Global illumination models for volume rendering


helpful comments during the preparation of this dissertation. I would like to thank Professor Paul Adams for the use of his lab and equipment. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of the system and administration staff in the department. In particular, I would like to thank Brian Tria for maintaining the systems and answering many questions, and Kathy Germanai, Betty Knittweis, and Stella Mannino for all the paper work and administrative details that they took care of on my behalf. I would like to thank the numerous individuals who have giv en me inv aluable comments and insights during my research − Dany Cohen, Taosong He, Lichan Hong, Hanspeter Pfister, Claudio Silva, Sidney Wang, and Roni Yagel. I would also like to thank the many people who have worked on the development of the VolVis system −