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Measurement and Control
As an emerging research direction in the field of systems and control, distributed control or decentralized control has attracted great interests of researchers in the past decade. In this paper, a bibliometric analysis of the relevant publications is presented based on the data collected from the Science Citation Index Expanded Web of Science. In particular, we make a discussion on the trend of total publications, journal distribution, top research organizations (i.e. universities and institutes), and publication performance of nations, and the focus is on highly cited articles and authors, subject categories, and the future trend of hot topics. Some key bibliometric indexes such as single country articles, first author articles, and internationally collaborative articles are employed to give us a detailed picture about the intrinsic relationship and the state of the art of distributed control publications. Finally, the statistical analysis indicates that multi-agent systems are ex...
Network control system (NCS) approaches for distributed closed-loop control systems have been established in industrial control. However, recent advancements in cloud computing provide scalable, elastic, and low-cost networked computing capabilities over the internet, which can be utilized as an extension of NCS, in this term, cloud-based control systems (CCS) with a potential replacement of the controller. The main objective of this research is to use bibliometric analysis to obtain insight into diachronic productivity, the significant effect of the published information on the research network, and research trends based on term co-occurrences of the CCS domain. The literature study employs the PRISMA method to construct necessary inclusion criteria such as keywords, databases, publication year, accessibility, and primary article, then Publish or Perish is used to generate RIS formatted file for network analysis of co-authorship and term co-occurrence with VOSviewer. The results showed that Yuanqing Xia was the most prolific author in terms of the total published article and total citations received, China was the country with the highest publication output, and Elsevier was the publisher with the most significant impact factor. CCS emerged in 2012, and current research trends include control system architecture, controller, algorithm, stability, and approach on intelligent manufacturing.
The aim of the article is to discuss alternatives to the traditional peer review system and reconstruct the review praxis to include ideas from Mode 2 and the second generation of web solutions, often called Web 2.0. The article starts by discussing the concept of Research 2.0, which basically propose a gentle marriage between the concepts Mode 2 in the researchosphere and Web 2.0 in the webosphere.
The aim of the article is to discuss alternatives to the traditional peer review system and reconstruct the review praxis to include ideas from Mode 2 and the second generation of web solutions, often called Web 2.0. The article starts by discussing the concept of Research 2.0, which basically propose a gentle marriage between the concepts Mode 2 in the researchosphere and Web 2.0 in the webosphere.
This research work exemplifies a bibliometric study of communications published in the Journal of Informetrics from 2012 to 2016. The main schema and source used for this study is the Web of Science domain. A bibliometric analysis of 459 records was conducted using MS Excel. The study indicated that the maximum number of articles were in the year 2016, representing 23% of total contributions. Top contributing organizations during the study period were Max Planck Society of Germany, Indiana University of USA, and University Roma Tor Vergata of Italy. Top contributing authors included Lutz Bornmann, Mike Thelwall, and Ludo Waltman. China led top contributing countries followed by the United States of America and Italy. Authorship collaboration was dominated by multi-authored contributions as 72.11% of the communications were multi-authored while 27.89% of communications were single-authored. The degree of collaboration of JOI communications was found to be 72.1%. The average number of authors for JOI communications was 2.44. The highest number of references and tables/figures were appended to the communications published in JOI during 2016. Most of the papers (76%) accepted for publication in JOI were published within two months. This study investigated papers published in the Journal of Informetrics during 2012- 2016 only. This paper is valuable for teachers, researchers, and librarians who want to see the contemporary trends of published articles in the Journal of Informetrics and seek possible areas for further research.
The SciX (Open, self organising repository for scientific information exchange) project is funded by the European Commission in order to demonstrate the feasibility of new alternative models of scientific publishing made possible by the Internet. The project builds upon the previous experience of some of the partners in running an electronic peer reviewed journal and in setting up an e-prints archive. The project includes both theoretical work in making a formal model of the scientific publishing process, to be used as a basis for studying the life-cycle costs of alternative business models, and a demonstrator of a functioning e-prints archive.
The percentages of shares of world publications of the European Union and its member states, China, and the United States have been represented differently as a result of using different databases. An analytical variant of the Web-of-Science (of Thomson Reuters) enables us to study the dynamics in the world publication system in terms of the field-normalized top-1% and top-10% most-frequently-cited publications. Comparing the EU28, USA, and China at the global level shows a top-level dynamics that is different from the analysis in terms of shares of publications: the United States remains far more productive in the top-1% of all papers; China drops out of the competition for elite status; and the EU28 increased its share among the top-cited papers from 2000-2010. Some of the EU28 member states overtook the U.S. during this decade, but a clear divide remains between EU15 (Western Europe) and the Accession Countries.
