Procedure e tecniche per la valutazione della sicurezza stradale


The annual ACI-ISTAT statistics report, constantly, among the major causes of accidents the driver behavior and speed (also considered in the work as an expression of the behavior of the driver). The two aspects of the problem can be considered as cultural. The first is influenced by a culture current (unofficial) according to which a casual and not respectful of the rules way of driving is a sign of a strong and independent character; the second is, probably, is the result of a specialized culture which tends to confirm the easy, but not always correct, equation in which the speed leads to the accident inevitably. It is necessary, then, to learn more about these causes of accidents to be able to formulate objectively, quantitative evaluation on road safety and to implement, as a result, rigorous measures leading to a substantial reduction in the number of accidents without penalizing, and still unnecessarily, the act of transport. These assessments can and should affect also, and a...