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Kazakhstan Archeology
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19 ноября 2020 г. не стало Геннадия Борисовича Здановича… Его имя навсегда связано с самым ярким открытием конца ХХ в. – поселением, протогородом Аркаим. Аркаим – целая историческая эпоха, легенда степной Евразии. Описание его вошло во все вузовские и школьные учебники по древней истории Казахстана.
Уфимский археологический вестник, 2021
This article is written in memory of Gennady Borisovich Zdanovich. It presents an attempt to discuss and summarize the highlights of this person's life. G.B. Zdanovich was a prolific scholar, Dr. habil., who has made a significant contribution to the development of archaeology of the Urals and Kazakhstan. He was the founder of Petropavlovsk, Karaganda and Chelyabinsk archaeological schools and the director of the North Kazakhstan and the Ural-Kazakhstan archaeological expeditions that have studied numerous sites of different historical eras in the vast territories of the Ural-Irtysh interfluve. Main research interests of G.B. Zdanovich were in the field of history and archaeology of the Ural-Kazakhstan steppes during the Bronze Age. To be more specific, the scholar has developed the chronology for the Bronze Age archaeological sites located in the Petropavlovsk Ishim region, described several archaeological cultures (e.g. the Petrovka culture and the Sarga culture) and three types of pottery assemblages i.e. Petrovka, Amangel'dy and Bishkul'. He has also studies a number of fortified settlements including Sintashta, Arkaim, Kuysak and Alandskoye-all dated to the Bronze Age period. These archaeological sites formed the basis of the historical and cultural reserve "Arkaim" created by G.B. Zdanovich in 1991. The scholar has made a huge work to preserve the archaeological heritage of the Ural region and headed the reserve in the most difficult times of its development. In his last years G.B. Zdanovich concentrated on the detailed study of the Large Sintashta burial mound aimed at identifying its cultural and historical position as well as architectural peculiarities. Being not only a scholar, but also a university professor G.B. Zdanovich has devoted a lot of time and effort to training young specialists. In particular, he has lectured to the students of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute, the Karaganda State University and the Chelyabinsk State University and worked with school pupils, organizing archaeological clubs and giving children various opportunities to participate in field research. It could be claimed that G.B. Zdanovich was "a hero of the time", whose achievements in the field of archaeological science and education have formed a bright page in the history of our country.
The article is devoted to the moral and ethical search and God-seeking of a prominent socialistrevolutionary Boris Savinkov. He earned a reputation not only as one of the leaders of the PSR “Fighting organization”, who participated in the organization of the most resonant attacks – on Interior Minister V.K. Pleve and Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, but also as a writer whose works “The Pale Horse” and “That Which Was Not (Three Brothers)” had a great public resonance. The contradictory nature of his personality, attitudes and actions, clearly manifested in the fact that he simultaneously combined leadership of “Fighting organization” and public refl ection on moral inadmissibility of the murder, and in the fact that his anti-Bolshevik activities he combined with writing “The Black Horse”, still attracts the attention of researchers and journalists. The circumstances of his death also attract the attention. The author explores them using the documents of “Savinkov case,” initially stored in the secret archives of the Politburo of the CPSU (b), which allow us to speak with confi dence about his suicide.
Visual Arts and Music, 2020
Резюме: Борис Денев е страстен пътешественик, любопитен и отдаден изследовател и на България, и на страните, които посещава за по-дълго (Германия, Гърция) или за по-кратко (Италия, Франция, Турция, днешна Северна Македония). В настоящия текст се проследява отношението му като художник, човек на словото и общественик към историята, природата, културното наследство и хората на южната ни съседка Гърция. За него тя е цивилизация на древни култури, източник на творческо вдъхновение, но и земя на народ, с който България има сложни отношения, започнали да се размразяват през 30-те години на XX в. след дълъг период на враждебност и противостоене, резултат от трагични и за двете страни исторически събития. В текста се проследяват няколко реципрочни посещения на български и гръцки художници и интелектуалци като част от институционалните усилия за изграждане на дружества с културни цели, които в същото време създават лични артистични и човешки приятелства, а Борис Денев е активен герой/участник в тях.
