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Advances in Library and Information Science
This chapter is on relevance of Web 2.0 for library services in digital era. Web 2.0 tools play crucial role in effective service delivery of librarians. The study covers awareness, utilization, benefits, and challenges that affect the use of Web 2.0 by librarians for effective service delivery. The concepts generally implied that Web 2.0 can be used by librarians as information acquisition tools to gather information from sources outside libraries (e.g., blogs and wikis), information dissemination tools (such as RSS feeds), information organization tools that facilitate storage and subsequent retrieval of information (social bookmarking and tagging), and information sharing tools that facilitate the bilateral flow of information between libraries and patrons (social networking and media sharing sites). This chapter examines the concept of digital libraries and highlights the major features of a digital library and how it can be used. The potentials of digital library are very cruci...
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2019
The implication of Web 2.0 technologies to libraries and information centres resulted in the coining of the term Library 2.0. This paper aims at seeking the use of Web 2.0 applications by the library and information professionals. Library 2.0 is a concept for different library and information services. This article suggests that recent thinking describing the changing ?Web? as ?Web 2.0? will have substantial implications for libraries. The paper discusses the theory and definition to the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how the technology Web 2.0 such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging, RSS feeds library thing, podcasts, YouTube, Second Life and mash-ups might intimate changes in how libraries provide access to their collections and user support for that access. Conclusion stated that the implementation of Web 2.0 technologies in libraries is very much fruitful to cope with the changing paradigm.
This article suggests that recent thinking describing the changing Web as "Web 2.0" will have substantial implications for libraries, and recognizes that while these implications keep very close to the history and mission of libraries; they still necessitate a new paradigm for librarianship. The paper applies the theory and definition to the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how Web 2.0 technologies at level 1 such as Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), API (Application Programming Interface), Mashup, P2P (Peer-to-peer), RSS (Really Simple Syndication), XML (Extended Markup Language) and at level 2 such as Social Networks, Blogs, Wiki, Social Book Marks, Podcast, technological resources are used to create a final product: languages, systems and other tools that allow the professional to develop or adapt these applications. The services and ways of implementing current Web 2.0 trends into libraries like OPAC 2.0, Social networks, Blogs, WIKIS, RSS and Social Bookmarks have been explained. With this article we would like to incite reflection on the changes that the Web 2.0 has brought to the information retrieval on the web, and therefore on libraries. The Web 2.0 movement is laying the groundwork for exponential business growth and another major shift in the way our users live, work, and play. We have the ability, insight, and knowledge to influence the creation of this new dynamic – and guarantee the future of our profession. Librarian 2.0. To conclude, we discuss some of the weak points libraries face when using 2.0 technologies.
The objective and scope of this paper is to assess and highlight the potential of Web 2.0 in the context of libraries. The concept of Web 2.0 such as social networks, RSS feeds, blogs, streaming media, podcasts, Wikis, tags, mashups, etc. is defined and the possible applications in various library functions and activities are mentioned. In addition, the difference between the Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 is given and how during the past several years, new advances in web technologies have enabled libraries to create new interactive services, such as virtual reference services, personalised interfaces of online catalogues, and audio-visual media that can be downloaded by the user community irrespective of their physical locations. Thus, these emerging webbased features (Web 2.0) are opening new avenues and giving libraries the ability to offer the improved, customer-driven services to the user communities.
Web 2.0 technologies encourage new means of sharing information, cooperation and communication among people. By applying Web 2.0 technologies in libraries the whole scenario of libraries has changed, they provide information accessible to the users whenever they want, and to ensure that all the obstacles in getting information are removed. Web 2.0 is a variety of technologies which present a different stage of interaction among the users and played an important role in to keep update with changing requirements of library patrons.
