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Proceedings of the Conference EUROPHRAS 2017 - Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology: Recent Advances and Interdisciplinary Approaches, Volume II (short papers, posters and student workshop papers)
The article is devoted to the study of the phraseological unit formation process, which is viewed from linguistic and semasiological angles. Taking a free word combination, prototype of the widely known phraseological unit, we analyze the process of its passing all stages of phraseologizationbecoming a phraseological unit. Semasiologically it is a conversational implicature becoming a conventional one. Eventually, it is called phraseological meaning. As component parts of phraseological units one can often observe utilization of words which are semantically not collocable, e.g.: pigs fly, speak daggers. This paradoxical collocation provides brightness of the image of the new linguistic signthe phraseological unit. In this paper, we will try to show the mechanism of conversational implicature becoming a conventional one and the role of paradoxes in the process of formation of new linguistic signs, which are secondary nominations of a denotatum. The empirical material of the present research consists of only a special group of phraseological units.
This article is devoted to the study of the complex semantic structure of English phraseological units (PU) and elucidates the peculiarities of the connotative component reproducing in the Ukrainian language. The authors provide the PU semantic field description (with its structure comprising the denotative, significative and connotative elements) presenting a comment on the specific features of the connotative component functioning within it. The assumptions were made concerning possible ways of preserving the value of the connotative component studied in the translation process. The issue of English PU decoding by means of Ukrainian language appears to be a highly disputable question in modern linguistics which justifies the topicality of this article. The specific approach to the PU translation with the respect to the connotative meaning role as a determinate element of the idiom nature obviously requires complex and thorough investigation.
Кльось С.Р., викладач, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка
The article deals with the substantivized, adverbial and verbal phraseological units of modern English with the somatic component "hand". This study has demonstrated that the somatic component "hand" is characterized by high productivity, in the sense that it is the basis of generating a great number of substantivized and verbal phraseological units. With respect to adverbial PhUs, it has been shown that they are not numerous (about 30). The most common structural type of substantivized PhUs is the structure involving attributive word-combination, for adverbial PhUs-it is a combination of one structural and one notional word and a subordinate word combination that consists of two components; for verbal PhUs the structure of subordinate word combination is the most relevant. All the PhUs which were investigated fall into one of the following three varieties in terms of phraseological meaning: idiomatisms, idiophraseomatisms, phraseomatisms. A great majority of PhU...
XLinguae, 2020
In our research, we set out to show the specifics of the implementation of the sign of constructive conditionality in the field of phraseology, to establish the syntactic constructions necessary for the semantics of phraseological units, characterized by the constructive conditionality of their functioning, to show the determinism of the structure that defines the use of phraseological units in speech, the grammatical structure and the lexical-grammatical composition of verbal complex-prototype of the phraseological unit. Phraseological units that realize their values under the condition of a strictly defined structure are characterized by a sign of constructive conditioning. Such units are widely represented in modern English and, along with other types of phraseological units, are part of the English phraseological foundation. They are not able to independently represent what is indicated by means of the values assigned to them, irrespective of the mandatory actualizing effect on these values from the side of the verbal sign.
Advanced Linguistics, 2019
The main purpose of the study is to describe the nature of the phraseological units and the criteria for their clasification. Concerning the goal, the following tasks are set and fulfilled: the terms such as phraseologism, idiom are studied and described, the criteria for the allocation of phraseological units are reviewed as well as the different criteria for the selection of phraseologisms. All this allows us to form a theoretical basis for further analysis. The article highlights the features of phraseological units, identifies the criteria and their classification. The difference between the terms "idiom" and "phraseologism" is shown. The structure of phraseologisms is characterized. Criteria of stable expressions are their idiomaticity, stability (morphological, syntactic, lexico-semantic and stability of use) and word equivalence. Phraseologisms occupy an intermediate position between words and free word groups. It is noted that, on the one hand, they have features of words, and on the other handfeatures of free word groups. That's why they are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Additionally, it is stated these difficulties are exacerbated by the fact that the expressed properties of phraseologisms are expressed in various idioms in varying degrees. These difficulties are also manifested in various classifications of phraseological units, which were disassembled in this article. In our article were used such scientific methods as the method of vocabulary definitions, the descriptive method and the method of analysis in order to give the definitions of terms idiom and phraseology, to describe the criteria for classification of phraseological units and to analyze different thoughts on phraseology definition.
