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2021, Pirotski kačkavalj - Priča o najpoznatijem srpskom siru
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Naučni rad predstavlja analizu dnevnika holandskog vojnog hirurga Arijusa van Tinhovena koji je boravio u Kraljevini Srbiji 1914. i 1915. godine i delovao u Vojnoj bolnici u Valjevu.
Историјски часопис / Historical review, 2012
По оснивању Будимског беглербеглука, 1541. године, Османлије су источне делове Краљевине Угарске предали као вазалну државу Јовану Жигмунду Запољи. Међутим, на југо-западу те територије, са седиштем у Темишвару, власт је задржао српски племић Петар Петровић. Тема овог рада су односи Петра Петровића са османским властима, као и његова улога у османско-угарским односима. After the death of Hungarian King János Szapolyai the Ottomans annexed vast parts of the Kingdom of Hungary and organized, in 1541, the Beylerbeyilik of Buda. After that, the eastern parts of former Hungarian Kingdom were given as a vassal state to king’s son János Zsigmond Szapolyai. At the same time, territory around the city of Temesvár was confirmed as a possession of Petar Petrović, an aristocrat of Serbian origin and János Szapolyai’s relative. His authority spread over the lands from river Tisa in the West to Karánsebes County in the East, and north from Danube in the South to city of Lippa in the North. In the Ottoman sources this territory was named as Petrović’s Sancak (Petrovik sancağı). Nevertheless, during Petrović’s rule this territory was not organized as an Ottoman sancak. Petrović had most of the obligations that were characteristic for the other Ottoman vassals. He had to provide food for the Ottoman army and to inform the Porte about the activities of other Ottoman vassals in the region, as well as the Ottoman enemies. On the other hand, Petrović still had prominent role in the political events of the Szapolyai’s land. During 1540’s and early 1550’s he successfully kept balance between his loyalty and obligations towards the Ottoman Sultan and his position among the Hungarian nobility.
The publication represents one interview made in village Sinevir in Carpathian region of Ukraine in 2001. The theme of the interview is weaving and rites connected to this home work. The text is notable for its dialectal terms. It is given in transcribtion and in russian translation.
e-bulletin of Sofia History Museum, 2020
During the rescue archaeological excavation of the construction site of the transport junction “Lion’s Bridge” in 2014, a situation that could be related to the butchery craft was registered (the so-called salchandjiistvo) from the times before the Liberation of Sofia. During the work on trench, situated north from Vladayska River and west of the intersection of Slivnitsa Blvd. and Veslets Str., an archaeological situation with a width of about 12.50/13.00 m was detected, which disrupts the natural alluvial stratum of the river. The survey revealed that structure has the characteristics of platform. 7.5 m eastward, an area with a diameter of about 2.30 m, which could be interpreted as natural slump of the terrain (in this case sand silts), is reached. The two situations are located at one level and they are likely to be part of one complex – place for animal slaughtering and possibly dump / depot for animal’s horns. The archaeological materials from the two trenches could be dated from same period, which is the time of the Bulgarian Revival.
Arhitektura i urbanizam : časopis za prostorno planiranje, urbanizam i arhitekturu, 2023
Предмет истраживања представљеног у овом раду је београдски опус архитекте Јанка Шафарика (1882–1949). Истраживање је првенствено базирано на примарним изворима, попут документације сачуване у Историјском архиву Београда, Музеју града Београда, Војном архиву и архиви Техничког универзитета у Дрездену. Иако Шафарик и његов архитектонски опус нису свеобухватно обрађени у раније публикованим радовима, у једном броју њих су представљени значајни подаци везани за поједине сегменте његове делатности, па су они такође разматрани у овом истраживању. Представљени су биографски подаци архитекте, а затим и његов београдски опус, који је хронолошки подељен на онај настао пре и после Првог светског рата. Највише пажње је посвећено најплоднијем периоду његовог стваралаштва, трећој деценији 20. века, када је радио у Техничком бироу и предузећу „Феникс”. У раду су разматрани сви пројекти чија је атрибуција потврђена увидом у расположиву архивску грађу, без обзира на то да ли су реализовани или не. Кроз њихову анализу се дошло до закључка да Шафарик није припадао групи архитеката који су тражили свој јединствени архитектонски израз, нити онима који су доминантно били опредељени за један стилски правац, већ да су се у његовом опусу смењивали различити приступи, углавном у складу са опредељењем које је било доминантно у тренутку настанка сваког појединачног пројекта.
