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How can public pension systems be reformed to ensure fiscal stability in the face of increasing life expectancy? To address this pressing open question in public finance, we estimate a life-cycle model in which the optimal employment, retirement and consumption decisions of forward-looking individuals depend, inter alia, on life expectancy and the design of the public pension system. We calculate that, in the case of Germany, the fiscal consequences of the 6.4 year increase in age 65 life expectancy anticipated to occur over the 40 years that separate the 1942 and 1982 birth cohorts can be offset by either an increase of 4.34 years in the full pensionable age or a cut of 37.7% in the per-year value of public pension benefits. Of these two distinct policy approaches to coping with the fiscal consequences of improving longevity, increasing the full pensionable age generates the largest responses in labor supply and retirement behavior.
Panoeconomicus, 2014
Rapidly aging population in high-income countries has exerted additional pressure on the sustainability of public pension expenditure. We present a theoretical model of public pension expenditure under endogenous human capital, where the latter facilitates a substantial decrease in equilibrium fertility rate alongside the improvement in life expectancy. We demonstrate how higher life expectancy and human capital endowment facilitate a rise of net replacement rate. We then provide and examine an empirical model of old-age expenditure in a panel of 33 countries for the period 1998-2008. Our results indicate that increases in effective retirement age and total fertility rate would reduce age-related expenditure substantially. While higher net replacement rate would alleviate the risk of old-age poverty, further increases would add considerable pressure on the fiscal sustainability of public pensions.
Rapidly aging population in high-income countries has exerted additional pressure on the sustainability of public pension expenditure. We present a formal model of public pension expenditure under endogenous human capital, where the latter facilitates a substantial decrease in equilibrium fertility rate alongside the improvement in life expectancy. We demonstrate how higher life expectancy and human capital endowment facilitate the rise of net replacement rate. We provide and examine an empirical model of old-age expenditure in a panel of 33 countries in the period 1998–2008. Our results indicate that increases in total fertility rate and effective retirement age would reduce age-related expenditure substantially. While higher net replacement rate would alleviate the risk of old-age poverty, it would endanger long-term sustainability of public finance by imposing additional pressure on deficit and public debt.
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2006
Oxford Economic Papers, 1997
In this paper decision making on public pensions is modeled within the framework of the well-known two-overlapping-generations general-equilibrium model with rational expectations. The model is used to analyze the eects of aging on the evolution of public pension schemes. Analytical results are derived for the long run as well as for the short run by the met h o d o f c o m parative s t a tics and comparative dynamics respectively. This shows that the short-run consequences of a g ing depend crucially on the existing size of the PAYG-scheme. JEL Code: H55
This study investigates the impact that pension policy measures aiming to extend working lives have on working lives, retirement ages and income distribution, as well as on the fiscal sustainability of the earnings-related pension system and public finances. Our research report is divided into four articles, each addressing various research questions. The first article focuses on the impact of pension reforms on working lives and income distribution. The second article ponders ways in which to link the earliest pensionable age to life expectancy, while the third looks at how this linking affects the size and financing of pensions and the fiscal sustainability of overall public finances. The articles are linked, so that the third utilizes the results of the first two. In the last article, the described reform is compared to reforms in the other Nordic countries and the reform proposals featured there. Next we will present the most important results and conclusions from each article.
Micro-Estimation, 2003
Intereconomics, 2020
Pension reform has been on the agendas of many European policymakers for the better part of the last three decades. While some EU countries have made sweeping reforms several years ago, others are currently in the process. Undoubtedly, most will need to re-evaluate their systems due to the coronavirus crisis, at least temporarily. With Europe's ageing populations, declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancy, the associated rise in the old-age dependency ratio puts strain on unfunded, pay-as-you-go pension systems. This implicit pension debt has important macroeconomic implications. Often politically controversial and subject to intense policy debate, pension reforms may reduce entitlements for some demographic groups of the population. This has lead to widespread public dissatisfaction among the affected groups. It is necessary to look at a country's history and key features of its pension system in order to understand the related policy discussion. This Forum analyses the effects of different pension arrangements-with a focus on the challenges, history and demographics of Finland, France, Germany and Italy-on labour markets, on national growth, and on the distribution of burdens and benefi ts.
As the baby-boom generation retires over the next two decades, there will be a sharp increase in the fraction of the population eligible to receive public pension benefits. This increase would happen even without ongoing reductions in mortality rates and the resultant increases in life expectancy. However, reductions in mortality mean that the impact will be even greater, especially if no offsetting adjustment is made to the age at which people are eligible to receive pension benefits. Continued gains in life expectancy, when not accompanied by an extension of working life, result in increasingly large fractions of the human lifespan being spent in retirement. That, in turn, gives rise to concerns about prospective increases in public pension costs and the level of support expected from the post-baby-boom generation. At the same time, the age at which benefits are payable affects the age of retirement. We illustrate how a gradual and modest increase in the age of eligibility for public pension benefits (defined here to include those available under the Canada and Quebec Pension Plans, CPP/QPP, and Old Age Security, OAS) would (1) moderate the inevitable decline in the size of the labour force relative to the size of the population eligible to receive retirement pensions and (2) reduce the contribution rate needed to maintain the retirement income system.