On the one hand, phraseology has sorted out how to describe Phraseological meaning from a synchronic perspective. On the other, cognitive diachronic linguistics has thoroughly described the process of semantic change and the mechanisms leading to it, but mostly focusing on grammaticalization. The aim of the present paper is to bring together these two perspectives in order to account for the existence of Phraseological Units, i.e. the emergence of Phraseological Meaning. This integration of perspectives will require a well defined theoretical framework. First of all, we will establish the definition of PhU and the scope of Phraseological meaning. Then, we will compare grammaticalization to phraseologization process. In this comparison, we will pay special attention to the new role assigned to inference as a mechanism leading to semantic change. Finally, we will apply the developed theoretical framework to an actual PhU: al peu de la lletra.Per una part, la fraseologia ha aconseguit ...
Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 2014
On the one hand, phraseology has sorted out how to describe Phraseological meaning from a synchronic perspective. On the other, cognitive diachronic linguistics has thoroughly described the process of semantic change and the mechanisms leading to it, but mostly focusing on grammaticalization. The aim of the present paper is to bring together these two perspectives in order to account for the existence of Phraseological Units, i.e. the emergence of Phraseological Meaning. This integration of perspectives will require a well defined theoretical framework. First of all, we will establish the definition of PhU and the scope of Phraseological meaning. Then, we will compare grammaticalization to phraseologization process. In this comparison, we will pay special attention to the new role assigned to inference as a mechanism leading to semantic change. Finally, we will apply the developed theoretical framework to an actual PhU: al peu de la lletra. Resum. La fraseologització com a procés de canvi semàntic Per una part, la fraseologia ha aconseguit definir el significat fraseològic des d'una perspectiva sincrònica. Per l'altra, la lingüística cognitiva diacrònica ha descrit el procés de canvi semàntic i els mecanismes que el provoquen, però centrant-se sobretot en el procés de gramaticalització. L'objectiu del present article és conjugar aquestes dues perspectives a fi de retre compte de l'aparició d'Unitats Fraseològiques, és a dir, el sorgiment del significat fraseològic. La integració d'aquestes perspectives requerirà un marc teòric ben definit. En primer lloc, establirem la defini-ció d'unitat fraseològica i l'abast del significat fraseològic. Després, compararem els processos de gramaticalització i de fraseologització. En aquesta comparació, pararem especial atenció al nou paper que s'ha assignat a la inferència com a mecanisme provocador del canvi semàntic. Finalment, aplicarem el marc teòric desenvolupat a una unitat fraseològica real: al peu de la
Phraseology being an integral part of any language or culture is the branch of linguistics dealing with stable word-combinations characterized by a specific transference of meaning. The study of English phraseology has grown on a faster pace in last decades. The current article aims at crystalizing the certain classification of phraseological units according to their functional and semantic structure. Phraseological units as well in terms are called idiomatic word groups with a fixed lexical composition and grammatical structure however, their meaning, is ubiquitous for to native speakers of the target language, and is generally figurative and cannot be derived from the meanings of the phraseological units. The phraseology is the branch of linguistics dealing with stable word-combinations characterized by a specific transference of meaning from the component parts of the word. Some community of scientists regard phraseological units as lexical combinations, the meaning of which is defined by the whole expression. There are a number of basic concepts and definitions of phraseological units. Phraseological unit is a non-motivated word-group that cannot be freely made up in speech but is reproduced as a ready made unit. Reproducibility is regular use of phraseological units in speech as single unchangeable collocations. Idiomaticity is the quality of phraseological unit, when the meaning of the whole is not deducible from the sum of the meanings of the parts. Stability of a phraseological unit implies that it exists as a ready- made linguistic unit which does not allow of any variability of its lexical components of grammatical structure.
This article examines the problems of the modern scientific paradigm in relation to structural linguistics. What is the role of structural linguistics in cognitive-cultural linguistics research. "Non-classical" phraseology is primarily associated with the study of linguocultural aspects of linguistic pictures of the world.
After briefly reviewing the theories related to the internal form of the words, but of phraseological expressions as well, the article starts from Wilhelm von Humboldt’s and Jacob Grimm’s theories, according to which the internal structure of the language really exists and it reflects both the specificity of a linguistic community, and its history, traditions and mentalities. In order to prove the credibility and the actuality of these theories, the article analyses the internal structures of some phraseological expressions in Albanian, Romanian, French, Italian and English, by emphasizing mainly the contrasts but also the resemblances between them. The contrasts are attributed to the differences that the speakers of these languages show in the way of looking at certain things, at certain situations, or by paying attention or not to certain details. The resemblances are accounted
Elżbieta Dziurewicz, Sosnowiec (Uniwersytet Śląski), Polen Creating syntagmatic patterns of idioms. A corpus-based analysis The article presents results of a corpus-based approach of selected somatisms taken from the list of Phraseologisches Optimum. Each idiom was analyzed using the German Reference Corpus (DeReKo) in terms of: frequency, possible variants, occurrence, selected modifications, grammatical categories and scope of usage. The main purpose of this analysis was to create syntagmatic patterns showing typical structure and the most frequent lexical contexts. Not only can these patterns be useful in lexicographic practice, but also in teaching German as a foreign language.