Kazakhstan Archeology, 2020
Профессиональный археолог, доктор исторических наук Виктор Андреевич Грошев был крупным специалистом по вопросам возникновения, развития ирригации и поливного земледелия на территории Южного Казахстана и Семиречья с V в. до н.э. по XVIII в. Как и многие археологи советского времени, Виктор Андреевич пришел в науку не сразу, а осознанно и целенаправленно, поработав на производстве и отслужив в Советской армии.
Теория вероятностей и ее применения, 1996
Літопис Волині, 2022
The article highlights a part of the life of the Ukrainian scientist and famous philanthropist Bohdan Dmytrovych Hawrylyshyn (1926-2016), connected with the Plast scouting organization. Considering his unique biography, contribution to the development of Plast in Ukraine, practical activities in the form of his three-year leadership of the Regional Plast Council (2006-2008), founding of the Plast Development Fund, he became one of the most famous members of Plast throughout its history. The author emphasizes the study of Plast's influence on the personality of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, highlights his meeting with the outstanding representative of Ukrainian church life, Andrey Sheptytskyi. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and archival sources, the author of the publication substantiates the opinion that B. Hawrylyshyn's worldview and patriotism developed in the environment of the Ukrainian stratum youth both in Galicia and in the diaspora in Canada. The skills acquired in Plast, a patriotic worldview, especially the daily task of doing one good deed, the ability to be a leader gave impetus to their practical application throughout his subsequent life. At a more mature age, already retired, he devotes himself to Ukraine, in particular, he also helps the development of Plast in Ukraine. The achievements and failures of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn in the integration of Plast into the world scouting movement are noted.
Despite centuries of research, the history of Byzantine Taurica still has not been studied fully. So, there is still debate about the meaning of terms denoting positions. For example, until now it believed that protopolit Zoilus from Сherson was a high-ranking member of the city government. But we do not think so. We conducted a study to prove that this term is used almost exclusively in the eastern Mediterranean, where, in fact, it happens. Based on this, we conclude that Zoilus was not a senior member of the municipal government. Most likely, he was the leader of the local Jewish community or Syrian. We are carrying out our findings to the scientific discussion.
Izaly Zemtsovsky. The Melodics of Calendar Songs. (Kyїv, 1980). This is the abstract of the doctorate thesis in the form of a guide-book to the monograph of the same name published in Russian: “Melodika kalendarnykh pesen.” Leningrad: Muzyka, 1975. 224 pp. (review by Barbara Krader in Ethnomusicology, 1979, no. 2). In fact, this abstract was unavailable to specialists worldwide.
ЯН КАСПРОВИЧ: УЧЕНИЙ ТА ГРОМАДСЬКИЙ ДІЯЧ Зоя БАРАН Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, кафедра нової та новітньої історії зарубіжних країн Ян Каспрович (1860-1926) публіцист, поет, професор Львівського університету Яна Казимира, почесний доктор Варшавського університету. Друкувався під псевдонімами Францішек Шиба, Петро Гута, Ян К. Член легальних і таємних польських патріотичних організацій. Його погляди пройшли еволюцію від прихильника соціалістичних ідей, активіста галицького селянського руху до національних демократів. Однак політичні переконання не вплинули на літературну діяльність. За дорученням Міністерства закордонних справ Польщі Я. Каспрович 1920 р. взяв участь у пропагандистській поїздці по території, що підлягала плебісциту -Вармії та Мазурах, з метою пробудження патріотизму в місцевого населення та проведення агітаційних мітингів на користь приєднання цих земель до Польщі. У 1921/22 н.р. виконував обов'язки Ректора університету; за його повноважень дипломи почесних докторів навчального закладу отримали бельгійський церковний діяч кардинал Дезіре Мерсьє, французькі політики Фердинанд Фош і Раймон Пуанкаре, міністр торгівлі США Герберт Гувер, американський історик Роберт Лорд. Залишив поетичні, прозові, драматичні твори більшість з яких надруковані у Львові, зробив численні переклади з грецької, англійської, німецької, французької, італійської, норвезької, голландської мов.
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