Pension systems are a major part of the political economy of current societies – much beyond providing old-age income security. The well-known demographics of population aging as well as globalization today challenge their at several levels: in terms of attitudes towards public spending on pensions or towards the state's responsibility in this matter, of support for pension policy alternatives, and of preferred individual age of retirement. Results show that large majorities across all age groups are in favour of more government spending on pensions. There is a substantial amount of 'involuntary retirement', meaning that people would have preferred to work longer than they actually did, as well as a somewhat lower amount of 'involuntary work', but the preferred ages are everywhere below 65, and in some countries still below 60. Finally, the paper examines the policies of raising the retirement age adopted during the last two decades. What has especially been lacking in these policies is a consideration of socially differentiated longevity. PATTERNS Retirement is today a central part of the social policy agenda of most countries across the developed (and increasingly the developing) world 1. The high levels of pension expenditures experienced in the past few years, and the even higher ones projected for the coming decades, have now become a key issue of concern. At stake are the basic options not only for the growth and social cohesion. Pension systems thus need to be viewed within a broader framework. Their major purpose is to provide income security to retirees. In addition to such redistribution (or individual income smoothing) over the life course, they may also aim at redistribution across population
Ageing will increase pension expenditure and contribution rates. There is also increasing awareness that the risks connected to mortality, fertility, and migration are considerable. In pension reforms one must decide how these risks are to be shared between workers and pensioners, and also take into account that in the transition phases different cohorts may gain or lose. We discuss the risk-sharing and intergenerational distribution aspects of three pension policy measures that either have already been adopted or are being proposed in Sweden and Finland. Each of these methods, linking benefits to life expectancy, indexing benefits to the total wage bill, and using fertility-dependent prefunding, has its own advantages and weaknesses. Using a numerical OLG model, and realisations from stochastic population simulations, we demonstrate that these methods greatly enhance the sustainability of a pension system in unfavourable demographic outcomes but have practically no effects if the demographics remain stable. Thus the allocation of risks can be improved without fundamentally changing the systems.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2008
In this paper, I analyze consumption, aggregate savings,output and welfare implications of …ve di¤erent social security arragements whenever there is demographic uncertanity. Following , I analyze the e¤ect of an uncetain population growth in an extended version of a modi…ed Life-cycle model developed by Gertler(1999). Population growth dampens savings and output under all arrangements. Pay-as-you-go-De…ned Bene…t system appears to fare better than all other alternatives, falling short of the private annuity market with no pension system. But social security in general increases social welfare, with Fully Funded systems faring the best. Thus there appears to be a clear tradeo¤ bewteen growth and social welfare. The social security system also reduces the volatility of the economy.
We study the effects of demographic shocks and changes in the pension system on the macroeconomic performance of an advanced small open economy. An overlapping-generations model is constructed which includes a realistic description of the mortality process. Individual agents choose their optimal retirement age, taking into account the time- and age profiles of wages, taxes, and the public pension system.
OECD Economics Department working papers, 1998
Canadian Public Policy, 2011
Canadians are living longer and retiring younger. When combined with the aging of the baby boom generation, that means that the "inactive" portion of the population is increasing and there are concerns about possibly large increases in the burden of support on those who are younger. We model the impact of continued future gains in life expectancy on the size of the population that receives public pension benefits. We pay special attention to possible increases in the age of eligibility and the pension contribution rate that would maintain the publicly financed component of the retirement income security system.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2020
We study the sustainability of pension systems using a life-cycle model with distortionary taxation that sets an upper limit to the real value of tax revenues. This limit implies an endogenous threshold dependency ratio, i.e. a point in the cross-section distribution of the population beyond which tax revenues can no longer sustain the planned level of transfers to retirees. We quantify the threshold using a computable life-cycle model calibrated on the United States and fourteen European countries which have dependency ratios among the highest in the world. We examine the effects on the threshold and welfare of a number of policies often advocated to improve the sustainability of pension systems. New tax data on dynamic Laffer effects are provided.
Over the last couple of decades there have been unprecedent, and to some extent unexpected, increases in life expectancy which have raised important questions for retirement savings. We study optimal consumption and saving choices in a life-cycle model, in which we allow for changes in the distribution of survival probabilities according to the Lee-Carter (1992) model. We use historical empirical evidence and actuary's projections on longevity to parameterize the model. We show that when agents use official period life tables, which do not allow for future improvements in life expectancy, to make their savings decisions, the effects of longevity improvements on individual welfare can be significant. This is particularly so in the context of declining payouts of defined benefit pensions, which are correlated with improvements in life expectancy.
Tax Law: Tax Law & Policy eJournal, 2015
We study transitions from EET tax regime to TEE regime in a defined-benefit pension scheme with a numerical overlapping generations model, using stochastic mortality projections as inputs. In a traditional pension scheme with no automatic longevity rules, such as a link between life expectancy and pensions or retirement age, the tax regime shift can be used to improve public finances, when longevity increases. Diminished private saving and weaker labour supply incentives are among the downsides. Especially the latter makes the reform welfare-reducing, if the improvement in state finances is not used to relieve taxation of labour.
We fully display a cohort model of an economy with an aging population, taking into account varying family size, habit formation, inheritance and credit constraints. Filling the model with numbers, we are able to compare different pension reforms: 1. the base run, 2. the reduced accrual rates, 3. replacing wage indexation with price indexation and 4. raised retirement age. Whether the policy changes are anticipated or not, the private reactions widely differ.
The paper investigates long-term sustainability of public finances under population ageing and presents a method to transform long-term public expenditure projections into medium-term budget balance and debt targets. Firstly, a framework based on the current national accounting concepts is presented, and data on EU-12 (euro area) are used as illustrations. Secondly, it is shown how the proposed rules for actuarial accounting of pension liabilities can be consistently implemented to public pensions. This leads to an extended framework for setting public finance targets. Government deficit and debt shift to new orders of magnitude, which might make implementation problematic. However, extending actuarial accounting to government as an employer already significantly shifts these figures.
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