefer to work in a place that is run in activities contrary to the rules of Islam simply because the payment is obtained at the site is greater. The purpose of this research was to determine how the financial and non-financial welfare of employees and the Islamic banks to determine the reasons employees relocate to Islamic banks. For the informants who have the motivation to move because of a reason to avoid usury laws, could be said to be better in terms of non-financial welfare. For the informant who aim to move into Islamic banks due to other reasons, in terms of the welfare of both financial and nonfinancial could be said to be prosperous just not better than the employees who move for some reason wants to avoid usury.
JSE: Jurnal Sharia Economica
Sistem ekonomi Islam adalah sistem yang menganut dan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai, akidah, norma dan ajaran Islam (variabel iman) sebagai elemen dasar untuk mewujudkan kemakmuran. faktor kepercayaan menjadi acuan untuk menetapkan perbuatan ekonomi pada pengelolaan faktor pembuatan, penyaluran dan konsumsi sebuah produk baik prokduk jasa maupun produk barang sebelum beredar menurut aturan pasar. Agar ada kesamaan juga ada keseimbangan ditengah tengah kepentingan perorangan, kelompok masyarakat dan pengelolaan pasar, terbentuk berdasarkan hasil berbagai kebijakan lembaga sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan negara dalam bentuk kebijakan yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai agama. Untuk itu diperlukan stimulan juga desiminasi ekonomi yang global untuk dapat membawa seseorang maupun kelompok masyarakat mencapai kebahagiaan dan kehormatan yang baik (hayatan toyyibah) pada kehidupan dunia juga dalam kehidupan di akhirat. Maka dari itu, tulisan ini ingin memberi masukan bahwa harus ada usaha untuk mewuj...
Islamic Economics with the idea of giving the economy the principles of life in a relationship with each other. In it contains the direction and at the same time demand that his followers do your best and avoid action that is considered a sin. Islamic economics does not just contain about sets of rules but provides a guarantee for improved welfare. In this article, the authors intend to reveal the clarity of the distribution of income: welfare according to the concept of Islamic economics. Islam considers that economic prosperity is not solely economic problems of distribution of material, but also involves an element of non-material and other fields. Economic welfare can be run in conjunction with welfare in other fields. Islamic economic demands for the overall running of the teachings of Islam in all aspects of life. The consequence of this concept is the well-being should be viewed as a manifestation of God's command to his servant. So that the welfare of the continuing e orts of mankind to do good, both to God and to fellow human beings.
Artikel, 2023
Secara keseluruhan, prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Islam memberikan kerangka kerja untuk sistem ekonomi yang adil, etis, dan berkelanjutan yang mempromosikan kesejahteraan sosial dan pembangunan ekonomi. Melalui konsep-konsep zakat, wakaf, dan pembiayaan serta transaksi bebas riba, ekonomi Islam menawarkan solusi untuk banyak tantangan ekonomi global saat ini, termasuk ketidaksetaraan ekonomi, kemiskinan, dan ketidakstabilan finansial.
KEMUDI : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 2021
Lessons from recurring economic crises have been of particular concern to the Islamic world. Mostly Islamic countries are of middle and low-income economies that they had been inevitably suffered from extensively negative consequences caused by economic crisis such as drastic decline in welfare. The accumulation of under-performance institution and complexity of the prevailing socio-economic problems have made recovery efforts either harder steps to take or even further distances to approach merely the pre-crisis level. Using analysis based on Islamic perspective, this paper seeks to explore on economic crises, welfare and hope for good governance would be as a fundamental resilience in times of crisis. From the elaboration of literature review which encompasses thoughts of a number of Islamic economic thinkers as well as empirical studies, Islamic countries should take all determination in good governance reform as it is directed by Islamic teaching to safeguard intact welfare of ...
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