Structural Analysis of Bamboo Trusses Structure in Greenhouse



The objective of this paper is to analyze the shape and cross-section of bamboo structure for a single greenhouse in Thailand. The green house is designed to open on the roof for ventilation, and under geometrical constrains for minimize deflection. We calculate the cross-section, self weight and displacement values of bamboo structure to determine the truss shape design problem in the greenhouse. The truss shape has designed in eight different types: Double Howe, Modified Fan, Modified Queen, Pratt, Fan, Double W, M shape and W shape. The displacement value in each truss shape is determined by using standard load (Dead Load, Live Load, and Wind Load) to calculate axial force in each truss shape member. The results of eight type displacement values show that the minimum displacement is Modified Fan truss shape and the minimum weight of the trusses structure in greenhouse is Double Howe truss shape.

Key takeaways

  • We are many parameters for analysis of bamboo truss need to be considered.
  • And after check all of step we can get the suitable cross-section area from the bamboo truss structure.
  • The results from analysis the bamboo truss structure in 8 types by check the tension and compression force in 4 main members (top chord, bottom chord, diagonal and vertical member) are show in Fig. 5.
  • From the objective of the analysis, the bamboo truss structure that has minimum weight is Fan shape because it has 12 members.
  • The connections of bamboo truss structure are very important that you should considered next came a sequence.