Structure of methane and ethane at high pressure

2014, Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances


Methane is one of the most abundant hydrocarbon molecules in the universe and is expected to be a significant part of the icy giant planets (Uranus and Neptune) and their satellites. Ethane is one of the most predictable products of chemical reactivity of methane at extreme pressures and temperatures. In spite of numerous experimental and theoretical studies, the structure and relative stability of these materials even at room temperature remains controversial. We have performed a combined experimental and theoretical study of both methane and ethane up at high pressures up to 120 GPa at 300 K using x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy and the ab-initio evolutionary algorithm, respectively. In the case of methane we have successfully solved the structure of phase B by determining the space group and the positional parameters of carbon atoms, and by completing these results for the hydrogen positions using the theoretical calculations. The general structural behavior under pressu...