Libri, 2011
Web 2.0 is the general term for new technologies, applications and services that enable users to interact and personalize websites. The derivative term Library 2.0 was proposed in the mid-2000s. This article reviews how public libraries have made attempts to renew their services by adopting Web 2.0 technologies. The research material mainly consists of articles and reports discussing the developments of Library 2.0. In addition, the study makes use of data obtained from the websites of public libraries that have pioneered in the field of Library 2.0. The study identified four main purposes for which public libraries have adopted Web 2.0 technologies: communication, content sharing, social networking, and crowdsourcing. To serve the ends of communication, public libraries have adopted technologies such as RSS feeds and short messaging. The needs of content sharing are primarily served by using blogs and content sharing sites such as YouTube. Public libraries have also used Web 2.0 technologies to support social networking. Finally, to advance crowdsourcing, public libraries have mainly used tagging functionalities and systems of book rating. Overall, the findings indicate that experiences gained from the utilization of Web 2.0 applications are fairly positive and are thus encouraging for the development of Public Library 2.0.
The intent of this paper is to probe the application of web 2.0 in selected libraries in Delhi and awareness of web 2.0 technologies by library professionals. The main focus on the research was to be aware of web 2.o tools and its use by libraries in providing better services and enhances learning process to users. A questionnaire was framed and used for collection of data from library professionals from selected libraries in Delhi. The study reflects the familiarity and awareness of library professionals with web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, Facebook, twitter, Instant messaging etc. The study revealed most frequent purpose of using web 2.0 tools was reference service, training, blogging, announcements, OPAC, new arrivals, sharing purpose with users. There was some of the challenges faced by library professionals in using web 2.0 tools such as power failure, slow internet, lack of skills etc.
OCLC Systems & Services, 2013
Purpose-The study aims to investigate the level of awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools by librarians in university libraries in Nigeria. Design/methodology/approach-A questionnaire was used to collect data from 176 librarians in 49 university libraries in Nigeria. Findings-It emerged that the librarians were more familiar with social networking sites, instant messaging, media sharing sites, blogs and wikis. The popularity of these Web 2.0 tools made them the most frequently used by the librarians. Web 2.0 tools like Flickr, RSS feeds, podcasts, social bookmarking, were among the least used. The study revealed that librarians use Web 2.0 tools mostly for reference services online, library news/events, training resources, and image and video sharing. Lack of facilities such as computers with internet access, lack of skills, and lack of time were indicated as some of the barriers in the use of Web 2.0 tools by librarians in university libraries in Nigeria. Practical implications-These research results can be consulted by interested librarians as they plan to implement Web 2.0 applications in their libraries. Originality/value-This study draws an overall picture of Web 2.0 applications in Nigerian university libraries and attempts to provide helpful information to better understand how librarians elsewhere are utilizing Web 2.0 technologies in rendering library services.
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 2020
The paper aims to present the results of a survey of academic libraries about the adoption and perceived impact of Web 2.0 technologies. A total of 26 college libraries affiliated with Solapur University participated among the members. It was found that each library was using some form of technology, such as RSS, blogs, social networking sites, wikis, and instant messaging. Analyzing the entire college web technology usages, it is observed from the results that most of the web technologies are not used by the mainstream of the users due to lack of awareness, training, etc. Accurate and appropriate training should be conducted by the colleges' Libraries according to the necessities of the users. Systematic training will inevitably help the user for the maximum utilization of e-resources of the library. The leading web technologies such as internet surfing, emails, search engines, wikis, photo sharing, etc. are used by a great number of users on a daily and weekly basis of frequency. On the other hand majority of the web technologies are never used by a great number of users.
The Electronic Library, 2013
Purpose -The paper aims to present the results of a survey of academic libraries about the adoption and perceived impact of Web 2.0 technologies. Design/methodology/approach -A total of 67 US academic libraries participated among the members of the Association of Research Libraries. Findings -It was found that each library was using some form of technology, such as RSS, blogs, social networking sites, wikis and instant messaging. On a Likert-type scale the participant librarians significantly preferred the advantages of Web 2.0 over its disadvantages. There was a significant positive correlation between the extent of Web 2.0 adoption in libraries and librarians' opinion about their advantages. Originality/value -The paper is useful for future planning of the use of Web 2.0 technologies in academic libraries.
