Phraseological Meaning and Image

Proceedings of the Conference EUROPHRAS 2017 - Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology: Recent Advances and Interdisciplinary Approaches, Volume II (short papers, posters and student workshop papers)


The article is devoted to the study of the phraseological unit formation process, which is viewed from linguistic and semasiological angles. Taking a free word combination, prototype of the widely known phraseological unit, we analyze the process of its passing all stages of phraseologizationbecoming a phraseological unit. Semasiologically it is a conversational implicature becoming a conventional one. Eventually, it is called phraseological meaning. As component parts of phraseological units one can often observe utilization of words which are semantically not collocable, e.g.: pigs fly, speak daggers. This paradoxical collocation provides brightness of the image of the new linguistic signthe phraseological unit. In this paper, we will try to show the mechanism of conversational implicature becoming a conventional one and the role of paradoxes in the process of formation of new linguistic signs, which are secondary nominations of a denotatum. The empirical material of the present research consists of only a special group of phraseological units.

Key takeaways

  • The fact that phraseological units (PU) are in the focus of many linguists' attention is related to two factors: firstly, phraseology makes up a very significant part of the lexical fund of any language; secondly, PUs are specific units with a complicated meaning.
  • As it was already noted, phraseological nomination is a secondary nomination which emerged to name objects, properties and processes in a more expressive way, therefore, most PUs are endowed with bright connotation.
  • Gradually, the word combination abstracted from the semantic meanings of its component parts, since then it acquired a new phraseological meaning, and the conversational implicature turned into a conventional one.
  • But the speaker who first used it intentionally, with the definite implicature, to let the addressee know that the thing which in the other part of the utterance is mentioned will never take place, as pigs never fly, e.g.
  • Bringing together such paradoxical phenomena results in a bright phraseological image.