We treated citations and collaboration from a spatial point of view with respect to twelve journals. Eleven of the journals are from the field of information science, the remaining one from the nanotechnology field. Publication data from Web of Science were used. The twelve journals were compared with respect to mean global impact (in terms of geographical citation distance), citation impact, share of foreign country citation links, degree of concentration of country citation links, and mean geographical collaboration distance. The information science journals oriented towards research evaluation tended to have lower global impact than the more general information science journals, whereas a reversed pattern was observed regarding share of foreign country citation links. For the relation between global impact and citation impact, there was a weak similarity between the global impact ordering and the citation impact ordering of the journals. Regarding the degree of concentration of country citation links, the links were found to be highly concentrated to certain countries, irrespective of if cited or citing countries were considered. For geographical collaboration distance, the nanotechnology journal in the study, Nature Nanotechnology, had the highest indicator value, which is in agreement with the outcome for global impact.
Scientometrics, 1998
The science and engineering base is a key source of knowledge for the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In order to be able to effectively describe and monitor world-wide scientific activity related to ICTs, it is important to be able to provide reliable macro-level statistics of this knowledge base. International bibliographic databases and related bibliometric indicators
The main objective of this bibliometric study is to examine the publications globally from the Journal of Information Science in the specific period of forty two years (1979-2020). It provides insights into research-based activities. The data was extracted from the Science Citation Index database, Web of Science. This analysis provides information about the document types, yearly published documents within 42 years, top productive authors, top productive institutions and countries, frequently used keywords, and greatly cited articles. These aspects also meet the objectives of the study and provide the major findings such as the majority of the publications are "articles" belong to the Department of Information Science from the UK. That is also a top productive country. The author "Oppenheim C." is on the first position with highest total publications (TP). The highly used keyword is "Information" and the article "Usage patterns of collaborative tagging systems" has the highest ranking in the citation. This bibliometric research will update the researchers about the writing trends, institutions, and the countries involved in research activities.
The present study analyses the Journal of Information Science for the time frame 2005 to 2014. The data for the study was retrieved from the official website of the journal. The analysis of the publications was done using various parameters such as authorship pattern, Degree of Collaboration, Collaborative index, Collaborative Coefficient, Country wise share of total publications. The findings of the study include the highest number of contributions to the journal were from UK (16.35%) followed by USA (13.57%). The values of Collaborative Coefficient (CC), Collaborative Index and Degree of Collaboration (DC) indicated that the authorship trend is shifting towards multi authorship.
Traditional research managements were mostly driven by expert opinions (i.e. bottomup up decision making system). In the last ten years, however, citation metrics provided by search systems for scholarly literature, like Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters), Scopus (Elsevier) and Google Scholar gain interest in boardrooms of research laboratories and universities. This bibliometric analysis can develop to serve research managements and science and technology strategy building. This paper provides and discusses some examples of such citation metrics and methodology of identifying and ranking research fronts. As a result,100 hottest world research fronts are introduced. The corresponding situation is reported for Vietnam and proposals for changes in research managements, policies and decision making are suggested for Vietnam and other developing countries.
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 2022
The paper analysed 699 papers published in Library & Information Science Research (LISR) during the period of 1994-2020. Google Scholar was used to obtain the number of citations received by these papers until April 30, 2021. The study examined the geographical distribution of published articles and also identified prolific institutions and authors. The study examined the impact of output of countries, institutions and authors using citation per paper (CPP) and i-10 index as indicators of impact. The study also examined the pattern of growth and identified the highly cited papers. Based on the analysis of data it is observed that maximum articles were published during the three years block of 2015-2017. The geographical distribution of output indicates that 51 countries contributed the 699 papers. Highest number of papers was contributed by authors from the USA though it had a low value of CPP in comparison to Norway and Finland. Among the institutions, Florida State University (USA) topped the list. However, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA had the highest value of CPP. During the period of study, 1,389 papers received 74,061 citations, of which only 41 (3 %) articles remained uncited.
