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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
9 pages
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With the starting of the usage of advertising as an influence and persuasion tool in mass communication, the role of advertisement becomes more important and advertisers use different persuasion techniques to place advertising messages to the mind of their target audiences. In this process, visual elements become important tools of advertisements and especially with using visual figures as rhetorical devices, advertisers try to communicate much more accurately and effectively. Therefore, the present study will focus on the role and usage of visual rhetoric in print advertising and it will show the analysis of two print advertisements which use the artwork images as a rhetorical figure.
Today, consumption of many products which are not different from each other when their usage values into consideration play a role for the formation of social identities of individuals. At this point, advertisers -to increase the consumption-emphasize that people may have extra positive values in the social structure by having "that" product which is advertised. For this purpose, advertisers use various methods to influence and persuade. One of these methods is to create a rhetorical form of expression in the advertisement. Rhetoric which is the purpose to persuade the audience with the usage of figurative language is a method used in advertising communication today. Moreover, this usage in advertising communication does not need only the formation of verbal figures. Figurative expression created through visual images is analyzed into the area of rhetoric and it is called as "visual rhetoric." At this point, in an effort to create a visual rhetorical language, variety of visual elements used as a message transmitter in the advertisements. One of these, the usage of artwork images in advertisements to constitute a visual rhetorical language. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to examine the visual rhetorical language of print advertisements which use the well known artworks of Leonardo da Vinci,
Rhetorical figures are linguistic tools that tend to have a great influence on consumers" response and help in the persuasion process. The deviation caused by rhetorical figures evokes the audiences" feelings and increases their elaboration and attitude towards the advertisement. Advertisers use verbal and visual rhetorical figures to communicate their messages. The present study analyzes a corpus of 10 advertisements to find out the rhetorical devices used in them. In addition, it tests the impact of verbal versus visual structures to find out which of them is more persuasive and more favorable for consumers. The study conducts a questionnaire to test the impact of using verbal and visual components in the advertisements and to find out which of them is more persuasive and more favorable for the consumers. Results have shown that processing verbal-visual advertisements showed more pleasure and favorable attitude toward the advertisements.
Journal of consumer research, 1999
International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, 2021
This study discusses the theories, concepts, and also theoretical implications in public service campaign advertisements. There is a basic theory namely semiotics which carries the concept of visual rhetoric and its relationship with several related concepts. Each of the theories and concepts used has an important role in leading to the visual formation and delivery of visual rhetorical meaning to the audience. In this study, theories and concepts are compiled and explained by using public service announcement (PSA) as a case study. As a result of this study, it can be seen that visual rhetoric is explored through the campaign advertisements and becomes the basis of visual communication. Ability in critical thinking becomes an important requirement in exploring and looking at the connections between visual rhetoric in the advertising campaigns of this study. This study can improve high-level thinking skills and also help audience know the need for visual rhetoric in public awareness campaigns.
Marketing Theory, 2004
The goal of rhetorical theory is always to organize the possibilities for persuasion within a domain and to relate each possible stratagem to specific desired outcomes. In this article we develop a visual rhetoric that differentiates the pictorial strategies available to advertisers and links them to consumer response. We propose a new typology that distinguishes nine types of visual rhetorical figures according to their degree of complexity and ambiguity. We then derive empirically testable predictions concerning how these different types of visual figures may influence such consumer responses as elaboration and belief change. The article concludes with a discussion of the importance of marrying textual analysis, as found in literary, semiotic and rhetorical disciplines, with the experimental methodology characteristic of social and cognitive psychology.
Rhetoric, considered for a long time as reserved only for verbal discourse, is applied to image in advertising. Rhetoric figures act on consumer responses to advertisement. This study proposes to verify, through experimentation, the effect of visual and verbal rhetoric on emotions, attitude toward the advertising and attitude toward the brand. The moderating role of involvement is also tested. The results suggest that using figures can significantly enhance the effectiveness of print advertising. Visual figures have a better effect on emotions. Verbal figures led to a more favorable attitude toward the ad and attitude toward the brand.
The appearance of visual media, able to overcome the contingency of both the orator’s and the auditorium’s impossibility to share the same physical space, as well as the existence of new classes of listeners – or new profiles of consumers, attending to Advertising’s specific language – are transforming the relationship between these two elements of classic Rhetoric, allowing the transmission of images capable of changing the classic speeches, both written and oral. With this research, our goal is to accomplish an improvement of the Aristotelian rhetorical model, motivated by the perception of audiovisual media’s strong intervention in the definition of the contemporary persuasive speeches, among which is the increasingly sophisticated advertising speech. Consequently, our investigation is motivated, on the one hand, by the possibility of considering Advertising as a new rhetorical genre, able to widen the stability of the Aristotelian triad; and, on the other hand, by the challenge and responsibility of portraying this new genre. Keywords: Advertising, Rhetoric, Genre, Image, Persuasion.
32nd International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA):Language Industries and Social Change
In the last years there has been a considerable amount of research into visual rhetoric in advertising, with a special focus on visual metaphor. Taxonomies of visual rhetoric (e.g. Phillips & McQuarrie, 2004) deal with the structural, the conceptual and the pragmatic aspects of visual rhetoric. The majority rely on structural and conceptual categories in deciding on the rhetorical nature of ads. However, visual rhetoric also operates at the level of perception (Maes & Shilperoord, 2008). The aim of this paper is to show that the rhetorical nature of visuals in advertising is based on a combination of formal and conceptual or perceptual features.
VNU Journal of Science: Policy and Management Studies, 2017
Advertising mobilizes many methods relevant to three fundamental elements of Rhetoric such as Ethos, Pathos and Logos by using, for example Rhetorical Figures such as special images, unusual words, and arrangement of informations leading to desirable deduction and strong emotion. Methods using images are more efficient than traditional ones using words. They are known as Visual rhetoric. In television, these methods prove a good combination of word and image for high efficiency.
The paper presents a research, the aim of which is to find out how graphic expressions and visual language can be used for persuasion. The research material consists of outdoor advertisements photographed in their actual exhibition places in a city environment. Outdoor advertising media, which are used to communicate visual messages from a sender to several addressees, participate in building the visual city culture and open manifold solutions in design. The visual language used in the research material is analyzed in order to find out how advertising messages, their denotations and connotations, are constructed and how arguments used for persuasion are visualized.
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Argumentation Library, 2012
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Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013
In Topical Themes in Argumentation Theory. Twenty Exploratory Studies (Edited by Frans H. van Eemeren & Bart Garssen)
Go figure: New directions in advertising rhetoric, …, 2007
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Ewa Wałaszewska, Marta Kisielewska-Krysiuk, Aniela Korzeniowska, Malgorzata Grzegorzewska (eds.). Relevant Worlds: Current Perspectives on Language, Translation and Relevance Theory. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 48-66., 2008
Multimodal Communication, 2021