Utilitarianism and future mistakes

2008, Theoria

IT SEEMS THAT even a convinced act-utilitarian must admit that act-utilitarianism cannot be accepted in its traditional form. In order to avoid certain inconsistencies and other undesirable results, the usual act-utilitarian doctrine has to be reformulated. This straightforward formulation has to be replaced by a more complicated one, even if the basic intuition behind it is roughly the same as before. I have suggested such a reformulation elsewhere (Bergstrom 1966 and 1976). However, Howard Sobel (1976) has recently made an interesting contribution to the subject, where he criticizes my proposal-as well as certain suggestions made by others-and gives a different solution to the problem I have been discussing. In this paper I shall try to show that Sobel's solution is less satisfactory than mine. His arguments may indeed be valid against certain recent formulations of utilitarianism, but they do not seem to affect my proposal, and Sobel's own formulation is in any case hardly acceptable to a utilitarian.