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Unlike the Greeks and other Indo-European peoples, the Romans do not appear to have had a cosmogony, a theogony nor even an anthropogony. However, they did elaborate an "Urbigonia", that is, a mythological tale describing, in detail, how their city (urbs) was built - as if the city itself, not the world, was the starting point for Roman history and culture. One of the most interesting (and well discussed) images of the birth of Rome can be found in chapter 11 of the Life of Romulus by Plutarch, which is unique in representing the three fundamental spatial structures of the city – mundus, sulcus primigenius and pomerium – as somehow connected (even if rather confusedly). An analysis of these topographical realities, together with the study of the myths they refer to, point out the importance of spatial organization and more generally the notion of boundary in the mental grammar of Roman society.
Il mistero del Monte Sibilla, in Italia, è un enigma antico e ancora inspiegato. La montagna innalza il proprio picco tra l'Umbria e le Marche. La grotta sulla cima è stata oggetto di visite, per secoli, da parte di uomini provenienti da ogni parte d'Europa, in cerca del leggendario reame sotterraneo della Sibilla degli Appennini. Una ricerca che non si è ancora conclusa. In questo articolo, Michele Sanvico effettua un'investigazione sugli antichi riferimenti alla Sibilla Appenninica attraverso le fonti medievali e romane, proponendo infine un nuovo percorso di ricerca in relazione alla vera origine della leggenda sibillina.
Ricche Minere. 18, 2022, pp. 2-15
This paper studies a large Roman head m naybe of the emperor Antoninus Pius, largely reworked in medieval times as St. Peter, preserved in the Walters Art Museum (Baltimore, USA), which has never before been considered by specialized studies. Here is argued its attribution to Arnolfo di Cambio, the great Florentine sculptor and architect active in Pisa, Siena, Bologna, Rome and Florence between the second half of the 13th and the very early 14th centuries. The peculiarities and the meaning of its reworking and the technical-execution aspects are then explored and discussed in the broader context of the phenomenon of reuse and re-functionalization of classical marbles in the medieval age.
Status Quaestionis, (26), 2024
The following article explores the archetypal poignancy of the spider in twentieth-century Italian literature by analyzing the stories of Tommaso Landolfi, Primo Levi and Dino Buzzati. Despite their distinct poetics, they simultaneously used various kinds of animal figures so structurally throughout their careers, that it makes sense to investigate the actual bestiaries derived from their productions. The weight that magical and primitive culture, as well as their individual psychology, had in this phenomenon will be investigated and culturally motivated, through a study that aims to probe our collective imagination, somewhere between the definition given by psychoanalyst Jung and the reconstruction of folk beliefs given by anthropologists such as De Martino. Not by chance, we propose the spider as emblematic to our mythical-ritual system of inquiry, as well as one of the most significant archetypal animal images in literature, magic, phobia, and folklore.
Cultura in Friuli VII, 2022
Francesco Savorgnan, il “terzo incomodo” che avrebbe posto fine alla storia d’amore tra Lucina Savorgnan e Luigi Da Porto (autore di "Giulietta e Romeo"), ebbe una vita interessante, nonostante il suo carattere non troppo intraprendente. Sfuggì dalla guerra in Friuli, peregrinò per l’Europa accompagnato da un Montecchi e impiegò anni per tornare a Udine a causa di un lungo contenzioso contro il famoso Girolamo Savorgnan, eroe della Repubblica di Venezia.
Il serpente è uno dei simboli più importanti dell'immaginazione umana.
The anthropological study developed by Ernesto De Martino in The land of remorse comes to an essentially sociological interpretation of the phenomenon of Salento Tarantism neglecting its most archaic origins. Rossetti proposes a new hypothesis of investigation by finding an implicit thesis but not outlined in the De Martino’s researches and, perhaps, unconsciously neglected. Tarantism, as a form of choral/musical exorcism, would be rooted in the early history of Magna Graecia, as related to pre-Hippocratic medical practices related to the cult of Asclepius. It would have occured, therefore, a process of merging and overlapping between the two religions as evidenced by some similarities between them, such as the common reference to some animal-symbols (snake, scorpion, spider), the iconographic overlap between Asclepius and St. Paul, the mirror image organization of sacred places, the importance of the rite of "sleep therapy" and the bite/punishment as a sign of the over-hu...
Ostraka XVI, 2, 2007, pp. 253-277, 2007
Vetera Christianorum, 2017
The legend of the disappearance and apotheosis of the first king of Rome is a problematic case for the ancient historians, some of which do not hesitate to present doubts about the contents of tradition and attempt a rationalistic interpretation of the fact. In civ. 3,15 Augustine treats the episode with a discussion similar to a scholastic quaestio: he refers the opinion of Cicero on re p. 2,17-20, the first to separate historical reality and celebratory superstructures, praises objectivity but with new arguments affirms his own point of view to define also in this way the distance between pagan orientation and the Christian vision of history. Moreover, the comparison between the Augustinian text and Livy 1,16, also known in ancient times in scholastic practice, shows that Augustine, in relation to Romulus, does not want to reconstruct events as a historiographer, but to evaluate them from a cultural point of view; the corresponding synthetic version of Florus (1,1), from which some isolated elements of style seem to pass to Augustinian prose, offers other elements for evaluating the readings of the Bishop of Hippo and his method of selecting sources.
Ormai da oltre un decennio, la fenomenologia e la filosofia fenomenologica stanno vivendo una fase di grande espansione 1 . Entrando nel nuovo millennio e nel suo secondo secolo di vita, invece di estinguersi definitivamente, lo stile di pensiero fenomenologico ha moltiplicato la sua forza propulsiva, mostrando una vitalità imprevedibile e suscitando una crescente attenzione anche in ambiti istituzionalmente lontani dagli studi filosofici. Un rilancio che, al di là del canonico interesse accademico per il pensiero di Edmund Husserl, si è manifestato in una vasta e sorprendente disseminazione transdisciplinare 2 . Tuttavia il fatto che molti autori, lungo i più eterogenei sentieri di ricerca e gli alterni percorsi intellettuali, si ispirino o dicano di ispirarsi alla fenomenologia, ha contribuito il più delle volte a qualificarla come una generica disposizione, o una posa intellettuale, arrivando in certi casi ad alterarne la caratteristica fisionomia analitica, fino a dissolverla del tutto 3 .
«Tutto ti serva di libro». Studi di letteratura italiana per Pasquale Guaragnella, 2019
Il Pianeta scritto 135 1 Per le opere di Machiavelli citate si fa riferimento alle seguenti edizioni: Mandragola-La mandragore, Édition bilingue, Texte critique établi par P. Stoppelli, Introduction, traduction et notes de P. Larivaille, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2008; Il principe, a cura di M. Martelli, corredo filologico di N. Marcelli, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2006; Discorsi sopra la prima deca di
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Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia, 2024
Per Franco Contorbia, 2019
In Ethne, identità e tradizioni. La terza Grecia e l’Occidente (Atti del Convegno Napoli, 26-28 gennaio 2011), Pisa, 271-284, 2011
Zeitschrift Fur Schweizerische Archaologie Und Kunstgeschichte, 2009
Archeologia Classica, 2021
Plinio, guida e mito delle scoperte geografiche. Il Parergon di Ortelio. coscienza geo-storica del Mondo antico , 2023
Kepos. Semestrale di letteratura italiana, 2018
Persiani Editore, 2015