Mendicant Friars and the Legacy of Indulgences

Ablasskampagnen des Spätmittelalters

Everyone knows, or thinks he knows, that the hucksterism of Johann Tetzel (1465-1519), the Dominican preacher of indulgence, occasioned Martin Luther's great rebellion against Catholic Christianity. Tetzel, who had had previous commissions as an indulgence preacher, had been commissioned to preach the indulgence to raise funds for the new St. Peter's Basilica then being built in Rome. Tetzel's arrival in Thuringia merely set off the ever-impulsive Luther to make public his arguments against not only indulgences, but traditional Christianity generally. Luther had been entertaining his rejection of the traditional teaching on justification for at least eighteen months already. The Augustinian, never one to mince words, not only attacked pardons, but Tetzel as well. Luther's personal and moral condemnation of Tetzel became standard fare in later centuries. There is, however, very little evidence that Tetzel either violated church law or behaved inappropriately in his preaching of the indulgence, something that Nikolaus Paulus highlighted in his 1899 study of Tetzel's career.¹ Information about Tetzel's activities and offices for the period 1503-1509 abounds. During that period, he preached indulgences on behalf of the Teutonic Order of Knights in Livonia, who had received permission from Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) for a jubilee pardon to be preached for three years in the ecclesiastical provinces of Magdeburg, Bremen and Riga. For three years Tetzel preached another indulgence, granted by Pope Julius II, in the provinces of Cologne, Mainz and Trier, beginning in 1506. Unfortunately, virtually nothing is known regarding his career for the crucial six years between 1510 and 1516. In any event, by Tetzel's lifetime, bishops and popes had been granting indulgences since the eleventh century; after about a century of these grants, scholars began to comment upon their power and efficacy in commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard (in the case of theologians) and the Decretum and Decretals (in the case of canon lawyers). Tetzel himself served as inquisitor (another office in which Dominicans had long served disproportionately); thus did his superiors recognize his mastery of church teaching. That a mendicant friar was named to preach the indulgence for St. Peter's was also quite usual; from their very origins, the mendicants had vested interests in pardons, whether as preachers or as dispensers.² Dominicans had been preaching