The study paper examines phraseological activity of writers, the phraseological variat ions and modifications in particu lar. Ph raseological variations and modifications are deliberate, creative, innovative forms of the original phraseological units` structure and meaning that produce different semantic, stylistic and prag matic effect in the literary discourse. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the analysis of the phraseological activity of writers and to identify the procedures, transformations and changes that take part in the process of formal mod ification which result in the extension of the phraseological system of the language.
The third volume of the “Intercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology” series is a continuation of the project, which was inspired by the symposium "Phraseology 2009" organised by Professor Katsumasa Yagi at Kwansei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya, Japan. Thanks to the participation of scholars from Europe and Asia, the symposium enabled an intercontinental exchange of views on phraseology. The present volume is a result of a two-year cooperation of phraseologists from Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe. The volume starts with the section titled "Dialogue on Phraseology", which contains two papers by eminent phraseologists: Elisabeth Piirainen and Włodzimierz Wysoczański. Elisabeth Piirainen is an internationally recognised specialist in the field of phraseology, focussing on widespread idiomatic expressions, which are also discussed in her paper “Widespread idioms in Europe and beyond: New insights into figurative language". Włodzimierz Wysoczański does research on idiomatic stock of Slavic languages, who takes a special interest in cross-linguistic studies on similes. His paper, "Integralność we współczesnych badaniach frazeologicznych", deals with problems of contemporary analyses of phraseology. The section is followed by five parts, containing topically arranged papers. The first part, "Lexicography, Corpus Linguistics & Phraseology", contains five papers. Kaoru Akasu’s contribution, "On the Three Editions of the Kenkyusha’s Dictionary of English Collocations: A Comparative Analysis", contains a discussion on different editions of Kenkyusha dictionary of English collocations. The paper "Japanese idioms in corpus data and in dictionaries " by Priscilla Ishida offers an analysis of Japanese idioms in corpora and dictionaries. Outi Lauhakangas in her paper "On M. Kuusi’s database, type system and its challenges" presents Matti Kuusi database. Two papers deal with problems of lexicographic description: Alenka Vrbinc focuses on the inclusion of the dictionary presentation of meanings of fixed expressions in her paper titled "Phraseological units and the meaning: How is semantic information included in online dictionaries?", while Joanna Szerszunowicz, in her contribution "Cultural connotations of winged words in bilingual dictionaries", reflects on the place of cultural connotation in bilingual dictionaries. The second part, "General Linguistics & Phraseology", is composed of eight papers. In the paper “Wikipedia at its best – phraseological neologisms in Wikipedia discussions", Sabine Fiedler focuses on neologisms observed in Wikipedia discussions. The paper by Sergiusz Griniewicz, titled "Терминологические аспекты фразеологии", discusses the terminology. Elise Lopez dwells on an important problem occurring in a contrastive perspective: faux amis in phraseology. Her paper titled "A Study of Emic Proportions: Contextualising Phraseological False Friends" discusses the phenomenon in the emic perspective. Munzhedzi James Mafela’s contribution, "On the Phraseology of Tshiven da Idioms", contains a presentation of various aspects of idiomatic expressions used in the Tshivenda language. The paper by Ewa Młynarczyk, "Nazwy narzędzi jako podstawa metonimicznego obrazowania w przysłowiach i w swobodnych połączeniach wyrazowych", discusses the names of tools as a basis of metonymic imagery in proverbs and loose word combinations. Irina Naumova’s interest in the English Influence on Russian is reflected in her paper, titled "English Influence on Russian Phraseology (in the late eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries)", which contains an analysis of its selected examples of this impact. Magdalena Olejarnik analyses fixedness in mixed languages: her paper "Does phraseology exist in mixed languages? – A comparative study of verbal idioms in Standard Swahili and Sheng (a Swahili-English intertwined language)" contributes to the studies on the specifics of their phraseology. Makoto Sumiyoshi offers a in-depth analysis of the phrase Don’t ‘yes, sir’ me in his paper titled "Phrases, grammatical non-compositionality and functions in use: An analysis of Don’t ‘yes, sir’ me!”