Learning is a process of interaction between learners with the environment resulting in behavioral change towards the better. Behavior change is called learning outcomes. In the learning process of students' learning results obtained will be influenced by internal and external factors.This research background by studying the results obtained by the Private Junior High eighth grade students work on subjects Beautiful Tapung Integrated IPS is still much below the Minimum Criteria exhaustiveness is expected is 70. The results obtained in Test f is known FcountFtable 13.051 and obtained 2.51 with a significant level of 0.000 <0.05. This suggests that the value of F count> F table and probability values <0.05, means of psychological factors (X1), school factors (X2), the factor (X3), and community factors (X4) simultaneously affect learning outcomes (Y ) in SMP Private Tapung Beautiful work. This is similar to the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.434. This suggests that psychological factors, family factors, school factors, and community factors influence by 43.4% against the learning outcomes of students in the Junior Private Karya Indah Tapung. While the remaining 56.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.As for the t test showed that there is a significant effect on all the independent factors (psychological factors, family factors, school factors, and community factors) on student learning outcomes. From the test results can not be concluded that the most dominant factor affecting student learning outcomes is the school factor. Keywords: Factors affecting the learning outcomes and learning outcomes