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2014, Educational Alternatives
11 pages
1 file
This work deals with the possibilities of financing the universities projects with a focus on innovation of the process of finding sources of financing. There are characterized different funding opportunities for universities projects, both domestic and foreign. The emphasis is primary put on identifying specific focus of each organization providing grants. It is followed by an analysis that deals with the identification of the use of different sources of financing projects within a particular university. Within the analysis the results of the university were compared to other universities in the Slovak Republic. On the basis of the findings was designed electronic guidance of grant schemes to assist project participants in finding sources of financing.
Acta Regionalia et Environmentalica, 2013
The objective of the research on the theoretical, methodological, and scientific level will be the analysis of higher education financing in Slovakia and comparison of various financing strategies for higher education in the studied countries. Authors of the research paper analyze the Slovak model of financing of higher education institutions and the latest innovations in this model. Financing of universities, along with the quality of education are very discussed and actual issues.
� This paper presents the stakeholders ' perspective on the Czech higher education funding system. As a background to the review of individual stakeholders, the paper starts with the description of the current system. � Public higher education institutions in the Czech Republic rely on public funding for almost all of their income. About half of public expenditures is distributed as a lump sum while the other half is earmarked. Input-oriented mechanisms predominate in the budget over the output criteria, constituting roughly three quarters of the budget. The same ratio applies to the share of formula versus non-formula funding. The main portion of the teaching grant is based on a formula while the smaller portion on contracts. In contrast, the largest share of research support takes the form of project funding whereas formula funding constitutes only its smaller part. � The key stakeholders in the Czech higher education policy and funding are:- Ministry of education.- Represent...
Journal of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2019
Scientific research financing becomes extremely important if research is one of the main fields that allow the reduction of gaps between international economies. The competitiveness of a country becomes a general objective, which can be accomplished by following two fundamental objectives: generating and exploiting knowledge. The paper deals with management approaches that can be used in order to support the scientific research in universities, having in mind the impact of academic research on economic and social life of a country.
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all institutions with a research function ** operation of museums, libraries, botanical gardens As stated above, the capital grant for universities is not based on a formula. However, in 1994 the Ministry expressed plans to work with formula funding, relating the capital funds to the number of students and/or the number of employees and fields of teaching and research. By means of such measures the Ministry had the intention to transfer its responsibility in the field of investments to the universities. Thus, the universities would be able to decide on all matters relating to the use of current and capital resources. So far, the universities did not have the freedom to decide themselves on large investments. However, in the nonuniversity sector there have been some important changes. Since 1997, about 50 schools for teacher training and pedagogic schools receive an extra capital grant, as part of the basic (so-called taximeter) grant. This grant, together with the taximeter grant for teaching, is allocated to the institutions as a lump sum. The institutions can make their own decisions on investments. Thus, the institutions are forced to set their own priorities. Since 1980, the funding of research is independent of the funding of teaching, while for the latter a system of formula funding was introduced. Until 1992 the funding system led to separate allocations for teaching, research, institutional administration, buildings & costs related to buildings, libraries & computer centres, and a 'miscellaneous' category. For teaching funds, first an equilibrium grant was calculated and the actual grant was found by linear interpolation between last year's grant and the equilibrium grant. All costs apart from the teaching costs were funded on an incremental basis. In 1992 the formula was simplified; teaching grants were calculated directly on the basis of a prognosis for active students and a set of normative prices. Administration funds were spread over formula-based teaching funds and research funds. In 1993 the government initiated a funding programme for helping institutions to cover the costs of implementing PhD programmes. Before 1993 PhD-level degrees were awarded only on the basis of theses. The current system came into existence in 1994 when the government implemented a system, in which all of the funding was based on the number of active students. Since 1995 lump sum grants have been issued to the universities. The institutional governing boards (the senates) are