The International Information & Library Review, 2010
The purpose of this paper is to provide a reconnaissance of major academic libraries located in Australia, Canada, the U.K. and U.S.A. that have embraced Web 2.0 tools for enhancing library services. The research is based on a survey of websites of 277 university libraries. The checkpoints used for this evaluative study were given by Nguyen for evaluating various Web 2.0 tools. Additional checkpoints were arrived at after visiting and browsing the various sites. The findings of the study acknowledge the strength of Web 2.0 tools in improving library services for users. Really Simple Syndication (RSS), Instant Messaging (IM) and blogs are popular in academic libraries. The paper concludes by offering best practices for implementing Web 2.0 tools in academic libraries. ª
The rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies has provided a well sophisticated environment to develop the digital libraries. A digital library is a large-scale, organized collection of complex and dynamic multimedia information and knowledge, and tools and methods to enable search, manipulation and presentation of this information and knowledge via Internet. User-Centered approach for the digital libraries would increase its usage [1]. Web 2.0 technologies provide better user-centered services with rich user experience for Web applications. Hence this paper deals with the significance of Web 2.0 in building of digital libraries and presents the architecture of Web 2.0 enabled user interface system for DSpace digital repository.
National Conference on 21st Century Librarianship, 2015
Web 2.0 technologies are really mash-up of traditional library services and innovative. It has engrossed the attention of libraries around the world as a means for endorsing and extending their services. Web 2.0 technologies such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging and RSS feeds might intimate changes in library services. This study has made an attempt to know the various features of Web 2.0 technologies and also deals with how Web 2.0 technologies could be used in the academic library context. It also provides solid evidence of the application of Web 2.0 in academic libraries websites.
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 2016
Web 2.0 has ushered a new era of social tools, social media, and social networking facilitating social interactions on web platform. The Web 2.0, which made a debut in 2004, has been defined in several different ways like 'people to people collaboration in content creation on the web' 1 , 'share information online, user generated media content constantly modified' 2 , 'opensource, interactive and user-controlled online applications or creation of informal users' networks facilitating free flow of ideas and knowledge' 3 , and 'to deliver rich user experience' 4. Web 2.0, social networking and social media are inextricably linked and have in fact often been used synonymously 5. Web 2.0 phenomena have indeed made a significant impact on the information landscape. According to Miller, 'it is a technology, a philosophy, a business plan, a behaviour and a participatory model to engage users', which led Michael Cassey to coin the term 'Library 2.0' and launch an associated blog in 2005 6. Web 2.0 influenced the conceptualisation of the terms Library 2.0 and Business 2.0. Library 2.0 is the library sector's response to Web 2.0; Library 2.0 is a service model that relates to the delivery of library programmes and services in an innovative way 7. Web 2.0 supports or leads to Business 2.0 or Library 2.0 It also relates as to how library and information professionals are translating the principles of Web 2.0 into the design and delivery of library services 8,9. Web 2.0 and social media skills will become essential for library staff as they make transition to becoming Librarian 2.0. Mishra 10 asserts that Library 2.0 is a mix of concepts that focus on ongoing conversations around the ways libraries should change to make themselves and their services viable to end users. Maness 11 defined 'Library 2.0 as the application of interactive collaborative and multimedia web-based technologies to web-based library services and collections'. Library 2.0 is certainly a paradigm shift in the approach to the delivery of library services in the internet age. 2. LIterature revIew The literature review covered here is limited to studies relating to bibliometric assessment of publications
Abstract Purpose – This paper seeks to provide an insight into the implementation of some of the innovative Web 2.0 applications at Asmita College library to initiate use of Web 2.0 applications to the optimum level to provide quality services with the use of advance ICT to satisfy changing needs of library users. Design/methodology/approach – All the services based on Web 2.0 in library were studied with the utility aspect of those services. The prevalence of seven Web 2.0 applications in descending order was: multimedia sharing services, blogs, forums, social tagging services, social networking services, social book marking services and wikis. Findings –The Asmita College library has made a number of provisions to adopt some Web 2.0 applications in its library services to create information literacy. The presence of Web 2.0 applications was found to have a correlation with the overall web site quality, and in particular, service quality. Research limitations/implications – This paper covers in-depth case study of Asmita College library only. Emerging genres of Web 2.0 applications such as mashups and virtual worlds have not been included. Practical implications – This study may guide other library professionals in application of Web 2.0 in their libraries to initiate Web 2.0 to the optimum level to provide quality services Decision makers and web developers may benchmark their own efforts in deploying Web 2.0 applications against this study. The numerous exemplars cited here serve as a springboard to generate more ideas on how Web 2.0 applications could be used and harnessed to improve the overall quality of academic library web sites and blogs. Originality/value – This paper unites two research interests: Web 2.0 and quality library services. Keywords - Web 2.0, Academic Libraries Paper type - Research paper
International Journal of Information Management
a b s t r a c t Web 2.0 has had an impact on library web sites making them more interactive with users, giving rise to the term Library 2.0. What is meant by Web 2.0 tools is generally understood but the degree of implementation of these tools in libraries is largely unknown. This study reports on the implementation of these tools in national libraries all over the world in order to give an objective measure of the impact of Web 2.0 on library web sites.