Bibliometric methods (bibliographic coupling and co-citation) implicitly postulate impact factor and influence factor as criteria for evaluation of "knowledge maps" or "intellectual structures". However, bibliometric methods can also be used for presentations of "Historio-Bibliography", that is genealogical tree of primordial publications. Visual presentation of history of key publications which E. named historiograph. Using corpus of bibliographic data from doctoral dissertations we want to show the network of nodal publications from information science in the period from 1960 until today. Historiographs for presentations of Network of scientific publications could be generated with different methods (N. P. Hummon, P. : critical path method, bibliographic coupling method, citation method, co-citation method. We use these methods in order to show, by historiograph, historical overview of key publications in information science in Croatia. Chronological presentation of the development of scientific publication network also enables chronological analysis of certain authors' roles in scientific community from researchers and scholars to predecessors.
With the contributions of international experts, the book aims to explore the new boundaries of universal bibliographic control. Bibliographic control is radically changing because the bibliographic universe is radically changing: resources, agents, technologies, standards and practices. Among the main topics addressed: library cooperation networks; legal deposit; national bibliographies; new tools and standards (IFLA LRM, RDA, BIBFRAME); authority control and new alliances (Wikidata, Wikibase, Identifiers); new ways of indexing resources (artificial intelligence); institutional repositories; new book supply chain; “discoverability” in the IIIF digital ecosystem; role of thesauri and ontologies in the digital ecosystem; bibliographic control and search engines.
Scientific activity has become increasingly complex in recent years. The need for international research collaboration has thus become a common pattern in science. In this current landscape, countries face the problem of maintaining their competitiveness while cooperating with other countries to achieve relevant research outputs. In this international context, publications from international collaborations tend to achieve greater scientific impact than those from domestic ones. To design policies that improve the competitiveness of countries and organizations, it thus becomes necessary to understand the factors and mechanisms that influence the benefits and impact of international research. In this regard, the aim of this study is to confirm whether the differences in impact between international and domestic collaborations are affected by their topics and structure. To perform this study, we examined the Library and Information Science category of the Web of Science database betwee...
—The International Journal of Intelligent Systems was created on 1986. Today, the journal has become thirty years old. In order to celebrate this anniversary, this study develops a bibliometric review of all the papers published in the journal between 1986 and 2015. The results are mainly based on the Web of Science Core Collection that classifies the bibliographic material by using several indicators including the total number of publications and citations, the h-index, the cites per paper and the citing articles. Moreover, the work also uses the VOS viewer software for visualizing the main results through bibliographic coupling and co-citation. The results show a general overview of the leading trends that have influenced the journal in terms of highly cited papers, authors, journals, universities and countries.
The study examines the change in pattern of impact factor and SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR) of the journal under study from 2008 to 2021 besides examining the pattern of growth of the number of papers. The study identified the most prolific actors (authors, institutions, and countries), besides examining their citation impact in terms of citation per paper & relative citation impact. The pattern of citation and highly cited papers have also been identified. Based on the analysis of data it is observed that the number of articles published was highest and almost equal in the years 2013, 2016, and 2017. Using the methodology of the complete count of records, it is observed that 56 countries contributed 2,939 articles. China followed by the USA published the highest number of papers. The value of CPP was highest for Universidad de Granada (Spain) and Leiden University (the Netherlands). Among the authors, Nees Jan van Eck and Ludo Waltman of the Leiden University had the highest CPP. Only a minuscule number of published articles remained uncited. Article authored by Aria, M. and Cuccurullo, C. published in issue 11(4), 2017, 959-975 of the journal received the highest number of citations. The pattern of authorship indicates that during the first ten years, more papers were single and two-authored while during 2017-2021 more number of papers were multi-authored.
Proceedings of National Conference on Managerial Competencies for Library Professionals : Trends and Opportunities, 2019
The Present Study analyzed research Productiveness in Information and Management, the international journal of information systems theories and applications for a period of 30 years between 1989 and 2018. Web of Science database a service from Clarivate Analytics has been used to download citation and source data. Bibexcel and Histcite application software have been used to present the datasets. Analysis part focuses on the parameters like citation impact at local and global level, outstanding authors and their total output, ranking of contributing institutions and countries. In addition to this scientographical mapping of data is presented through graphs using VOSviewer software mapping technique.
El Profesional De La Informacion, 2012
He has published extensively in fields of systems theory, social network analysis, scientometrics, and the sociology of innovation.
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