In recent years, the methods of financing higher education institutions around the world have undergone substantial changes. University autonomy requires a rational management of university funds, but especially of public funds. New approaches to budget financing are discussed both in academia and in various publications. Research shows that a wide and diverse range of models is used in European countries to finance higher education institutions. Research shows that budget-financing systems are becoming increasingly complex and demanding. The practice of funding for higher education institutions is performed based on a formula that is calculated on indicators regarding the number of effective students, equivalent students, the number of employment, indicators of academic and research performance or strategic university objectives. Even if block grants based on formulas are the main way of budgetary financing, but also negotiated financing also remains an important financing mechanism. The implementation of a formula for calculating the financing of HEIs in the Republic of Moldova brings an increased interest in being acquainted with the financing practices of other states. In this way, it is possible to notice the differences and similarities of approach of the different education financing systems, as well as to identify possible examples of good practice in overcoming common challenges. Rezumat. În ultimii ani metodele de finanțare a instituțiilor de învățământ superior din întreaga lume au cunoscut transformări substanțiale. Autonomia universitară impune o gestionare rațională a fondurilor universitare, dar în deosebi a fondurilor publice. Noile abordări privind finanțarea bugetară sunt discutate atât în mediul academic, dar și în diferite publicații. Cercetările arată că în țările europene sunt utilizate o gamă tot mai largă și diversă de modele pentru finanțarea instituțiilor de învățământ superior. Cercetările arată că sistemele de finanțare bugetară devin tot mai complexe și mai exigente Mai des este întâlnită practica că fondurile destinate finanțării instituțiilor de învățământ superior sunt calculate pe baza unei formule, bazate pe indicatori privind numarul de studenti efectivi, studenti echivalenti, numarul de angajări în campul muncii, indicatori de performanță academică și de cercetare sau obiective strategice universitare. Chiar dacă subvențiile bloc bazate pe formule reprezintă principala modalitate de finanțare bugetară, dar și finanțările negociate rămân, de asemenea, un mecanism important de finanțare. Implementarea unei formule de calcul a finanțării IÎS în R. Moldova aduce un interes sporit de a face cunoștință cu practicile de finanțare a altor
Higher Education Policy, 1998
Following a system of indicators, a public funding methodology for the universities is proposed. This methodology is based on a formula and lies on the principle of differentiating universities amongst themselves according to the indicators previously defined. These indicators were developed in order to promote academic excellence in terms of the current understanding of the mission of the university. The result is a funding methodology aiming at leading the university to the prominent role that is required in the emerging knowledge-based economies and societies.
International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2021
This article examines the development of funding schemes at Finnish universities of applied sciences (UASs) between 2012 and 2018. During that period, the rudiments of the financing of Finnish UASs changed from cost-based to performance-based funding schemes. In a performance-based funding scheme, the state allocates funding based on the achievement of predefined objectives. The reform was intended to improve the processes and structures of UASs and to increase their effectiveness. This study explores the development of funding schemes from simple cost-based funding schemes towards more complex performance-based funding schemes with many indicators of performance. The results of the study offer empirical evidence on the impact of funding schemes on the measures of the performance of UASs, interpretations of the research object in context and causal connections between the above-mentioned elements.
SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2017
The paper aims to present a comparative analysis of financing models of higher education in Europe. Higher education institutions can function properly and ensure the quality of research and studies when there is sufficient funding. Higher education institutions in Europe face a demanding financial situation in which traditional models of funding have been transformed and continue to change gradually. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part the trends in financing higher education in Europe are presented and evaluated. An analysis of the legal regulation and deficiencies of this field are presented. The second part of the paper is devoted to the description of state financing methods of higher education. The main methods of the distribution of the state financing among the institutions of higher education are discussed and the advantages and disadvantages of those methods are evaluated, as well as the experience of other countries in financing higher education. The proble...
The paper deals with the system of support for projects co-fi nanced through European Union funds (structural funds and the Cohesion Fund) which were applied in the Czech Republic during the programming period 2007-2013, both from the point of view of the process of applying for such support and from the point of view of project implementation. The authors aimed to analyze and evaluate the system from the point of view of the project organizers, identify the problem areas in this system, and propose measures to improve it, which could be usable for speci-fi cation of the conditions for the programming period 2014-2020. The paper fi rst characterizes the system of support for projects co-fi nanced by EU funds applied in the Czech Republic during the programming period 2007-2013. Next, it discusses the outcomes of a questionnaire survey focused on the evaluation of project organizers' satisfaction with the selected areas of applying for support and project implementation, and on the proposal of possible measures to improve both the system of making an application and project implementation. Finally, the paper spec-ifi es the measures to be taken to eliminate the problem areas in the system of support for projects co-fi nanced by EU funds.
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