Analysis of Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition

International Journal of Social Sciences and Management


The purport of this paper is to provide an overview of five factors affecting second language acquisition (SLA). The factors include vocabulary, grammar, and interference of mother tongue (L1), self-efficacy and motivation. These factors are vital to research for the process of acquiring second language. Language is composed of vocabulary words which are synchronized by grammar affected by first language .Self efficacy is a consequential component of social cognitive and this entire process of second language acquisition is possible by the factor of motivation. Motivation is additionally a consequential contributor to language achievement in terms of linguistic outcomes.Study of these factors synthesize in the process of acquiring second language resulting with possible suggestions.

Key takeaways

  • Vocabulary, grammar, mother tongue self-efficacy and motivation are the five factors studied in this research to observe the acquisition process of second language.
  • Most learners apply education from their native language to the second language and this transfer can result in both positive and negative transfer.
  • Consequently, the communicative language teaching occurred around 30 years until recent time, on the grounds that teaching grammar does not only have language learners' fixate on acquiring the language forms, but withal have them ken how to apply it in their communication.
  • Many learners need a sense of security when learning a second language.
  • Motivation is a crucial factor in learning a second language, which is influenced by different variables: personality variables, the postures of learners, their cognition styles.