The Electronic Library, 2016
Purpose The present study aims to investigate levels of awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools by librarians in the university libraries of East Azerbaijan (EA) in Iran and to determine how librarians use these tools in everyday life. Design/methodology/approach A Web-based questionnaire was used to collect data from 38 per cent librarians in the university libraries of EA. Findings The research findings indicate that the librarians were more familiar with Web 2.0 tools such as wikis and blogs. While librarians widely use blogs and wikis, tools such as social bookmarking, social networks, RSS feeds, instant messaging and digital maps were less frequently used. Results obtained from present study indicated that librarians use Web 2.0 tools mostly to communicate with friends and family, to keep up-to-date, to collaborate with colleagues and for curiosity and fun. Also, librarians believe that Web 2.0 tools can be used mostly for sharing information about library resources. Internet filter...
Library & Information Science Research, 2009
The current research explores whether librarians, whose main work focuses on information, are familiar with new technological changes and innovations, and whether they make use of different Web 2.0 applications. The research examines whether personality characteristics (resistance to change, cognitive appraisal, empowerment and extroversion or introversion), as well as computer expertise, motivation, importance and capacity towards studying and integrating different applications of Web 2.0 in future, influence librarians' use of Web 2.0. Different questionnaires were distributed to 168 randomly Israeli librarians throughout the country. The research revealed that personality characteristics as well as computer expertise, motivation, importance and capacity towards studying and integrating different applications of Web 2.0 in the future, influence librarians' use of Web 2.0. These findings have theoretical as well as practical implications.
New technological tools have introduced significant social changes. These changes are especially evident in the relationship between Web 2.0 platforms and academic library communities. This paper will argue that Web 2.0 applications offer significant benefits to academic libraries in terms of their community services. First, this paper will provide background information about Web 2.0, including a definition and description of its functions. Second, it will present a global overview of the use of Web 2.0 in academic libraries and highlight three views of why academic libraries neglect Web 2.0 applications: (1) insufficient staff administration, (2) complicated access to library services, and (3) lack of appeal for users and staff. Finally, this paper will challenge these perspectives and assert that Web 2.0 platforms can introduce vast improvements in the academic library context with respect to the effective exchange of information and promoting library services.
Purpose – This paper aims to provide an overview of the application of Web 2.0 technologies in college libraries in Mumbai. The focus of the research was to explore tools of Web 2.0 technologies applied in such libraries as well as to find out problems behind non-application of such cost-effective tool in college libraries. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was conducted using Google Forms based LIS e‐mail discussion groups. College librarians serving in all types of college libraries in Mumbai participated in the study. Findings – Blogs and social networking sites were the most popular Web 2.0 technology applied by librarians. Lack of computer literacy, lack of awareness about the utilities of web 2.0 and non- availability of computers and internet facilities were the major hindrances of Web 2.0 adoption by librarians. Awareness and training programs could enable librarians to cope with Web 2.0 technologies. Practical implications – This study will create awareness among LIS professionals toward the use of advanced technology in their professional environment. The findings of this study will be a guidance tool for workshop and training organizers to provide essential skills to the library professionals for the successful adoption of Web 2.0 in college libraries. The paper concludes by offering best practices for implementing Web 2.0 tools in academic libraries. Originality/Value – This is the original study conducted on the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in college libraries in Mumbai by using questionnaire as a tool of data collection and by studying different library blogs.
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