. The third part, "Ethnolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics & Phraseology", contains eight papers. In the paper "Traffic Metaphors in the Slovenian Language" Sasa Babić discusses how traffic-related issues are reflected in language, especially in fixed expressions. In her contribution "Woman in Estonian phraseology", Anneli Baran analyses how the woman is presented in the phraseological units of the Estonian language. Paola Capponi’s paper, "Forms of Threatening: Variants and Invariants", focuses on the threat as a linguistic phenomena. Elena V. Carter’s article “With An Open Heart: Somatic Idioms In Nikita Khrushchev’s Political Discourse In America" deals with somatic phraseology in N. Khruschev’s speeches delivered during his stay in the USA. The paper by Renata Dźwigoł, titled "Types of laughter – based on the analysis of Polish phraseological units and proverbs", contains a discussion of Polish fixed expression with a view to determining how different kinds of laughter are depicted. In the paper titled "Better working hard than yelling aloud: proverbs, metaphors and slogans in Chinese political discourse", Mariarosaria Gianninoto discusses Chinese formulaic language. Karolina Makowska’s article, titled "Analiza modyfikacji stałych połączeń wyrazowych w wypowiedziach Violetty Kubasińskiej z serialu BrzydUla", contains an analysis of the idiolect of a sitcom character who uses many modifications of fixed expressions. The phraseology of modern media are discussed by Jadwiga Tarsa who analyses Russian phraseological units in her paper titled "Фразеологизмы в Интернете – смесь традиции и современности". Four papers are included in the fourth part titled "The Contrastive Linguistics, Translation & Phraseology". The one by Edyta Koncewicz-Dziduch, "Deskryptywno-wartościujący charakter związków frazeologicznych z nazwami roślin w języku polskim, chorwackim, serbskim", aims to analyse the descriptive and evaluative character of phraseological units containing plant names in three languages: Polish, Croatian and Serbian. A contrastive analysis of a group of idiomatic expression is also presented by Laura Pinnavaia. In her paper "We are what we eat: Analyzing food and drink idioms in English, French, German, and Spanish", she discusses food and drink idioms in four languages. Sunil Sharma’s contribution also offers an insight into a problem of contrastive phraseology. His article "Kontrastive Untersuchung der Phraseologismen mit Gesichtsteilbezeichnungen im Deutschen und Hindi" contains an analysis of somatic phraseological units two languages: German and Hindi. Elena Zinovieva and Aleksiej Alyoshin focus on fixed comparisons in Russian and Swedish languages. Their paper titled "Русские и шведские устойчивые сравнения, характеризующие манеру речи человека" contains the analysis of the ones characterizing a person’s speech manner. The fifth part, "Cultural Studies, Language Teaching/Acquisition & Phraseology", comprises five papers. In the first article titled "Proverbial expressions and cultural context in archive materials" Liisa Granbom-Herranen shares her observations and remarks on using data for paremiography, especially in linguo-cultural analyses of proverbs. Three papers deal with problems from the sphere of language teaching and acquisition. In her paper "Phraseology and foreign language learning", Erla Hallsteinsdóttir offers a discussion on the role and place of phraseology in foreign language learning. Shin’ichiro Ishikawa’s paper analyses the use of phraseological units in oral and written texts produced by Asian students who learn English as a foreign language. The article by Krystyna Nikołajczuk "Najwyższy czas na frazeologię. Nauczanie polskich frazeologizmów o znaczeniu temporalnym w środowisku ukraińskojęzycznym", is devoted to teaching phraseology to learners of Polish as a foreign language in Ukraine. In his paper titled "Realia Nusantary w świetle indonezyjskiej frazeologii", Przemysław Wiatrowski discusses how the realia of a given ethnic community – in this case the Indonesian one – are reflected in phraseological stock.
ABSTRACT This article considers the issues of phraseological connotation in a literary text, phraseology issues from the perspective of cultural linguistics, different approaches to phraseological units classification in contemporary linguistic studies, functional-stylistic and emotional-expressive features of phraseological units in a literary text. By phraseological unit we mean fixed combinations of words characterized by constant lexical composition, grammatical structure and meaning that is known to the language speakers and that is not derived from the meaning of the constituent components. Keywords phraseological connotation, phraseological units classification, literary text, functional-stylistic and emotional-expressive features of phraseological units, cultural experience, linguistic view of the world, national worldview;
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
This article deals with the problems of mental perception and cultural interpretation of phraseological units in their occasional use in the English and Russian languages. The role of phraseological unit's inner form in ability to undergo any transformations is investigated, imagery associations are compared, functions of stylistic devices in transformation of phraseological units are defined in structurally different languages as English and Russian. The main goal is to investigate the cultural and national specificity of phraseological units in occasional use, to define language standards and stereotypes, as well as the cultural interpretation of phraseological units. The hypothesis stating that phraseological unit possesses a structure of knowledge including denotative, evaluative, emotional, cultural and stylistic components was experimentally confirmed.
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