Kultura/Култура 174-175, 2022
SIBINJANIN JANKO-HISTORY, TRADITION, LEGEND Abstract: The aim of the paper was to provide historical background of the so-called second battle of Kosovo that has occurred in October 1448, as well as the oral tradition that came out from the battle. In the battle, Janos Hunyadi (Sibinjanin Janko in the Serbian oral epic tradition) fought and lost against the Turks at the very same place where prince Lazar had encountered the same enemy in 1389. From the historical point of view, the most important facts about this event are the following: Hunyadi led the army of Hungarians, Czechs, Germans, Poles and other Christians who had encountered the Ottoman army of Sultan Murat II; the Christians were defeated; Janko’s nephew Szekely Janos lost his life; and Hunyadi himself escaped. Later on, Hunyadi became one of the most prominent heroes of the Serbian folk tradition and epic songs about heroic deeds. Beside him, Janos Szekely, who governed Slavonia and Croatia also become an epic legend, under the name of Sekula Banović. A part of the tradition of the battle of Varna, which took place in the year 1444, also came into the tradition of the Kosovo battle, from which emerged one complex oral memory of the heroic fights against the Ottoman conquerors. Even though there are a lot historically vague facts, even a lot of fictional characters, the tradition of Hunyadi’s valiant clashes with the Turks on the field of Kosovo has remained and survived through different epochs.
Historical Review 64 (2015), pp. 43–53 / Istorijski časopis 64 (2015), str. 43–53, 2015
Dragić M. Živojinović ABOUT TSAR PETER FROM THE CHARTERS TO ST. GEORGE OF SKOPJE Summary The lists of ktetors and donors of the monastery of St. George the Gorgos near Skopje, written down in the chrysobulls of Bulgarian Tsar Constantine Tych (1257–1277) and Serbian King Milutin (1282–1321), are analysed in the article. Special attention is devoted to the mysterious person of Tsar Peter, whom various scholars in the last 150 years identified with different historical figures who had lived in a broad period ranging from the first half of the 10th century to the late 12th century. The aim of the study is to confirm the hypothesis, by comparing data from other sources, that Peter from the charters is in fact Constantine Bodin, Mihailo of Zeta’s son and the later Serbian king, who was crowned Bulgarian Tsar in 1072 in Prizren, under the old ruler’s name also borne by the son of Tsar Symeon. Keywords: St. George the Gorgos, Skopje, Tsar Peter, Serbia, Bulgaria, Byzantium, Tsar Constantine Tych Asen, King Stephen Uroš II Milutin, Constantine Bodin, XI/XIII–XIV centuries.
Despotovac, 2015
Summary: This article deals with ambergris, a typical medieval medicine, on the basis of two medical treatises on the same drug preserved in the manuscript of the Chilandar Medical Codex (№ 517). Those sources are Old-Serbian translations of the pharmacopoeia of Matthaeus Platearius’ Circa instans and a treatise dedicated to fighting the plague (Pestschrift). The medieval views on the origin and nature of ambergris as well as on its main qualities as a drug in the treatment of more than one disease are presented in those sources. It was believed that the pleasant smell of ambergris had a strong impact on the good mood of a patient („to make his heart merry”), on the healing of some parts of the human body and neutralizing bad and diseased air (miasma). Hence, ambergris was considered an important medicament in the treatment of the ailment of uterine suffocation (hysterike pnix) and against the plague. Ambergris is not presented in this article as merely an exotic drug of medieval medicine. In the context of social and cultural history, the use of ambergris as a medicine show us how medical knowledge and practice spread across the Mediterranean and Europe. It also enables us to perceive the social concepts of disease and treatment which in turn resulted from the transmission of the ancient and medieval notion of human body.
First initiatives for organized protection of cultural monuments in Serbia came together with the Romanticism movement and with the development of historical sciences in the early XIX century, when more attention was paid to the monuments of the past as direct resources for studyingthe National history. The existing Law on Cultural Property (Offi cial Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 1994), contains the defi nitions of immovable cultural property, the principles and protection measures, and actually regulates the system of protection and use of cultural property and establishes the conditions for conducting activities to protect cultural property. Since its establishment in 1966 and from initial steps, throughout training of young people for independent work, the Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation Niš gradually developed and organized its activities, and now performs the delicate tasks of research, use, presentation and protection of cultural monuments and sites, archaeological sites and places of signifi cance belonging to the immovable cultural property category and their protected surroundings, as well as property with previous protection.
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Istorija i interpretacija. Tumači i tumačenja vojvođanske prošlosti, 2020
Studia Literaria Serdicensia, 2023
Црквене студије, Ниш / Church Studies, Nis, 2020
Београдски паримејник. Фототипско издање, 2019
Pirotski zbornik
Historical Review 50 (2003), pp. 33–51 / Istorijski časopis 50 (2003), str. 33–51, 2004
Beogradski istorijski glasnik 11, 2020
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Letopis Matice srpske (decembar), 2024
Bebe, zbornik radova sa XIII međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu, 2019
Српска књижевност у историјама књижевности, 2022
Kralj Milutin i hilandarski pirgovi, 2021
Vizantijsko slovenska čtenija V, 2022
Зборник Матице српске за књижевност и језик, 2017
ЛИК : часопис за литературу и културу