
According to Vita Sancti Iuliani written by Felix of Toledo in the 7 th century (chapter 10), Julian of Toledo wrote a short book summarizing the procedures of the canon law ("libellum... ex sacris voluminibus collectum"). That same book begins with a letter ("in cuius principia est epistola"), dedicating the booklet ("comitatus sui tempore pro eodem libello directo") to King Erwig ("ad dominum Ervigium"), who was Count at the time. The Chronicle of Alfonso III, dated from the 9 th century, states the same (chapter 2). Erwig was a Count ("et honori comitis sublimatus"). Moreover, this author adds that Erwig was the son of Ardabast ("nomine Ardavasti... natus est filius nomine Erujgius"), exiled by the emperor ("imperatore a patria sua est expulsus"), and who had travelled from the Byzantine Empire to Hispania ("ex Grecia vir advenit... mareque trasjectus, Spania est aduectus") during the time of Chindasuinth ("tempore namque Cindasuindi regis"), and married Chindasuinth's niece ("Cindasuindus rex magnifice suscepit et ei in coniungio consubrinam suam dedit"). Lastly, he goes on to say that Erwig was subject to guardianship in the royal palace ("quumque prefatus Eruigius palatio esset nutritus").