Continuous Time Random Walks with Reactions Forcing and Trapping

2013, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


One of the central results in Einstein's theory of Brownian motion is that the mean square displacement of a randomly moving Brownian particle scales linearly with time. Over the past few decades sophisticated experiments and data collection in numerous biological, physical and financial systems have revealed anomalous sub-diffusion in which the mean square displacement grows slower than linearly with time. A major theoretical challenge has been to derive the appropriate evolution equation for the probability density function of sub-diffusion taking into account further complications from force fields and reactions. Here we present a derivation of the generalised master equation for an ensemble of particles undergoing reactions whilst being subject to an external force field. From this general equation we show reductions to a range of well known special cases, including the fractional reaction diffusion equation and the fractional Fokker-Planck equation.